Modular Synthesis Basics

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by BEAT16, Nov 27, 2022.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Modular Synthesis Basics

    Learn about modular synthesizers with these short videos. We simplify fancy jargon

    Introduction to Modular Synthesizers
    Five minutes gets you an overview of what a modular synthesizer is and a basic patch example.

    Voltage Control
    Voltage control is the most important concept to understand about modular patchable synthesizers. It's simple and powerful.

    Pitch and Gate
    Pitch signals control the pitch of oscillators using the 1-volt-per-octave standard. Gate signals indicate an ON/OFF condition like pressing a key or triggering an envelope.

    Envelopes are signals that make sound change over time. Envelopes control filters (VCF) and amplifiers (VCA) and more.

    Modulation just means an aspect of the sound is being changed.

    Waveforms and Harmonics
    Sine waves are smooth like flutes and sawtooth waves are brassy. Harmonics are the key.

    Amplitude and Polarity
    Amplitude of a signal is its volume. Polarity of a signal can be normal or inverted. Reversible attenuators explained too.

    Basic Synth Patch
    A simple patch to get you started. Step by step. One oscillator, a filter and other goodies to make it all work.

    Where does the sound come out?
    Everybody has this question but won't admit it :)

    7 Common Patching Mistakes
    Everyone learns these one way or another.

    Source and More:
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  3. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Omri Cohen on YouTube has some great tutorials
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