Maschine - the latest version that works on Win10

Discussion in 'Maschine' started by Anginabio, Aug 3, 2021.

  1. Anginabio

    Anginabio Newbie

    Aug 3, 2021
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    Hello guys,

    First of all, I'd like to say hello - this is my first post :)

    I'm looking for any solution to use the latest patched version of maschine on my Win 10...

    Now I've got 2.11.0 and it works well. Any next update stays on Demo Mode, no matter what. Keygens generate ras3 dir with *.jwt files but it's still demo. When I open Native Access it reverts my licenses on any Ni products... Discussions on releases provide some info that for win7 it's no problem, but also win10 user drop a message that it works for him/her :suicide:

    I can find some posts (on the minor updates next to 2.11.0) with info <<use r2r keygen>>, but I'm not sure where it comes from. The last version says inside install.txt "Install Maschine 2.14.2 and register from R2R Keygen". One guy has asked where we can find it, but no response.

    So I've decided to post a question over here :yes: Did you work it out how to use maschine +2.11.0 on win10. In the worst scenario I'm thinking bout win downgrade on my PC :dunno:

    Looking forward to your feedback!