Maschine Studio Wheel - Scroll through tracks in Studio One - MIDI

Discussion in 'Maschine' started by BenniTheBlockbuster, Oct 21, 2023.

  1. BenniTheBlockbuster

    BenniTheBlockbuster Producer

    Sep 8, 2020
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    Hi I have a question , is there a possibility In the controller editor of Ni, the big wheel on the Maschine Studio set so that I can scroll with this through the tracks in the arrangement ?
    I work with Studio One

    maybe there are people here who know well with Midi CC and know how to program this

    When its set to MCU Mode i can move the cursor Line to the Left and to the Right .

    this are the Parameters that i can change in the Maschine Controller Editor

    maschine editor.png

    Thank you
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Are you hoping to just scroll the viewing position right and left along the timeline, even with playback stopped? It only moves what you are looking at...

    I don't use Studio One, but I would give this some serious thought before doing it due to past experiences with hardware samplers. I use a mouse with a thumb scroll wheel and a keyboard with a jog wheel on the top left corner of it for this purpose you are asking about. I use them so much inside Logic. That knob on your Maschine is often called a Jog Wheel or Endless Rotary Encoder. If I kill my mouse with this amount of abuse, I am out about 100 bucks and back to a work in a few minutes. If you are using it with your DAW, it is probably many multiple times the amount of use that part would get just controlling a sampler's parameters. Trying to use one with that part worn out or broken really sucks.
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