Matrix 4 Soon - A bit off topic but anyway!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by phloopy, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I hope that it won't suck, but since I ate the red pill I'm fairly certain that it will.
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  2. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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  4. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Don't forget...
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  5. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Well, if you pause the first trailer teaser that was 2 days before this one, at 1.15 it is a balding man with hair around the back...and looks distinctly unlike Neo, agreed.
    Actually a dead-ringer for Leonardo but with some shaving foam under his chin! For real.
    Leonardo has a little nose bridge. So does Dougie Howser MD...Looks like him.

    Well I will still suspend my disbelief and try and enjoy it like a child!
    Just as I sit and listen to an album.
    From now until then, I will also be hoping that this below, although with wisdom from experience, will not happen...:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
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  6. tnc

    tnc Producer

    Jun 16, 2011
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    New Zealand
    It's not off topic really. U-he Hive 2.1 was used to make the score. Apparently U-he did version 2.1 for Tom Tykwer, the composer, who asked for some extra features like Comb-filter to be able to make a broader spectrum of sounds. So there will be a Matrix 4 Soundset coming...

    I also like what they did with White Rabbit for the trailer, but I don't have high hopes for the film itself though... I think Animatrix were much more interesting than the original movies.
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  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Several copies left to sell of the original comic book that was recalled within the opening week of film release for not being pc or whatever.
    And @Lois Lane Just for you... Matrix.jpg
    It's the Lounge forum anyway!
    And the topic is whatever @phloopy thinks it is! hehe
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  8. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    What's with the Spaghetti Western/Tarantino Music?

    The cellphones/elevator take/joke was OK,
    but reusing the Rabbit was a bit lame..

    It doesn't look Too bad, or as bad as I feared,
    and kinda reminds me of Constantine, (but well what do you want right..
    Keanu has been doing the same wood-plank character since the early 90's..)
    as it seems to focus more/portray the regular matrix civilian interaction point of view..

    I just pray/hope they don't completely Rape/ruin the franchise,
    and make it a pointless addition, or fill it with Woke and Gender issues ..

    Animatrix for instance was sometimes not completely in-canon,
    but most of the episodes were great additions nonetheless..

    But yeah, look at the Director lol
    Like.. I've succeeded in life, made one of the biggest/best movies in History,
    and now I will be a Millionaire for the rest of my life, and not have to worry about anything ever...
    What shall I do now?
    Oh yeah!
    I'm gonna cut my Dick, hormone my ass, put me some breasts,
    and wear a pink banana pseudo rasta hairdo the rest of my life..
    Yeah that's Perfect :yes:


    Instead of freaking developing himself further, embracing his masculinity,
    now that thanks to his Intelligence he's one of the most Successful and thus potentially Alpha motherfuckers in the planet.. lol

    No, better to cut his dick..
    or dicks, as his Brother also went on the same side of the fence.. :no:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
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  9. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    I will just refer you back to my idiocracy comment. :rofl:
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  10. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I just love the irony - like how the term "red pill" evolved over time but eventually the director of matrix came out as trans and stated in interviews that red pill is a metaphor for hormone therapy :^)

    Did you know that the highest ratio of trans women are actually found in hyper masculine spaces like marines?
    Trans flag was literally made by one of them lol.
    I think a Navy Seal is as alpha as most can possibly get and they still are unsatisfied with their lives so what would the alternative be?
    Yeah I know "man up" and waste the rest of your life with depression, but why would anyone in their right mind listen to that?
    Hey I'm just asking questions my dude but as I know the internet you'll probably hit me with some moronic tropes like Cultural Marxism next at least making me realize how much time i just fucking wasted.
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  11. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Exactly !
    With all the feminists and all the lgbtq+pedo crap,
    Soon, every single book, movie, story, TV show, soap opera, video clip, documentary, etc etc,
    Will have to feature:
    -2 gays
    -2 lesbs
    -2 trans
    -2 bi
    Etc etc etc.
    You write a book about a guy who falls in love with a girl, get married, have kids, a dog, a house, and live happy forever ?
    Sorry, but some weirdo will threaten you online, and you will have to include in your story, 2 guys that get married and adopt a boy, 2 girls that get married and have a kid via in vitro, + you must add some chick that was born with a dick !

    Every day, it becomes more ridiculous.

    Soon, somebody will make a movie about the African slaves in the 18th country...and when we get to see all those slaves inside the boat, we will see, among the black people, 2 Asian chicks kissing, 2 white guys hugging, dressed with some pink latex short , another black guy with a green skirt, high heels and a blond wig, + a Latino white dude with boobs. All boxes checked!

    That's how it was, in the 18th century !

