Microsoft to stop producing Windows versions

Discussion in 'PC' started by foster911, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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  2. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    @The Revenant

    The reason I disagreed with your comments was mainly because I started using music software back in 1987 with ...

    It was public domain. As in FREE, gratis.
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  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    This is a terrible thing to say. And we are already back in those days : it's the rich and powerfull who decide who gets to be heard on the radio, seen on tv, expose on google search result, nothing to do with talent. The massive amount of shit you hear on youtube or else come from the fact that anyone can expose themself, but art is art, it doesn't change with medium. That doesn't get talent at all ahead. The days you're referring to, the donator days for artists like Da Vinci or elses were terrible days for artists. Most of them died young, broke, with no recognition, and the need to make art responding only to the artistic view of the Church and then the Prince was for them intolarable, talent didn't gain anything from it. It was a hell of a battle for Monet, Manet, Flaubert and others impose the movment of "l'art pour l'art", the art for the art, not for the wealthy and what you think is talented.
    The problem isn't talent with today's young producers, but patience and skills. They don't want to be artist, they want to be superstar. They don't give a shit a bout music. The richer don't care more about it.
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  4. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Really excellent!
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  5. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

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  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    well all companies try that shit, not only apple or MS.
  7. Soft_Ice

    Soft_Ice Ultrasonic

    May 26, 2016
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    I think it is August 1st, according to one of the tech papers. If you don't have it installed by then, well, you'll still have it installed anyway as your computer now belongs to microsoft, it's just that you really will have to pay for it. Who knows, this is microsoft, a company that lies and cheats and abuses its monopoly and its users. But apparently the nagging will stop on that date.

    Can't wait to rub it in to all those who thought this was 'free'. Going to be a few annoyed people when microsoft holds them all to ransom - your money or your data - in a little while.

    They may be more subtle about it, but they haven't been very subtle so far.

    This is just Palladium come to fruition. They are not only spying on you, selling your data to 3rd party advertising companies, they are giving it to the government as well. All your medical records, all your porn viewing, all the photos of your children, all your intellectual property is being 'slurped' (google it). People really have no idea.

    And of course, all that crack software you have will just be turned off.

    Oh, and any subversive stuff that they don't want you reading - banned books, banned artwork, banned writing such as Huckleberry Finn (no, really, look it up).

    So yes, it's time to pull all our DAWs off line and freeze them. It means not being able to buy and use any more software in a bit (say six months), but that is a small price to pay, for having a working machine. I have more than enough software and don't need any more anyway.

    Btw, you want to stop updating windows 7 as well - they are installing the spying 'telemetry' on there as well. There is serious talk of a class-action lawsuit against them. They are desperate, fighting for survival. I actually hope they get wiped out totally and cease to exist in a few years time. I got my copies of windows. I got my software.

    Microsoft leave me no choice in this matter. I do this simply because I paid for my computer, I pay for the bandwidth over the net (did you know microsoft are using your internet connection to torrent their forced 'upgrade' to other users?) and it's my life and my time being stolen.

    But be assured, this will go ahead. The masses will have no choice.They can't buy computers without winx on it, and they don't know how to set up linux. Which is a shame, as they are the very ones that could use linux for everything - they don't have to have windows to use the software they paid hundreds and thousands of dollars for like we do.

    I really can't wait for this to play out and to see even more people get burned. It's the only way people learn. But by then it will be too late. I will take consolation in 'well, I did try to warn you, but you said I was paranoid'.

    It's going to be fun popcorn time. Just wait until August 1st and see what happens.

    I was right, end of July, beginning of August -

    Despite outcries in forums, articles, and every other venue Microsoft has not issued an apology, a retraction, or mentioned in any way that they are going to cease these practices. The only mention of them ceasing any of it is that the upgrade to Windows 10 will no longer be free after this coming July.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest


    What do you think of the Bates8000,can it replace Windows 10?
  9. Soft_Ice

    Soft_Ice Ultrasonic

    May 26, 2016
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    No, it's not possible. Too many man hours needed and too much of a single vision required. Linux is an amalgam of hackers that do it for fun, they don't do it to make the world a better place (well, not all of them).

