Master guide for the UVI Falcon & UVIEMU release - Installing, Generating Licenses & More!

Discussion in 'Software' started by frozensnow, Nov 27, 2021.

  1. Blade

    Blade Newbie

    Oct 15, 2021
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    @frozensnow Thanks very much for the answer.

    Belongs to 1.:
    In order to try, I moved temporary the R2RUVI files outside the R2R folder. Falcon showed on start licence errors. Afterwards I brought the R2RUVI files back to the R2R folder and Falcon recognized no licence errors.

    Belongs to 2.:
    I already used the describted workflow from 1. - 6.
    Attached you see a printscreen until my problem, that I can press there what I want....nothing happens.
    It looks like, that Falcon notes, there is an library with a licence, but the content of the library is not installed/available.
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  2. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Huh.. This is something I've not seen before...

    Could you try completely uninstalling the Falcon and UVIEMU release using the installers?
    After that, to clean up the remaining files:

    Delete the following folders and files:
    • C:\ProgramData\UVI\
      Delete the Falcon folder
    • C:\Program Files\UVI\
      Delete the Falcon folder
    • Your Documents\UVI\
      Delete the Falcon folder
    • C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins\UVI (or if you installed your vst to another path, that path)
      Delete the FalconVSTx64.dll
    • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\UVI (if you installed AAX)
      Delete the Falcon.aaxplugin folder
    • C:\Windows\System32 (these files are installed by the falcon release but you may have older versions that somehow are stuck?)
      Delete libsndfile-1.dll
      Delete Rex Shared Library.dll
      Delete spv_float_us_2.103.5.dll

    Then, a quick noob friendly way to delete the R2RUVI folder from the registry (you can also browse to it with regedit and delete the key if you know what you're doing):
    • Press the Windows key + X and search "Command Prompt as Administrator" or "Powershell as Administrator" and select this. If you're using powershell, type in cmd.exe to launch the command prompt shell inside of this window. This may reduce issues.
    • Type in the following command:
      reg delete HKCU\Software\TEAM R2R\R2RUVI /f
    • If you get an error relating to it not being found, that's fine, the uninstaller for uviemu should remove this key anyway.

    After all this, try reinstalling UVIEMU and Falcon, make sure they're both from the R2R release and let me know if this changed anything... I'm not sure what could be causing that behavior honestly...
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    You need this file:
    " UVI.Falcon.Factory.Library.v2.5.1-R2R " inside you find: (Falcon Factory.ufs) and (00000E10F2DD0E11.R2RUVI) 0,97 GB

    Everything with the ending '.ufs belongs in the same folder, copy the
    "Falcon Factory.ufs" into the folder where you have the other expansions.

    Last edited: Dec 3, 2021
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  4. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    He already has the library installed as per his screenshot as far as I can tell however the folders inside the library that contain the presets are empty, so this isn't the issue he has. If you remove Falcon Content.ufs that folder wouldn't show up at all.


    EDIT to not create more useless posts here @BEAT16

    :wtf:What are you even talking about? He already said he did that, I just told you he did, there's no need to say this twice.

    Maybe it's not clear from his message and from my response to you before:

    • He put the .UFS files in the right folder in Documents\UVISoundBanks
    • He downloaded the factory library already and he put the license files in C:\ProgramData\UVI\R2R
    • Falcon can find the library file AND the license file, it unlocks the library
    • BUT THE ISSUE IS: in Falcon there are no presets to load, they don't show up because there's some weird issue I'm trying to troubleshoot with him. This has *nothing* to do with the files themselves, since the folder structure in the factory library matches up.
    TLDR: He installed everything correctly, all files are in the right folders. Falcon can FIND the library, it can UNLOCK the library, it just can't load it correctly, the presets are missing in the folders.

    If you're saying that in response to me, I have no issues with Falcon at all obviously, I never said I had an issue myself. I'm just trying to help him out. I mean I wrote this topic after all.

    There's now 3 extra posts in this topic that don't help him solve the problem including this one which is a TLDR so you can understand the situation. Let's stop this. :snuffy:
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2021
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Everything with the ending '.ufs belongs in the same folder, copy the
    "Falcon Factory.ufs" into the folder where you have the other expansions.
  6. Blade

    Blade Newbie

    Oct 15, 2021
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    Thanks a lot for trying to find the problem/solution in my case.

    I uninstalled and deleted everything from your post @frozensnow and reinstalled everything from the scratch.
    Same result/same problem: there are no available presets in any library even they are shown in Falcon without any licence problems.

