Motorized faders DAW Controller

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by tchouangtseu, Apr 17, 2022.

  1. tchouangtseu

    tchouangtseu Kapellmeister

    Jan 4, 2021
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    On a hunt for a motorized faders controller working with Ableton and Reaper. Under 500 euros the choice is not amazing and prices went crazy since few weeks.
    Im looking to control volumes,pan,sends and ultimately some plugins parameters (but i already got a launch control xl for this...)
    Anyone using faderport 8 or Behringer x-touch with Ableton and willing to share their experience?
    I already own a console 1 from Softube so I could go with their faders unit, but the price is steep and I'd rather have something that works natively with any DAW.

    Costly units like SSL, Avid and the others are definitely not an option.
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Here the price performance winner:

    Behringer X-Touch Compact - 349 EUR

    - Universal Remote Control for DAWs
    - Mackie Control Mode for integration with any compatible music software
    - 9 touch-sensitive 100 mm motorized faders
    - 16 rotary potentiometers
    - 39 knobs for direct access

  4. tchouangtseu

    tchouangtseu Kapellmeister

    Jan 4, 2021
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    Thanks yes I've checked this one but couldn't figure if I can control the sends with it, or if I can flip the faders to sends like its bigger brother, x-touch...
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Behringer X-Touch Compact Review

    Behringer X-Touch | Ableton Live 9/10: Complete Walkthrough

  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Push encoder knobs – these 16 endless encoders each have a detent and push function (not illuminated), and a 13-segment amber LED ring. The top row of 8 knobs are typically used in Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) applications for fine control of parameters such as level or pan control of channels 1 to 8, and the 8 knobs on the right can be used for individual level and EQ adjustments.

    (2) Select buttons – these 3 x 8 buttons are typically used for DAW mixer channel applications such as solo or mute of channels 1 to 8.

    (3) Faders – these touch-sensitive motorized 100 mm faders are typically used for fine control of level functions in DAW applications. There are 8 channel faders and 1 master on the right. The faders can also be used for drawbar control of virtual organs.
    For this use, the value range can be inverted in the X-TOUCH editor software (min = 127, max = 0). Typical drawbar organ printing (16’, 5 1⁄3’, 8’ etc.) can be found next to the fader numbers (1, 2, 3..).

    (4) Select buttons – these 9 buttons are typically used for lighting applications (spotlight on/off), and sample triggering (notes on/off).

    (5) MC button – this select button can also be used to switch the unit between Mackie Control mode and standard mode. See the “Getting Started” section for more details.

    (6) Select buttons – these 6 buttons are typically used for DAW transport applications (e.g. play, rec, stop). They can also be reconfigured using the X-TOUCH editor software.

    (7) Layer A and B buttons – these 2 buttons allow selection between preset layer A (mixer control) and B (instrument control), in standard mode. In MC mode, there are different assignments. See MIDI Maps on pages 19 to 21. Presets can be saved or loaded to and from the computer using the X-TOUCH editor software.

    LED section – these LEDs show the status of the X-TOUCH COMPACT:
    INTERFACE USB – lit when the unit is connected correctly to the USB port of a live computer MIDI IN – lit when MIDI data is received MIDI OUT – lit when MIDI data is sent out FOOT SW – lit when the foot switch is in operation FOOT EXP – lit when the expression pedal is in operation MODE MC – lit when the unit is in Mackie Control mode

    (9) AC IN – securely connect the supplied AC power cord here.

    (10) POWER – press in to turn on the unit, press out to turn it off.

    (11) USB HUB – these 2 USB type A connectors are used for connecting external USB hardware such as a USB mouse, a keyboard, USB MIDI controllers such as the X-TOUCH MINI, and USB MIDI keyboards. The Hubcommunicates directly to the computer and not to the X-TOUCH COMPACT. Each connector can supply 5V USB power. The hub is only active when the X-TOUCH COMPACT is powered on, and in USB mode, connected to a live computer via the USB MIDI connector.

    (12) USB MIDI – this USB type B connector is used to connect to a computer’s USB port for MIDI data transfer (send/receive), and USB Hub communications. The X-TOUCH COMPACT will operate in USB mode when connected to a live computer via the supplied USB cord.
    It can also operate in stand-alone mode withno USB connection.
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The transport section also works as planned, start, stop, record, loop and rewind are implemented correctly. If there are more than eight channels in the current project, the channels can be stepped either in groups of 8 or in single steps. This is done with encoders 15 and 16, but there is no visual information about which channels are currently under your fingers. Using the Layer buttons, I can jump back and forth between left and right markers in Cubase.

