Midi Quest 12: failed to download .sqz

Discussion in 'Software' started by DimebagD, Mar 7, 2024.

  1. DimebagD

    DimebagD Newbie

    Mar 7, 2024
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    Hi all, first post here.
    I'm trying to use Midi Quest 12 with my TC G Major 2, I read the manual but I still cant' manage to install the instruments list.
    When I open MQ12, the instruments list is empty


    I tried to obtain the instruments list with Filezilla following the instructions in the manual, i.e.:

    Host: ftp.soundquest.org
    Username: [email protected]
    Password: MidiQuest12Download
    Encryption: Only use Plain FTP

    but all I got is a "temp" folder inside which there is a "midi quest ok" folder which is empty, a 1 KB kkkk.php file and a .ftpquota file also 1KB.
    There is no trace of the .sqz file.

    Finally, I pressed the Midi Quest TEST Instrument FTP Site button, I read ".ftpq" in the white colum, pressed OK, but I got this error message:


    It's the first time I use MQ12, so I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I read the manual and read old topics in the forum, I got that the instruments list is a key component of the software, but where is it?!
  3. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    The v12 instruments are no longer available "officially", and the v12.2+ instruments aren't backwards compatible. The only way to get v12 instruments is from anyone who downloaded and saved them all when they were still available.

    You'll have to search around for an archive like "Sound Quest Midi Quest 12 all .sqz-Files"
  4. DimebagD

    DimebagD Newbie

    Mar 7, 2024
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    Thanks a lot, your message was a lifesaver!
    I found it and I'm downloading it, it's a 751.11 MB file, but at 100kB/s I feel like I'm going 25 years back to when I had my 56K modem/very first ADSL line. It will take a couple of hours...

    My version, to be exact, is 12.1. I also looked for Midi Quest 13 "unofficially", but I can't find it.:dunno: There are two news dated 12.09.2023 @15:52 and 08.15.2023 @16:36, but no link to download the software.
  5. DimebagD

    DimebagD Newbie

    Mar 7, 2024
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    Downloaded and it worked quite finely with my TC Major 2. Just one crash in a couple of hours of tweaking.
    Thanks a lot for the tip!
    There's a lot of stuff in that file, I found also the panels for my Oberheim Matrix 1000, Korg Minilogue and Roland JD-990, even if I prefer the JD-990 Super Editor.

    @Rasputin do you know when MQ13 will be "unofficially" released?
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