MB wifi Problem

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Yellow Raven, Sep 6, 2022.

  1. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    Hello Guys,

    I have to admit when it comes to internet, wifi, routers, pin etc... I am completely useless.
    I have a PC with a motherbord that has built in Wifi. it is 2 meter away from the modem behind me. it's not working. it can connect to my cell hotspot and it works if I connect a internet cable directly from the modem but not through wifi. I hope I explaned that clearly.
    the thing is it used to work perfectly but suddenly it stpped (after I took the PC to the store to install a second SSD) so I retook it to the store and they tell me everything is fine and I should check the internet provider and alas these guys don't respond in the place I live.
    can anybody help me?
    thank u all.
  3. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I would have asked you: "did you do something between it's working and it's not working?" but you already answered.

    Is it Win 10?
    However, before accusing shop service, check network status (right click icon in tray), hardware status from control panel (are there warning marks?), after that we can see.
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  4. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    Yes it is Win 10
    The MB is: ASRock Z590 Phantom Gaming 4/ac+ – WIFI
    if I unplug the internet cable, right click the internet icon and tell it to fix the problem. it seems that the wifi icon is ON
    but it tells me: "Wi-Fi" doesn't have a valid IP configuration.
    your help is much appreciated. :wink:
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    How to Fix a “Wi-Fi Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration” Error
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  6. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    Hello, thank you for the input however I did all that and followed all the steps and still it's giving me the msg:
    "Wi-Fi" doesn't have a valid IP configuration.
    and one new msg:
    "The default gateway is not available"
    so the problem remains.
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Last edited: Sep 6, 2022
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    He already verified he has active internet service by connecting an ethernet cable from the cable modem to the computer.

    To install his NEW additional SSD these guys at the store had the computer open. Nothing they did with software should have affected the Motherboard, unless they flashed BIOS.

    They probably left a wiring clip disconnected, or some other physical error.

    I'd open the machine and inspect their work.
  9. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Assuming you did everything (literally everything) that @BEAT16 suggested in the first link, cause those are all very standard troubleshooting procedures that fix the vast majority of connection problems, @clone may be on to something.

    Looking at your motherboard, and I could be wrong, but it looks like the wifi comes from a small module inserted into one of your m.2 slots. It's described in the manual on page 29. I'd shut down your PC, open the case and have a look at this.. maybe re-seat it.

    You said they installed an SSD, but you didn't mention if it was an m.2 drive or SATA drive.. if it was an m.2 drive (common for NVMe SSD drives), I kinda wonder if they popped this out temporarily, not realizing what it was, or something. It seems this also controls BLUETOOTH, so it might be another test to see if you can connect your phone to your PC via Bluetooth. If that also doesn't work, then maybe that's a sign that this module isn't working (and hopefully a re-seat will fix it).

    Also, 2-feet away, I wouldn't think it would matter, but if your mobo came with antennas for wifi, make sure you have those connected.

    FYI, here's a different ASRock mobo with the wifi card so you know what it looks like:
    According to the manual, it will be between your two full PCI slots.. right beside PCIe2, close to where your CMOS battery is... https://i.imgur.com/HQDg0AU.png
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2022
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  10. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    but they tested the hotspot and it woked. i tested it before at home and it worked also. today i couldn't get it to work. :disco:
  11. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    actually they installed 2 additonal SSDs one nvme and one sata.
    the antennas are plugged and I made sure to remove them when packing the case so they don't get damaged.
    your suggestion is quite possible. I imagine by re-seat you mean re-set? or that it needs nudging to re-seat in place?
    this is a pretty annoying problem especially that the PC is only few month old. :crazy:
  12. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    By re-seat, I mean take it out of the slot, and push it back in. I.e., I'm suggesting maybe it isn't in there properly. I think they're fairly dummy proof though, if the screw is screwed down, so I'd be kinda surprised if that's all it was. Definitely try the bluetooth too though, like I said, because they share the same card.

    I'm a bit confused now, because I'm watching an unboxing of this motherboard, and the box says it doesn't come with the module. Do you for sure have the module hooked up in yours? If not, is there something else in the PC you're using to connect via Wifi (ex. a PCIe card)? It doesn't look like this motherboard has Wifi capability on its own without a module in there, so you may be using something else for wifi connectivity, and it'd be helpful to know what. During the process of opening your case, you may want to jot down whatever brand/model of card/module you're using for your Wifi too so we know.

