Microsoft delays rollout of the Windows 11 Recall feature yet again

Discussion in 'PC' started by Will Kweks, Nov 1, 2024.

  1. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Silly wabbit.. There isn't anything that cannot be reverse engineered. And if they attempt to embed it (without alternative choices) then that will be the final downfall of this loser leech of a "computer industry". They all think they are indispensable, but folks were getting along fine without all this shit for hundreds of years before all this capitalistic garbage appeared and they will get along just fine without it in the future.
  2. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Personally, I haven't used an official mickeysoft install image for almost 10 years due to the garbage loaded into them from the "factory". There will continue to be "versions" of the shit they put out that has all the garbage removed or at least optional so that one is not obliged to put up with the proverbial microsoft thumb up your ass every time you turn on a computer.

    Truer words never spoken.
  3. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    when all you have is a screwdriver, every problem needs a screwdriver. When you are selling AI, all your solutions are AI.. funny how that works.
    if you want to know how to rapidly find all the images that share a common attribute, Ie "all the villages in flame from AI arson", you would have image tags, like time of day (night,morning,etc) Major Attributes (Village,Flames)
    Implied Verbs, "arson,violence,looting,etc", along with other suitable tags.

    Newspapers used to have a "morgue" interns and naughty reporters were sent there to sort and catalog photos for archiving and tagging. Its not a new idea or a new process. It can be done without AI. it WAS done without AI..

    you embedd the tags inside the file, look at the DICOM standard for Medical files.

    This Standard has been developed with an emphasis on diagnostic medical imaging as practiced in radiology, cardiology, pathology, dentistry, ophthalmology and related disciplines, and image-based therapies such as interventional radiology, radiotherapy and surgery. However, it is also applicable to a wide range of image and non-image related information exchanged in clinical, research, veterinary, and other medical environments.


    Regarding contextual searching of programming code, thats the whole point of commenting your code. You must use meaningful comments, not generic "search routine1" more like "to search for all user input from subroutine A123, in databases selected in subroutine S456, for output to be used in Resultsxyz" or something that will be both meaningful and contextual, that can provide the handholds to climb the mountain of code you shat out over weeks... Its okay to add comments when cleaning up your code and fixing bugs as well. Its not a
    pristine creation from on high, its smart monkeys making up stuff as they go along.

    History has a long line of MAGIC TECHNOLOGY, read some old pulp magazines and see how ELECTRICITY was going to fix everything, I was reading Gernsback Electric Review from 1918 last night while waiting for the Sandman, and enjoyed the irony of reading a story on the Telephot, which was a FUTURE invention, based on electricity that would send pictures over the telephone line so that people having a conversation (an ancient social construct where people would talk to each other in real time over a copper wire) could see each other as well. It was impossible at the time as the only light sensitive material they had was Selenium and it had low resolution and long image retention amongs other issues. Other topics involved treating seed corn with metal coatings and using electricity injected into the ground to increase crop yields and reduce pests.

    Radio offered similiar promise, it would cure cancer and all other diseases, etc.

    AI is just another panacea, being sold as the perfect tool for whatever is lacking, as a cover to implement a weapon that will destroy society as we know it, just as the industrial revolution destroyed the cottage industries of merry old England and brought forth the TimeClock and mankind's regulation of the day and the hours of labour at the factories and mines. We are as a species especially blind to our own nature and inclined to beleive the our betters to be benign and benevolent, when all past data indicates the opposite.

    A dram of caution is indicated as well as a generous scoop of reserved observation before opening arms wide to embrace the deadly kiss of progress and the chaos she brings to you.
  4. Will Kweks

    Will Kweks Rock Star

    Oct 31, 2023
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    I'm not going to bother responding to all of that, zero point in doing that, but who in the fuck has said AI is panacea? I certainly haven't.
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