Microsoft Openly Offered Cloud Data To The NSA

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Catalyst, May 18, 2014.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Microsoft’s cooperation with the NSA and FBI on the controversial Prism program has been laid bare in a new book written by an American journalist who brought it to public attention in the first place.

    Glenn Greenwald, the American journalist who worked extensively with Edward Snowden, wrote in a new book that Microsoft’s cloud services allowed the National Security Agency [NSA] to collect data from a range of its different cloud options.

    "Beginning on 7 March 2013, Prism now collects Microsoft SkyDrive data as part of Prism's standard Store Communications collection package for a tasked FISA Amendments Act Section 702 [FAA702] selector,” stated a slide released by Greenwald, according to Cloud Pro.

    It is detailed in Greenwald’s new book, No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA and the Surveillance State, and goes on to hint that Microsoft was implicit in the NSA data collecting process.

    "This success is the result of the FBI working for many months with Microsoft to get this tasking and collection solution established," the document stated.

    Part of the reason that it was able to do this was down to the FISA Amendment Act of 2008 that legalized NSA Internet surveillance and allowed warrantless wiretapping by the NSA and related agencies.

    "This means that analysts will no longer have to make a special request to SSO for this. This new capability will result in a much more complete and timely collection response from SSO for our enterprise customers," the documents added.

    Other sabotage methods employed by the NSA and outlined in Greenwald’s book include the supply-chain interdiction, which meant intercepting various communications products in order to carry out covert surveillance. This included routers and servers made by Cisco and involved implanting beacons before the products were repackaged and shipped out to customers across the world.

    "While American companies were being warned away from supposedly untrustworthy Chinese routers, foreign organizations would have been well advised to beware of American-made ones," Greenwald said.

    Source: BetaNews
  3. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    "Recent revelations that his company Microsoft has, for decades, built backdoors for government spying may put a few chinks in Gates' shining public armor.

    First, let me try to outline just how completely Microsoft sold you out to spy agencies. After NSA whistleblower Snowden outed Microsoft as complicit in the PRISM information sharing program, it has come to light that NSA has a backdoor to Microsoft-owned Skype, Windows operating system updates contain bypasses for the NSA, the encryption for Outlook is unlocked for the NSA prior to launches, and Internet Explorer is likely the most compromised.

    In short, this means the NSA has nearly full access to roughly 92% of the commercial computers in the world.

    If the description of the NSA-Microsoft marriage above isn't clear enough, perhaps a video showing what a spy can see when you're running Microsoft products will clarify it. The video below was put together by a private surveillance profiteer Mandiant to show how China is hacking America, presumably in hopes of stoking a very profitable cyber cold war. In their zeal to show how they catch alleged Chinese hackers in the act, they also reveal the generous backdoor they have into Windows computers:

    As this website reported when this video was released, actual hackers called this video a fake because no real hacker would ever use Windows.

    Here's a couple of early comments from the YouTube video that say it all:

    Hackers using windows.....

    This is bullshit! Lol!!!! A hacker providing a landline phone number to google and using windows wrong commands. LOL!!

    Whether this video is phony propaganda to incite cyberwar spending is for another article. Regardless, the complete takeover of a Windows user's computer by a private analyst is what's most disturbing about the video. This access makes keystroke logger technology, which records every keystroke made on the computer, look utterly obsolete.

    Now that it's been established that Bill Gates was not the good guy you thought he was all along, let's take a closer look at what the establishment props up as a hero.

    Bill Gates is an admitted advocate of population reduction. He's admitted that the goal of his immunization aid to third world countries is to reduce population. Don't believe me? See here and here. Also, through his foundation he owns 500,000 shares of Monsanto's stock and he is a public salesman GMO crops around the world. And this is just the scratching the surface of who the real Bill Gates is.

    Gates is a monopoly-man sell-out who now has nearly unlimited resources to dedicate to eradicating the plague he calls humanity from the earth.

    Hopefully, this Microsoft spying story will cause more people to question Gates' true intentions and those of an establishment that would deceive us into thinking he's somehow a knight in shining armor. Nothing could be further from the truth."

    extract from
    Just wanted to reply, wouldn`t have managed in my own words...fucking fascist...
    Looks like Win9 is "Cloud" based...
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