    BTW, a couple of obvious troubleshooting steps you could try, if you can:
    - try bringing your PC to a friends and test connecting to their Wifi (if you can no longer connect to your phone hotspot, I don't think I'd bother)
    - try a different m.2 wifi module, or PCIe wireless card. Borrow one, if you have to.. but they're super cheap.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2022
  13. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    One more note for you on this too, if you're using that module, by the looks of it, there's a couple of wires that run from the module to the antenna. I've never had an m.2 wifi module before, so I'm not sure how those connect, but make sure those are hooked up..... IF using the m.2 wifi module.

    I did this pic up to help show what I mean:
    A clearer pic showing the connection from the module (a different Asrock Z590 board, but same shit):

    Edit: I looked, and it looks like these connections are attached on the antenna side, and are manually snapped into the m.2 module, so be sure those are connected or your antennas are useless! Also, someone can confirm this, but a bit to my surprise, it looks like each cable goes specifically into a specific spot (not interchangeable).
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2022
  14. Myfanwy

    Myfanwy Platinum Record

    Sep 16, 2020
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    Please read the first post carefully, he mentions that he can connect to his cell phone hotspot, so obviously the wifi adapter is working.

    Have you checked the wifi settings of your router? Connect your pc by ethernet cable, go into the wifi configuration menu of the router and check that new devices are allowed to connect and that DHCP is activated.

    Are any other devices like phone or tablet/laptop connecting correctly to the router?
  15. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    delete that "remembered" WiFi in windows network settings,
    make sure you're allocating valid free IP address in DHCP of your router/modem
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Well, when you mentioned the first additional SSD; you did not mention them Reinstalling Windows. So I figured you just had the new drive installed for additional storage, in which case they would not reinstall the operating system.

    Did they reinstall the OS or not? Because like the original reply mentions, what happened since it last worked 100%? None of the Networking settings should have been changed just to add new drives. Unless they had to flash BIOS, which then could affect settings/software related to this, because the wifi adapter is on the motherboard.

    Do you have a USB Wifi adapter, by chance? Like an Alfa Networks or Ubiquity? Easy way to look at your wifi/networking.

    Remember you are reviewing the outcome of a repair. A technician took a machine which was functioning how it was supposed to, and now it's not. The cause does not take a lot of detective skill to figure out. The repair wasn't done "correctly". So what did they do wrong then?

    Remember that when we "Re-Seat" components like @naitguy posted, we are ensuring correct connection. By disconnecting completely, we rule out intermittent problems caused by *loose* components; because they can behave differently than completely disconnected components. They can seemingly fail randomly, but there is no such animal.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2022
  17. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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  18. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    Hey Pal thank you for taking the trouble. much appreciated. the MB sure has wifi case it was working fine for almost two monthes.
    I checked (without opening the case, glass side panel) and just like the picture u provided there are two cables running from the m2 module to the antennas.
    later I will try and wiggle them to see they are not out of place.

    thanks again
  19. Yellow Raven

    Yellow Raven Platinum Record

    May 26, 2019
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    Lebanon. Beirut.
    that is beyond my capabilities I am afraid.
    one more thing, all tablets and phones at home work fine with the router.
  20. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You should still completely power cycle the router and modems, if that was not part of the procedures already posted. If either of them have a battery for standby power, etc. I would remove those also for 30 seconds or so.

    This can force some of the clients (other machines) to regain dhcp assigned ip addresses on the network. It's not as good as logging in to a router admin panel, but if you can't do that; it is worth a try. it is too easy to skip. :)
  21. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Ok, but you can do this:

    In search bar, digit
    device manager​
    on that window, go to Network Adapters and see if there are warning marks.
    If warning marks for wifi adapter is there, double click, verify the warning and try to update drivers.
    If it doesn't work, stop there, you need service at this point.

    If no warning sign, in search bar digit
    network connections​
    richt click wifi adapter then Properties;
    double click TCPv4
    set all in automatic.
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