    There are things like Wine, and that certainly works for some people for some software for some of the time. But installing Linux is not something every noob can do. Yes, it is easy, but it is also another paradigm and people will have to totally go back to the drawing board to relearn what computers meant 'to them'. It is an inelegant and incomplete solution that takes much time, even if you did go down that road.

    Keep in mind that audio devs are not going to port their past software over to linux and that they aren't going to start developing for it any time soon. So this is it!

    Turn off windows update now. Pull the plug on your internet. Only use linux for websurfing on a separate machine or partition. You've all been screwed. It's just a case of people starting to finally wake up to the enormity of the situation. But things will start to hit home soon.

    This is war. Don't look to linux to solve this problem. It's a different kind of thing. Developers may even themselves start feeling the pinch, as the audio market is such a small nich, if a majority of people pull their computers off line in protest, then they will have to sit up and take notice. And when people stop buying their software, well, then it will be a new day.

    The devs tell us we don't develop on linux. We say, well we use windows 7. The devs say, well you need to use winX. We say FU, no way am I ever installing that pos. I'll go buy some software that works on linux now, or I'll buy software that is backwards compatible (all the way back to winxp which is my main rig).

    Yes, these are very interesting times. I see the microsoft shills are out in force at kvr and gs, as they make fun of those that have the temerity to think they actually own the computers that they paid for. I'm losing respect for people I've admired for years, but I won't buy their software or their products ever again now I see them shilling for microsoft. By all means, have an opinion, but make your argument at least somewhat valid. Calling me names is not going to help you in the long run.

    Most people will feel the way we do when they realise what is happening.

    I can also see many legitimate and long term users of paid for software reverting to using cracks once again in protest, and not just for practical purposes. Enough is enough. If you support microsoft, you support the stealing of my information and the planting of malware on my machine (yes, it slowed my machine down for months before I could fix it). This is a war. Do not take this lightly.

    Pretty soon, people are going to have to start picking sides. I give it till the end of the year until we get a major disruption and things start to get really nasty.

    If you thought the loudness wars and the daw wars and the apple vs. pc holy wars were bad, you ain't seen nothing yet kiddas!

    But to answer your question one final time, No, Linux is not the saviour on the shining horse, riding in like the cavalry to save us. That is just not going to happen. Windows is the only operating system that 99 percent of all the audio software runs on (at least what I have). Win 7 should be good for a few years yet though, so its not all doom and gloom.

    Insecurity was built in to the very core of the windows operating system for a reason. Now things are coming to pass, and the mask is slipping. No one should be under any illusions what is happening here. And this goes much deeper than audio software. It reaches to the very heart of privacy/anonymity with totalitarian governments all in bed with the evil tech firms.

    Just know that we can not win now. We are done for. The game is over. It's just a case of how much you are prepared to face up to in being had, and how much you are prepared to go down fighting. We shouldn't have been forced to make this choice, but we have.

    Best case scenario - we get a few more years of using our daws and softs offline, and we get away with using linux for surfing. By then, it will be illegal not to have a computer, and to not have it connected to the net, with the camera and microphone switched on.

    Linux is not the answer, nor will it ever be. We should have paid attention to what was going on, but it's too late. We just didn't love our freedom enough.
  10. Soft_Ice

    Soft_Ice Ultrasonic

    May 26, 2016
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    You know, I read some crackpot theories on the internet in general, and at audiosex in particular. There are many poor deranged and paranoid souls wandering around, lost. I can imagine many people laughing at your post and thinking you might have mental health problems.

    But, the reality of the situation is you are RIGHT. This is exactly what is going on. It's just that too many people in their little bubbles in the audio world are facing sever cognitive dissonance at the moment. Cognitive dissonance is when you have your world turned around and upside down by a 100 percent correct provable reality, that goes against everything they have ever known, every value they were ever taught. The brain/ego can not compute, so it acts out. Cognitive dissonance is the result of that. And then it displays in insults and name calling.

    I admire your ability to think for yourself. I admire your grasp on the true reality of the situation. Most others are not as enlightened as you, so be prepared for attacks on your character, should you voice these opinions in other, shall we say, less tolerant areas of the web. You know the places I'm talking about - the places where they call for physical harm and violence against people who use, say, for example, cracked software. But this is a much bigger issue, as you have so rightly outlined than us just being able to use the Os that we paid for. This is a humanitarian issue now. Your example of the illuminati shows your greater understanding.

