Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !! (though dissapointed)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Sofia 19, Dec 26, 2016.

  1. Sofia 19

    Sofia 19 Member

    Dec 26, 2016
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    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to each and everyone of you !! i wish the best of health and hapiness for all of you and your families , and also lots and lots of music inspiration and ideas and fantastic tracks!!

    Truth is however i am a bit dissapointed,i was planning this year to be my last year of downloading stuff! i was hoping i would see stuff like "Plugin Alliance 2017 bundle" "Softube Modular with the rest of the fx bunch included" "Vengeance.All.19.Plugins.Bundle-AudioUtopia" Synapse Audio The Legend , "KV331.Synthmasters.Latest.Version.Working.Keygen.Included-R2R" "Berlin Orchestral Tools .Berlin.Brass.Full.180gb.Get.A.New.HDD.SynthicAtE" aCubase.Pro.v8.5 and Cubase Pro 9 ,Sylenth3,reFX.Nexus.2, ok the 4 last mostly because i hold a grudge against rich folks on KVR who think they have an advantage because they got the money to buy plugins that aren't cracked and think Cubase and the rompler Nexus are the diamond in the haystack , i would download these even if i would never use and call it the quits for the rest of a lifetime , we got plenty enough to make a hit in almost any musical genre we want , well except for those killer unique vocals which unfortunately only the blessed are possesed with

    those Vengeance plugins are sweet though, goddamn , truth be told

    anyway before any smartass jumps in to say how ungrateful i am and whatnot , i reply

    mind your own business fellow musicmaker, i am just stating how i feel sincerely, i would mostly want all the above to get cracked and distributed amongst fellow poor musicians just so all those rich GAS-addicted hobbyists and consumers shut up praising about e-licenser and iLok for a tad while
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  3. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    If you had add "SoundToys.v5.1.1.12200.WIN-AudioUTOPiA", then you would have been (really) ungrateful.
    Jokes aside, teams have certainly kept some nuggets in stock for their upcoming "HAPPY NEW YEAR" series...
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  4. Windows97

    Windows97 Ultrasonic

    Mar 14, 2016
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    Huge expectations lead to great frustrations
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  5. Sofia 19

    Sofia 19 Member

    Dec 26, 2016
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    same reason i didnt mention "Uvi.Falcon.vSomething.Full.With.Content" or reFX.Avenger :bleh:
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  6. Windows97

    Windows97 Ultrasonic

    Mar 14, 2016
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    Many crack = few plugins being developed and lots of protection being deployed
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  7. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    You should ask yourself, would having all of the plugins you mentioned honestly help you to make better music? Would they help you to get the ideas that are in your head to play through your speakers so that others can also hear them? Plugins by themselves are not very useful unless you have interesting ideas that you want to express.

    Honestly, it just sounds like your motivation is bitterness. That's not very good inspiration to produce music from.
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  8. Sofia 19

    Sofia 19 Member

    Dec 26, 2016
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    i disagree, besides i am a singer , my brother is the real nerd and pluginfreak he sits in front of his pc all day long, and he records me and my best friend we are trying to produce something good , now unless there is a plugin that can make my vocals resemble those of Pink or Gwen Stefani's i care not
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  9. thomas

    thomas Noisemaker

    Mar 22, 2016
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    What would happen if there are no teams who crack stuff, what are we paying to get these stuff, so be happy with what we have.

    If not Cubase then use studio one, reaper etc.
    There are loads of library to create any type of music.
    It is the mind which creates music, not any Daw or plugin, even the stock plugins in any daw is more powerful than we imagine.

    Happy music creation:dj:
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  10. Rohan

    Rohan Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Wait till you see "Happy New Year", don't be greedy. Best of luck for your production!
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  11. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Sounds a bit like bitterness to me.
    After reading these two quotes, can't you understand why someone might think you sound bitter?

    If you need a magic plugin to improve your vocals, maybe you just weren't cut out to be a singer. I'm sure you're good at other things. Maybe you should focus on those.
  12. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    we all always want what we cant/don't have, I guarantee if you got and had all those plugs you just mentiod? You would try them out maybe once or twice
    to see all the hype,and then probably walk away? Yep Guaranteed you would :bleh:
    and by the way no matter how you want to try and word it,! You are very ungrateful, your lucky you have already what you have

    oh hell and by the way! This line is what really cracked me up below

    Truth is however i am a bit dissapointed,i was planning this year to be my last year of downloading stuff
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
  13. Marsupilami

    Marsupilami Guest

    Speaking of bitter ... forgot to go for sugar, coffee without is disappointing.
    No, it`s a Christmas bummer, whats wrong with 2016 ?