    Do I use perhaps wrong versions?
    My versions are: Setup Falcon v2.5.3 and Setup UVIEMU v1.0.8. ...I downloaded both from a download package, which was provided end of November this year.
    Then I use the following Factory Library version UVI.Falcon.Factory.Library.v2.5.1-R2R
  7. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Is the Factory library the only library that has this issue? Just to make sure I understand this correctly, does any other library you download have this behavior where there are no presets in any folders? Could you try another, new library you haven't yet tried from the sister site?
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2021
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Installation instruction for the UVI - Falcon v2.5.3 VSTi / Emulator / Factory / Expansions

    Falcon VSTi
    1.) Download and Unrar the " UVI.Falcon.v2.5.3.Incl.Emulator-R2R "
    2.) Click on the " Setup Falcon v2.5.3 "
    3.) Inside the Folder is the " 00000E10F2DD0E11.R2RUVI "
    4.) Copy the " 00000E10F2DD0E11.R2RUVI " into " C:\ProgramData\UVI\R2R "

    UVI Emulator
    1.) Click on " Setup UVIEMU v1.0.8 "

    1.) Download and unrar the " UVI.Falcon.Factory.Library.v2.5.1-R2R "
    2.) Create a folder with the name " Falcon " and copy it to where you have space. (Preferably SSD)
    3.) Copy the File " Falcon Factory.ufs " into the new " Falcon " Folder
    2.) Inside the Folder is the " 00000E10F2DD0E11.R2RUVI "
    3.) Copy the File into: " C:\ProgramData\UVI\R2R "

    UVI Library / Expansions
    1.) Download and unrar
    2.) Copy the " B-5 Organ V3.ufs " into the " Falcon " Folder (ending *.ufs)
    3.) in the R2R Folder is the Registration File with the ending: *. R2RUVI
    4.) Copy the Registration File " 000025694821256A.R2RUVI "
    4.) into " C:\ProgramData\UVI\R2R "

    Open Falcon in your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    1.) Click on the tool wrench
    2.) Scroll down to " Preferences "
    3.) A new window opens and select "Soundbanks"
    4.) Add the new Soundbanks path, Falcon folder, where your expansions are in.
  9. Blade

    Blade Newbie

    Oct 15, 2021
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    I followed all of your instructions/recommandations. No changes: always empty presets.
    Beside the Falcon Factory library I tested also the library "Mark79". "Mark 79" has on start also no licence problems. The library is shown under "Soundbanks" in Falcon, but without any column or preset.
  10. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    I'm unfortunately not sure what to recommend, I tried to reproduce this problem in a variety of ways by trying to brick the install but nothing seems to recreate the problem you're having so I have no more things you could try for now.. Either the library disappears completely, or falcon breaks entirely, this seems to be a weird in between somehow...

    I'll continue to do some tests and see if I can get this to happen on my end. I find it weird that there's no one (even after googling your issue) that has had this happen.

    One last question I have is if you're running this through bootcamp or perhaps in another way on a mac? I know that there's some weird issues using falcon either virtualized or through tools like bootcamp. This is the only thing I could think of right now that could potentially cause this...

    Anyway, sorry for not having a solution for you at the moment, I'll let you know if I learn anything.
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  11. Blade

    Blade Newbie

    Oct 15, 2021
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    It's really frustrating, that I'm obvousily the only one struggling with such kind of problem.
    I run my Windows 10 on a "normal" desktop system. Cause it's a real Windows desktop, I don't use any bootcamp or things for a Mac.
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    1.) Create a folder called "Falcon".
    2.) You put the created Falcon folder where you have space
    3.) In your new Falcon folder you pack all expansion / sound banks into it, all with the ending * .UFS
    4.) Then you load your Falcon into the DAW
    5.) Go to "Preferences" and enter the new location with your Falcon folder (see picture)

    The Second Folder is : C:\ProgramData\UVI\R2R (is a hiddden foler)
    1.) in the R2R Folder is the Registration File with the ending: *. R2RUVI
    2.) Copy the Registration File Example: " 000025694821256A.R2RUVI "
    3.) into " C:\ProgramData\UVI\R2R "
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
  13. Blade

    Blade Newbie

    Oct 15, 2021
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    I did that with the folder for the expansons exactly from the very first beginning.
    I repeated that now again with your proposed folder name "Falcon". Have have now 3 libraries in use to test that. There a no licence errors on start.
    I see 3 libraries in Falcon under "Soundbanks", but no presets are shown. On 2 libarires I see a first column, but with no presets behind.
    What I also never saw so far any icons/thumbs belongs to the soundbank. Normally there is a icon/thumb shown for each library.
    I assume, that one process part of the emulator doesn't really install the the libraries even I see them in the Falcon browser.

    Unfortunatly there is no demo of Falcon 2 available in order to test it in general, if the original Falcon 2 version works.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
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  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    You can also double-click the icon with the mouse.



    A Falcon folder looks like this. Only the sound bank nothing else.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
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  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  16. Blade

    Blade Newbie

    Oct 15, 2021
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    I always tried before to work over the "Default Multi" field and switch to the Soundbank browser.
    This don't work in my case. BUT, your last shown workflow works :)

    Thanks a lot for the great support.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2021
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  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Congratulations, this is great news.

    Another way to call up presets:
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  18. CrissAudio

    CrissAudio Newbie

    Feb 26, 2021
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    I get the following error with soundbanks when opening Falcon. Any suggestions?
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  19. frozensnow

    frozensnow Producer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    I haven't seen this before, what are your system specs? Does any library work at all?
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  20. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Have you even installed the factory?
    You also have to enter the path where your sound banks (* .ufs) are stored in Falcon Preferences!

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