    Do not yield. And do not give up the good fight. I salute you as a fellow warrior for the truth. May fate be kind to you as you make your difficult journey towards the light...
  11. Soft_Ice

    Soft_Ice Ultrasonic

    May 26, 2016
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    You are quite right. This is not about money, it is about control. Power is nothing without control. They have money. They have monopoly. This is simply about the turning of the thumb-screws, because, they can, and you can't stop them.

    Already they have their good little boys shilling for them on audio forums. AS if any of this has got squat to do with audio. This is not about audio. This is not about money.

    This is about control, and you learning your place like a good little boy. They want everyone so neutered and brain-washed, that there won't even be any dissent. Because we are legion and they are few. They fear us. They must put us in our place now the internet genie is out of the bottle.

    Remember those two words - 'power', 'control'. Soon you are going to start realising just how little (read zero) you personally have of those increasingly rare commodities. Just paying for your OS and your internet connection is not enough today. Your computer does NOT belong to you any more. It belongs to the government and microsoft is just a front for that power and control.

    This is about 'Mastering the Internet' (google that).

    There is a coming storm. They are just getting all their ducks in a row before they unleash the kraken.

    It's coming.

    superliquidsunshine I salute you sir - a fellow warrior for the light. We shall ride out together...
  12. Soft_Ice

    Soft_Ice Ultrasonic

    May 26, 2016
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    I'm afraid the situation is far more grave than that. They are recording all your conversations in your house via your television and your computer. They switch your microphone on if it is off, they switch your cameras on and watch you and your girlfriend having sex. They even share this among themselves for kicks, as they are above the law.

    They push news out in psychological operations via waves. We have just been through a recent wave. The google recording your audio to be held on a database business plus the other tech companies all coming out and saying this now. It's a push. A wave. It's meant to overwhelm you and make you feel powerless (well those that realise what is going on).

    In the UK, we already have microphones on the cameras that track us as we walk down the street, recording our conversations. Your mobile phone is constantly recording what you say and relaying it back to a database. Your TV. And soon to be your toaster and your guitar amp, as they wirelessly relay all that back too.

    This is not paranoia. They are recording your conversations you have in your bedroom and living room. This is a fact.

    I think the fact the world has not reacted in uproar over this blatant rape of our privacy (this is not about anonymity any more), shows just how much we really are living in the matrix.

    But remember kids, if you criticise microsoft on certain audio forums, you will be accused of wearing a 'tin-foil hat' - oh my aching sides - it's just so funny isn't it? Just because I don't want someone recording me and my girlfriend having sex, I somehow am equated with a person that has paranoid schizophrenia (a very real and traumatic disability to live with for those who know).

    So, it's not just online. They are recording our conversations in our houses where we dwell. They also do it in your car. Don't think they don't do it in your toilet as well. Because, well, that toilet roll just ran out, and you aren't capable of wiping your own ass anymore so we have to record it and send it back to base when you say 'oh god, what a stonker, didn't see that one coming, bloody hell, what a mess, oh no, I've run out of ****ing toilet paper again - SHIRLEY! SHIRLE, hurry up doll, I'm in a 'ell of a mess in 'ere"! - Then next thing you know, before your last cry, a knock on the downstairs door - it's 'pooper papers r us' - Excuse me sir, we couldn't help overhearing you are having some, shall we say, difficulty. We have the normal product at 50 percent off, but unfortunately, just like you, we have just run out. We do however, have the super-duper double strength extra quilted mr. whippee smoothee, for a slight premium, I will admit. So, take it or leave it, sir!

    What would you do? I'd just get Shirley to pay the bloody man and try to get rid of him as quickly as possible before the neighbours see.

    Is this the new world they have planned for us?
  13. Soft_Ice

    Soft_Ice Ultrasonic

    May 26, 2016
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    For anyone interested in 'Palladium' as I mentioned above, you can see this here

    This isn't security that does anything against viruses or malware - it's not that type of 'security' - think of it more as 'protection' as in 'protection racket'. I'll leave it to Bruce Schneier to have the last word

    "My fear is that Pd will lead us down a road where our computers are no longer our computers, but are instead owned by a variety of factions and companies all looking for a piece of our wallet. To the extent that Pd facilitates that reality, it's bad for society. I don't mind companies selling, renting, or licensing things to me, but the loss of the power, reach, and flexibility of the computer is too great a price to pay."