    If you work in Mackie Control mode, all the controls of the X-Touch should already be assigned to certain functions at the factory. The mode of operation is quite clear. According to the Quick Start Guide, the eight encoders 9-16 are used to select a function, the encoders of the channel strip are then used to modify individual parameters.

    In practice, this means pressing encoder 10 (SEND), after which the send of the first aux path can be controlled, but only if this has already been activated. If you press encoder 12 (plug-in), you can scroll through your insert plug-in list with the encoders in the channel strip, for example, or activate or deactivate it. Each channel encoder is assigned to a specific function, i.e. channel encoder 2 takes care of switching the insert on and off, channel encoder 3 scrolls through the list of available plug-ins.

    So far so good. The big problem with the whole thing, however, is that there are no records of where which function and which parameter is hidden. In addition, you can only partially remote control the internal equalizer of Cubase, for example. It offers four frequency bands, but I could only edit two via the controller. So the whole thing has quite a bit of "trial and error" and is only inadequately implemented. Even after working with the X-Touch Compact for several days, I often did not succeed in targeting the desired parameter.

    According to Behringer, this is not a hardware problem, but is due to the respective DAW. The Mackie integration is done differently from software manufacturer to manufacturer, so the implementation does not always work 100%. According to Behringer Cubase is no exception, also in Logic or Ableton there are problems.

    The larger X-Touch controller should act much better, but this is mainly due to its displays. Because here the controller then shows the respective active parameter, which should lead to a much higher clarity. Unfortunately, the bigger brother of the X-Touch Compact was not available at the time of our test. We will take a closer look at it soon to see if it can hold its own better in Mackie Control mode.

    Source german:
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    User review:

    The X-Touch was my guest for one day. As a DAW controller for Logic X, it cut a good figure; the look and feel of the material are good. Only the fader caps do not make a quality impression.

    Once in use, the faders flit back and forth and create a background noise that can't be ignored. Monitoring is hardly possible and under the headphones I think all the time whether an old dot matrix printer could still be running somewhere.

    Those who pay attention to sound details in home recording will be permanently stressed by the X-Touch. The faders are not really loud, but the simultaneous whirring of up to 9 faders that do their work at different speeds I found very annoying.
  9. tchouangtseu

    tchouangtseu Kapellmeister

    Jan 4, 2021
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    Thanks @BEAT16 , I'll take a closer look at this one!
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Not perfect, but still a price-performance winner, much say the is good has a few limitations, sold very well so far. I would also take a closer look.
  11. Maria Valverde

    Maria Valverde Member

    Apr 28, 2022
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    Sister Site
    Behringer BCF2000-WH

    But you can buy only used ones

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  12. tchouangtseu

    tchouangtseu Kapellmeister

    Jan 4, 2021
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    Yes I had one for many years and finally sold it couple years was a really good unit!
  13. zpaces

    zpaces Platinum Record

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Behringer.... nothing more worth than a door stop.
  14. tchouangtseu

    tchouangtseu Kapellmeister

    Jan 4, 2021
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    They have prices hard to beat and their controllers are decent, for what I experienced in the past...would like to try higher tier units but dont have the budget right now
  15. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    forget them al (jk)
    cheap (now) and reliable

    icon qcon pro
    older model. used for 200 (and up)
    or the newer
    smaller platform M also 200 and up(used)

    if you are lucky, the rare but fine 9channel
    ICON iControls Pro
    the icon Qcon Lite/(now Nano) is a better Faderport, like a mix of faderport and Steinberg CC121
    and i must say, most people fare well on those one fader things!!!
    because its quite a change to go from no control - to full control +
    If you use cubase, with the new controller software, every control surface could work

    But you have to commit to it!
    As it could become just waste of space quite quickly
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  16. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    I am waiting for the new MIDI 2.0 protocol to be implemented in a DAW controller. These should be universal with high resolution and compatibility with almost any MIDI device.
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  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    It sounds like you already know the likelihood of this.
  18. jon doe like pizza dough

    jon doe like pizza dough Ultrasonic

    Dec 14, 2021
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    all right we all have to agree this is the best pls don't hate this post its all a load of fun
  19. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    Is there an actual release date? Because it was announced 10 years ago:rofl:
  20. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I have one x-touch and 2 expanders and they work very well with studio one and logic
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  21. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    To avoid noise, we can simply automate a gain plugin on acjhannel and don't automate the main fader :)
    Nice sideeffect of this is that we can use the main fader for relative gain corrections.

    btw the x-touch faders are morre silent then the faderport 16
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