Maschine Presets, & Patches

Discussion in 'Presets, Patches' started by Introninja, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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  3. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    After reading through the favorite DAW thread recently and being such a long time FL Studio user I decided that I really wanted to give Studio One a try, due to the ease of MIDI routing capabilities. I was rather disappointed though when I found out that the only Maschine template included in S1 was for the mk1, especially since (to my knowledge) you can't convert a ncm file to a ncm2 file. Either way, I figured I'd make the best of it and just convert the mk1 Studio One template by hand in NI Controller Editor for use with the mk2. Even though there are other templates going around for it, I figured since I was a total n00b to the DAW it be best to just go with the one S1 had/hadn't made. Either way I REALLY REALLY hope someone gets some use out of it...going through all 128 pads and assigning each pad's key by hand is painstakingly dreadful, not to mention if you lose count you have to start over from where you made an error. The only difference between this template and the template S1 had provided is that there's no pan control on this one since there's less knobs on the mk2 than the mk1 . I also used the blue/light blue colorized method in the FL Studio mk2 template so that you can easily differentiate between whole notes and half notes. While I've yet to write anything on it yet, S1 really is really impressive at how far they take controller mapping and how much you can do without clicking

    TYPE 1:
    This particular template has the pads mapped out how the S1 Maschine mk1 template is with each pad group starting at C. So Group A starts with C-1 (ends at D#0), Group B starts with C0 (ends D#1), Group C starts with C1 (ends at D#2) and so on.

    TYPE 2:
    While I can understand the reasoning behind starting at C with each group, I'm much more comfortable with the pads laid out sequentially the way they are in the FL Studio template. With it starting at C-1 in Group A and going all the way up till G7 in Group H with no pads playing the same notes twice.

    Either way I hope anyone who uses Maschine as MIDI controller for Studio One enjoys this and gets some use out of it. Share wherever/with whoever you want. Customize it to your liking and feel free to share your modified versions with me. Chances are I'm just doing the job for the folks over at Presonus...j/k

    I know this is really nothing special but it's just my way of saying thanks to the community and all the people that put in actual hard work =P


    ps: I believe the original template sends visuals back to the Maschine controller itself. If anyone wants to help me figure out how to do that that would be awesome!
  4. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Push Maschine Template:

    I've wanted to be able to use Ableton Push and NI's Maschine interchangably.
    Push as a step sequencer-Maschine for its pads.
    Push for it browsing capabilities with one shots-Maschine for its drum kits.
    Most importanly both of them output as MIDI into Ableton for triggering as scenes, WITHOUT having to
    screw around with Maschines abhorent MIDI OUT settings, you know the one that change everytime you switch drum kits =/
    Which don't allow the Maschine (especially when used as a plug-in) to be used in a meaningful way to output MIDI to your host.
    Having to go back and forth between your DAW and Maschine's GUI just to get MIDI outputted is a real WORKFLOW KILLER!

    . . . have you ever tried to use Maschine's step sequencer to send MIDI OUT in a DAW?

    To be honest it's really nothing special as far as MIDI routing is concerned:

    Group A through Group G will load sounds.
    You can choose One Shots/Kits from Maschine or One Shots/Kits in Ableton from the Push (C1-G#2).
    Neither of them really show up within each others GUI, so just be sure to note which Groups have what.

    If you have a tendancy to use one or the other more you could always rename them within Ableton and Maschine's Group
    Ableton Kit 1, Maschine Kit 2 etc, so that it will be easier to remember which you are using for each group.
    That way both Ableton and Mascine aren't both triggering something.

    To be able to play the group it has to be armed within Push/Ableton.
    On Push MK1: Hit the track button from the upper right hand corner and hit the button on the top row that corresponds to each group.
    Once it's lit up red, Group H will be where you can play your pads. If you load a kit from Maschine you will be able to play them within
    each's respective group however it will not output MIDI into Ableton. If you load samples or a kit into Ableton
    it wont be able to use that particular group from Maschine it will all output MIDI from Group H based on what's armed
    Set your loop length within Ableton Push's controller and hit record (if you want to play your pads in Maschine)

    Tempo controls and Swing settings as well as most global controls are controlled from the Push/Ableton.


    Program version(s) used:
    Ableton Live 9.6.2 & Maschine 2.4

    Hardware version(s) used:
    Ableton Push MK1 & Maschine MK 2

    p.s. Even though I don't have access to the Push 2, the implimentation I would guess should be relatively similar.
    As for the Maschine, it should work with any version of the hardware as long as you're using Maschine version 2.4.
  5. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    ADDENDUM to Push Maschine Template:
    So somehow, I forgot to mention the most important part of making this work, I'm sooo totally embarassed =/.

    You have to have a Virtual MIDI cable installed. For Windows users I recommend the incredible, as well as free (for non-commercial use) LoopBe1 application ( For Mac users I know IAC is built in to the OS for your loopback needs, however I have no clue on how to set it up. That being said the configuration within Ableton should be the fairly similar.

    Once you have installed LoopBe1, open up the Ableton project template I provided. On the very top click on options>preferences. Go to the tab marked Link MIDI and under Input: LoopBe internal MIDI turn the track On, also for Output: LoopBe Internal MIDI and turn the track On. Now in the Ableton Project in session view click on the channel in red marked MIDI Host. (This should be already done for you but just in case it's not) Midi From should be from Group A, Drum Rack| Maschine 2| Maschine 2 with the Monitor set to in.(This part will NOT already be done for you) click on the show/hide devices button and under External Instrument have the MIDI To sent to LoopBee Internal MIDI and CH 1.

    It should be working now, all the instructions are the exact same as within my previous post. (quick recap) You have to be in Group H within Maschine and arm the track from within the Push to be play the group in Maschine. Also, be sure to select the loop length from within Push and hit the record button from it also if you want to record the hits on your pad from Maschine.

    Like I've stated before this will seriously open up a whole new world of possibility of interaction between both controllers and workflow efficiency. You will be able to Step Sequence from the Push the sounds in Maschine. Instead of the tiny 16 pad grid on the Push you will be able to play the much bigger and (atleast within Push MK1) the MUCH MUCH more responsive Maschine Pads, as well as play the sounds Directly loaded into Ableton's Drum Rack. All without ever having to change to MIDI mode on the Maschine and with it's MIDI outputted directlty into Ableton. To have them recorded into scenes and played back on the fly, without ever having to get frustrated about having to go into Maschine's UI and figure out the MIDI OUT settings everytime you switch a group. It's definitely the best of both worlds. I really hope some of you are able to make meaningful use of this template. It's as seriously as easy going to Group H.

    Enjoy (for real this time)

    Feel free to email me at [email protected]