MeldaProduction Updates all to 9.06

Discussion in 'Software News' started by mild pump milk, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    All effects and MPowerSynth have been updated to 9.06 and MDrumEnhancer has been officially released.
    9.06 comes with a few new features and fixes. It is not a big update and hence it is optional. To do that, get the newest version from our download page and use it.
    See the list of changes for effects and list of changes for MPowerSynth for further information. MDrumEnhancer, a unique plugin for processing drums, is now officially released.

    MTotalBundle 9.06 changes:
    - Added fully featured analyzer & sonogram to MReverb, MMultiBandReverb and MDrumEnhancer.
    - Any directory tree now hides system and hidden files.
    - "Semitones" word has been removed from all units to save space.
    - Note name and offset in cents is now displayed in all parametric equalizers when moving a band.
    - Added "Append number to the filename" to MRecorder.
    - Active preset buttons are now slightly smaller to save space.
    - "Global file system" option in MMultiBandConvolution and MXXX renamed to "Custom path".
    - Fix: MOscillator ignored Normalize flag (if off).
    - Fix: Modulator side-chain switch didn't update when modulated/automated.

    MPowerSynth 9.06 changes:
    - Any directory tree now hides system and hidden files.
    - "Global file system" option in Convolution FX renamed to "Custom path".
    - "Semitones" word has been removed from all units to save space.
    - Note name and offset in cents is now displayed in all parametric equalizers when moving a band.
    - Added fully featured analyzer & sonogram to Reverb FX.
    - Fix: Modulating oscillator shape could lead to lots of zipper noise in certain situations.
    - Fix: Oscillators ignored Normalize flag (if off) unless Low quality mode has been used.