    That day has now arrived.

    This is security as in high-walled fences for the haves, so the have-nots can't get a piece of the pie too. Worse, it's security for the haves, when they come to take the last little bit of the pie that you worked hard for, just so you can't do anything about it.

    I'll leave it to you to digest the harsh reality of the situation here. And the implications of what this means for all our (and our children's) futures.
  14. jeffglobal

    jeffglobal Producer

    May 4, 2016
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    Most of you guys got it. The purpose of the cloud idea is the reintroduction of the "terminal" to "mainframe" idea, that was first used when computers were introduced. Computers are power in the wrong hands...

    Computing power really does democratize things (look at that nefarious bitcoin, and it's blockchain, oh no!), and the political class have noticed, so fk that, it's back to terminals for us. Never think, anything MicroSoftON does is not a cold blooded, sadistically enjoyed gambit. MicroSoftOn reminds me of a malformed man that attains power over ppl and just becomes the worst possible form of tyrant. They will just tell everyone, f u, terminal OS or nothing. Bill Gates said he wants to release GMO mosquito to vaccinate ppl...hmmm, sounds like informed consent to me. He already released GMO mosquitos in a South American country for "another purpose"? Sure, what ever makes you most comfortable to believe. What level of hubris does it take for a person to think, they'll just force you to do something?

    Wait for the propaganda to come out how computers are dangerous to have in the house like firearms are attacked today. I shite you not. You will see a cultural movement to remove computers from your home because they are too all your smart appliances and living spaces have less capable but universally connected computers to monitor you and the calories you consumed throughout the day, and if you don't stop, your credit card will not work at the grocery store because you went over your calorie allowance.

    Since cash has already been banned, you have no other way but, I assume swallowing...I mean bartering for bacon. That's what's coming. Some EU countries have set dates to eliminate cash altogether already, and the US is slowly turning off access to cash by making cash harder and harder to withdraw in amounts of any usefulness past a few days.

    The time of the prison town script is coming not just with the ppl on the dole's "benefits card" but for all of us. Remember the "golden rule?" He who has the gold (or control over it) rules. Imagine perfect universal control over money...that's what they're going for. Try to mine bitcoins or even use them over a terminal, when such transactions have been defined as "illegal."

    The only other reason for cloud computing is that they found you can make more capable combat robots if you don't need to have the full computing power on each drone, only the computing power needed to calculate navigation and movement on board, but then they need to always be connected to the net. They have the connectivity and bandwidth problem already solved, no worries.
    (old, but easy to find updates on progress)

    There is really no honest scifi dystopian movie or book, that has ever been made that truly shows what we have in store for us. It's part of the reason I'm learning Machinima, because no one would be willing to act in a movie that like Vaxxed, would obviously be actively suppressed.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2016
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    True that!
  16. The LT

    The LT Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2013
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    Moscow, Russian Federation
    Stickies have been in the MacOS since System 7, and that's 1991, dude. :) So, bad example right there. :)
  17. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    They plan to lose business I guess! But I don't think Bill Gates needs anymore anyway. I'm sure they will pass the torch to someone else. I'm happy with Windows 7. Best one they have ever come out with. Functionality of XP, looks of Vista. A perfect combo. Big brother 10 is no good in my books.
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    A lot of folks feel the way you do. And, so do I. Personally, once I retrieved all of Win 7 SP1's 'necessary' "updates", I disconnected my main DAW-based computer from the Internet and never looked back -- once! So, do as you will, Redmond...
  19. Trevor Gordon

    Trevor Gordon Platinum Record

    Mar 5, 2016
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    Considering Bill Gates attends those secretive Billderburg meetings with multi-billionaires, it wouldn't surprise me he's all about Big Brother. The Windows 10 is for free, hmmmm? Free? Or is there a trade off? We supply you Windows 10, you supply us all your personal information?

    What pushed me away from 10 was the fact it updated your Win 7/8 automatically without your consent! A little pushy aren't we? Why so pushy to give something away for free that probably cost millions to design?
  20. Jasmine

    Jasmine Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Nassau, Bahamas