Megaupload Readies for Comeback, Code 90% Done

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by light59, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Megaupload Readies for Comeback, Code 90% Done!


    September 23, 2012

    January this year the U.S. Government destroyed Megaupload, but founder Kim Dotcom is a not done with the file-hosting business yet and is preparing to come back with a vengeance. The coding work for the new Megaupload is nearly finished, the servers have been ordered, and investors are lining up. A return of the file-hosting site appears to be looming.

    With 50 million visitors per day at its peak, Megaupload was one of the largest websites on the Internet.

    This quickly changed January this year when the U.S. Government took down the file-hosting service and had several key employees arrested including founder Kim Dotcom.

    Abruptly, the focus of Megaupload’s team shifted from serving customers to defending itself in a high-profile criminal prosecution. While the criminal case is moving ahead very slowly, Megaupload’s founder does have some progress to report on another front.

    Dotcom previously announced that he planned to bring Megaupload back to life, and new information suggests that this may happen rather quickly. In an update this weekend he tweets that most of the work on the second incarnation of the site is already done.

    “Quick update on the new Mega: Code 90% done. Servers on the way. Lawyers, partners and investors are ready,” Dotcom teases. “Be patient it’s coming,” he adds.

    From the brief progress update it’s clear that the site is on schedule for launch later this year. In addition, it’s interesting to note that despite the ongoing criminal case, partners and investors are happy to be involved.

    In recent weeks Dotcom has delivered several hints about the new Megaupload, which he says will be bigger and better than the file-hosting service that was taken down.

    “We are building a massive global network. All non-US hosters will be able to connect servers & bandwidth,” he explained earlier.

    According to Dotcom, we can expect a Megaupload with an even greater range of applications than just file-sharing. While developers of file managers are being encouraged to get in touch for early API access, Dotcom is also calling out to those involved in email and fax tools, VOIP and video apps.

    It’s clear that Dotcom doesn’t have the slightest urge to throw in the towel.

    “They abused the wrong guy. I am going to turn this world upside down. Power to the people. Bye bye Echelon. Hello Freedom,” Dotcom added.

    It will be at least a few more weeks before the new Megaupload appears online, but there are exciting times ahead. MEGA exciting.


    NZ Prime Minister apologizes to MegaUpload's Kim DotCom


    By Rick Burgess
    On September 28, 2012, 6:00 PM EST

    Today New Zealand's Prime Minister John Key issued an apology to Kim DotCom for failing to protect him against illegal surveillance performed by NZ authorities. DotCom is the brains behind the long defunct MegaUpload, a file sharing service shut down due to International copyright concerns.

    Despite the resulting over-the-top swoop on Dotcom's mansion, featuring armed police and helicopters, Dotcom presented no threat. However, indignant at his treatment, the 39-year-old German tech mogul has since exacted his revenge on Government figures and top public servants.

    He and his legal team have exposed a series of legal blunders which threaten to blow the case apart, impugn New Zealand's international reputation, and potentially expose the Crown to a massive law suit. From Prime Minister John Key to the officer in charge of the case, reputations lie shredded in the fallout.

    The prime minister has had to grit his teeth through two related scandals.

    In April, Dotcom revealed he had given ACT Party leader John Banks a $50,000 donation to his ultimately unsuccessful 2010 campaign for the Auckland mayoralty. The gift was registered by Mr Banks as anonymous - sparking a police investigation into whether he had broken local government electoral laws. Although no charges were laid, police made it clear the law was broken and Mr Key has repeatedly had to defend his minister and coalition partner.

    The Prime Minister's apology stems from an inquiry which unveiled the Government Communications Security Bureau mistakenly believed it could legally spy on DotCom --a concerted effort between NZ authorities and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    "I apologise to Mr Dotcom, I apologise to New Zealanders because every New Zealander that sits within the category of having permanent residency or is a New Zealand citizen is entitled to be protected from the law when it comes to the GCSB, and we failed to provide that appropriate protection for him,"

    Source:, John Key - New Zealand Prime Minister


    Kim Dotcom’s revenge is coming soon to a computer near you!


    Kim Dotcom, founder of Megaupload, may have received an official apology from New Zealand Prime minister after New Zealand’s secret services illegally spied on him, but his ambitions for revenge are undimmed. His tool: a new version of Megaupload, shut down last January, reportedly launching before the end of the year.

    Indeed, the code of the new version of Megaupload is said to be almost done. Kim Dotcom announced in a crystal-clear tweet on September 23rd: “Quick update on the new Mega: Code 90% done. Servers on the way. Lawyers, Partners & Investors ready. Be patient. It’s coming,” he said.

    According to TorrentFreak, a news website specialized in the filesharing industry, the new Megaupload could see the light of day before the end of the year. Kim Dotcom also dropped hints regarding some characteristics of the new version.

    The website should be better and bigger, according to Dotcom: “We are building a massive global network. All non-US hosters will be able to connect servers & bandwidth,” he told TorrentFreak.

    The new Megaupload may also have a broader range of functions than just file-sharing, as Dotcom has been looking for partners in email, VOIP and video app technologies. The new version is highly anticipated; before it was shut down, Megaupload received up to 50 million visits a day.

    Megabox, the ultimate anti-music label weapon?

    The new Megaupload is not the only project Dotcom plans to launch in the near future. He revealed on September 26th a video trailer introducing Megabox, a new kind of online platform to sell and download music.

    YouTube link:

    TorrentFreak says the goal of this site is to distribute free music online and pay artists with ad revenue. The Megabox subscribers will have to install an app that replaces ads visible on webpages by ads from Megabox. The subscribers who don’t install the app may use Megabox to purchase music normally.

    This system, Kim Dotcom says, will allow fairer and more direct rewards for artists than the model set up by music labels. “These new solutions will allow content creators to keep 90% of all earnings and generate significant income from the untapped market of free downloads,” Dotcom said.

    Despite all these projects, Mr. Dotcom still faces possible extradition to the United States in March 2013 when a New Zealand court will judge his case. In the months since his arrest, however, he has successfully challenged some aspects of the case against him in New Zealand courts, including winning more favorable bail conditions and forcing United States prosecutors to turn over Federal Bureau of Investigation files to his defense.

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Is it really true ?? :wow:
  4. Banned

    Nov 21, 2011
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    yes really treu also he launched a video about megabox it's amazing it's comming soon, so this will FUCK the sopa, pipa
  5. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    damn he is fat :(
  6. google

    google Newbie

    Jun 18, 2011
    Likes Received:
    fat and rich lolz
  7. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    I have stated this many times and will continue to post this even if I am arrested which I was for some mischief at a Gathering against the banks here in Canada.

    I am a human being not a fkin number, why am I forced to steal to try crap out? I am forced to download cracked applications to try them out? WTF world are we living in?

    I have a right to learn as a human being, and by god will steal if I have to to learn something. No government, no company is going to tell me otherwise

    Any company the only caters to the elite and morons with big wallets who think they look cool using some software when they do not know crap about it is
    and should be a target for crackers as that is disgusting to cater to the elite.

    As regular joes we are at the mercy of guys like DOTCOM to give us a way out of the "sorry you are poor so you have no right to use our sofware, we do not give a crap that you know more than the people we sell to "

    That attitude is why Piracy is going to become an even bigger problem, 1's an 0's costing thousands of dollars, well I guess now I can sell a potatoe for a million dollars, which one is more important a$$holes!!!

    To any company who uses this mentality CRACK ALL THEIR CRAP!!!
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