    A few months ago, I was playing a video game. At some moment, I had to talk to some young guys and girls, who were helping the homeless in a Parc.
    I talk to one guy, the guy says:
    'Hey, I'm John, and I'm charged with , eg, prep the food

    Then, I talk to a girl, who says
    'Hey, I'm Melissa, and I, eg, slice the vegetables '

    Then, I talk to another guy, who tells me
    'Hey, I'm Steve, and I do the laundry'

    Then I talk to another 2 or 3 guys/girls.. until I talk to another chick, who tells me
    'Hey, I'm Sarah, I do this and this. Oh, and I'm a lesbian' !

    Seriously ?
    Can someone please tell me what kind of value, interest, etc, does it add to the main story of a video game.. movie.. book..etc... to know this or that male character hates pussy,...... or to know that that female character hates dick...
    please enlighten me, why should someone reading a book or watching a movie, etc etc, find out that this or that character is gay..

    All former super hero movies are now getting new sequels... and almost all male heros are being replaced by... some 'powerful lesbian'

    Yesterday I learnt the recent Cinderella movie, the fairy is... a BI ! Come on...

    Is it possible to hire actors based on their acting skills... instead of hiring actors just because of their skin color or their sexual preferences...?

    Matrix 4... we can be sure, they are going to implement some gay/lesb/trans agenda, into the main story. Why wouldn't they...?
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  12. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Sweat not my man. That'll never happen. Just because already happened with the 2nd and 3rd ones :rofl:

    On the bright side of the over-inclusiveness in these days, you can do like me. Whenever someone asks me something I don't know or want to do, I've got the perfect answer after refusing:
    "hey, what did you expect? I'm just an outdated straight white dude".

    I'll admit this isn't going to get you more friends, but their faces are priceless...:rofl:
    Oh, and don't do it with 40+ people. Like, never...
    On a second thought, don't do it at all, no good in following my ways :rofl:
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  13. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Yes, you're right, 2poor2. They've been trying to normalize all of it for many years. That's why they target children with a lot of it. Like the drag queen story time with kids as an example. *normalization* It's obvious now to basically anyone with a half a brain. They want the masses to think there's this giant sect of the population that is onboard all of this, when in reality, it's a very small part of the population who are loud mouthed, virtu-signaling, attention whores (especially the online *cough* twitter woke cult *cough*). - a lot of it has corporate motives and is fueled by the corporate/political sector, which conveniently control the entertainment industry so it's being embedded into everything and now you see the fruits of those efforts.

    Look how many newer movies and tv shows are ruined from it already, especially when it's added into the story and adds nothing at all to the story. In fact, it often distracts and stands out as completely ridiculous, especially the gender roll reversals. It's obvious that the only reason it's there is to push it into everyone's faces. Absolutely no other reason. I pay to be entertained, not to have a woke, twisted pile of political messages/agendas embedded into every script. You can call it a marxist agenda. The term fits if you're read on marxism. There's no such thing as "cultural" marxism. There's marxism. Period. That's just more bullshit to attempt to brush it off and downplay it. You can put lipstick on that pig and spray it with rainbow colored perfume, but it's still a pig and it still stinks like the marxist pile of shit it was born in and rolls around in.

    That's why I doubt the new matrix is going to drift away from the path the entertainment industry is on. Considering the director and funding, why would they change it for this movie? They won't. I already caught the little clips of the tiny blue haired woman (probably a lesbian that hates men, especially white men lol), who will be a lead roll of course and kick the ass of everyone she comes in contact with including entire platoons of gigantic men. So looks like they are right on script there. Same script over and over. It's getting real old.

    The entertainment industry is diseased with "wokeness," not to be confused with being awake. That wokeness is ruining the whole industry.

    I don't care what people do or want to be, ffs, just stop forcing it in everyone's face like it's special. We get it, you're gay, woke, bi, proud, trans, multi-gendered etc. etc. nobody cares. Go entertain me, that's what you're paid to do. Go be a politician if you want to push agendas and be a corporate tool. Go be a preacher if you want to preach.

    Now what I really wonder - is the soundtrack to The Woketrix 4 going to be any good? Isn't rage supposed to being a comeback? :speaker:
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  14. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    I really hope there's not 40 minutes of slow motion 360 camera shots in this new one. lol
  15. Tele_Vision

    Tele_Vision Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2021
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    No matter how much CGI and money the Rachel Levine twins through at this, it will never rival 'They Live' for depicting the real matrix we live in.

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  16. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Animatrix was also a very cool animated movie. I saw this a few years later not in one hook like with the other 3 matrix movies.

    I liked the style and the atmosphere.

    Yeah "They Live" has such an awsome sutle atmosphere to it. Have to rewatch it.
  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Matrix 4 Soundtrack (2021)
  18. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    this is your brain after overdosing on the internet and social media.
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  19. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I think Dave or Gladys Wachowski, or whatever name it’s going by these days, has a passion for these films and won’t just churn out a cash grab, but that doesn’t mean that their own journey down the rabbit hole won’t be a difficult to follow mess, I just hope not, I love the originals.
  20. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
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