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
  14. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I legally own ReFX Nexus2 (with all expansions) & everything refx/vengeance sound ever made. All the products you listed I actually have. But I don't think I have an advantage over anyone on here. Everyone here is here for the same reasons I am - and that is to grow their skills while having a good time with fellow members. I've made some good friends on here and also have quite a few haters. I play 13 different musical instruments too but do I consider myself superior? Not at all. Matter of fact, I consider myself inferior because I'm my own worst critic. I don't think any person is superior to the other. Everyone is made of the same biological elements on the inside... the same internal organs, the same color blood, sharing the same world so why differentiate?
    Anyways I'm actually surprised. I didn't expect crap for xmas from AudioZ. Last year there was crap for mac users like me. I got to watch all the PC users get all these goodies while I just sat there like "congrats you guys lol". I got more from R2R this year than I did from my own family. Matter of fact, I like my AudioZ presents more than I like my presents I got from my relatives (which I was thoroughly surprised I even got something from them... which was essentially just a couple shirts that were too large for my petit 5'6" 135 pound body. Lol. This is that time of year where I open up my presents (if I get any) and I'm say silently to myself "Holy crap you guys have no clue who I am or what I am into huh?" Then I log onto AudioZ and take a good look at the gifts & I'm like "R2R gets me and that's why I log on here every day of ever week year round haha"
    Anyway merry christmas to you too. :hug:
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  15. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed.
    Sure I do have my wish list, but people made music before any of those magic plugins were made so it's only up to me to get better.
    To tell the truth - I'm satisfied with what I have now. :yes:

    BTW, why do you wish for Berlin Brass when you have all the brass by Sample Modeling already available for 3-4 years or so?
    Any sampled brass can't really compare to SM, as you're given the flexibility of the real instruments, not just some prerecorded articulations. Most importantly, you can time your phrases perfectly right, with sampled brass you'd have to resort to tenuto articulations with release tail, far worse alternative sound-wise and far more difficult to make.

    @Impressive Damn, with all you've produced so far. What's your driving force, your main motivation? :bow:
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
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  16. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    To be honest, I care less for new releases than updates of old ones, because old releases are the ones I master best, I use the most and, paradoxically, frustrate me the most because of the corrected bugs in their new versions.

    It is not the elements which constitute us that matter, but their quality and the way in which they are arranged. You can not deny that there are people who are less clever than others (but thanks to an happy natural equity, idiots often run faster than geniuses). If we were all the same, there would be no reason to prefer one partner in bed/life over another, and the sentence "You're so unique" would lose all its meaning...
    Sorry to have to tell you this, but by dint of wanting to be too "politically correct", you end up saying bullshit. Anyway, merry Christmas to you too. :hug:
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2016
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Merry xmas !
    Many people own one or a few of the products you quote and are not rich...But a part of what you say is true some people think that having this plugin or that plugin makes production is not the case.
    Synthmaster 2 if you don't take the bundle is very unexpensive, specially now with a big discount, I think it's like 60$. It's the opportunity to learn to use a synth that offers a lot and will make a lot of other synths seem easy as it is very powerfull and requires a bit of knowledge and training if you want to do sound design and not use presets. Sometimes the hard way can get you further then the "easy" way, if you have just one or two vey powerfull synths (synthmaster 2 and vengeance avenger for instance, right now it would cost you 240$), you learn to use them and you make the best out of it/them. There are a lot of unexpensive high qualities instruments (synths or not) outhere. If you browse through the forum pages you will find many fine recommandations by audiosexers who share your situation.
    Some people have money now, they hadn't yesterday and they aren't snotty brats that hate broke musicians, they are sometimes just ex poor musicians who succeeded and now can buy their plugins. You might get there one day too, I hope it for you.
    Have a great holiday season. Like everyone on Audiosex ! :mates:
  18. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    1st world problems really are a bitch.

    Still at least you wont die from lack of cubase9.
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  19. burgvogt

    burgvogt Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2015
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    First: Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to you all!
    Just out of curiosity I have downloaded tons of cracked stuff but hardly ever use it. I own legit Cubase9 and NI Komplete and to be honest, I do not need any more stuff to make the music I like. Yet, when I hear my productions of 15 years back with the then available software I don't find such great differences. It's the music that counts not the software!
  20. michaelbrac

    michaelbrac Guest

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  21. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Plugins and sample libraries won't give you talent...
    BTW, "Some causes of greed include psychological addiction, self-doubt or other negative feelings, narcissism, and an unconscious correlation between wealth and self-worth, according to Psychology Today. Greed is defined as excessive desire, especially for wealth or possessions."