Maizeplayer VSTs come up as multitimbral but can't access other channels!

Discussion in 'Software Reviews and Tutorials' started by ulrichburke, Dec 5, 2021.

  1. ulrichburke

    ulrichburke Newbie

    May 20, 2016
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    Dear Anyone.

    Probably DUMBASS NOOB alert with this one!

    I'm working with a 32-bit VST - I'm disabled, it's disability software, never got updated, dunno if it's got relevance here or not. Anyway.

    I've got a few Maizeplayer VSTs. The sounds are lovely - except you have to load multiple instances like they're monotimbral if you want to use more than one sound. Thing IS - whenever I load one up, my DAW thinks it's got 16 tracks. So in THEORY I should be able to load up one instance and use 16 of its sounds in that one instance.

    But I've been trying to work out how to access the other tracks for as long as I've had the things and I can't find how to use them. If it's because they're THERE but haven't been implemented - WHY don't the designers implement all the tracks so you don't have to have loads of instances going, clogging up memory and CPU? If there's a way OF using the other tracks, even if unofficially, so I could have several sounds at once from one instance of the VST -please could some nice, kind genius tell me how to do it?

    Yours hopefully

  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Download:current version 2.7.0 [​IMG] changelog
    • System requirement: Windows XP or later / Mac OS X 10.7 Intel or later
    • Unregistered version cannot create more than two groups.
    • Player name and vendor string are limited as “MySound” and “Maizesoft”. If you need a player on mac that has your vendor name, please let me know.
    • Message box will be shown when adding samples into editor.
    • The instrument exported by unregistered version should not be used for commercial purpose.

    2. How do I make a multi-instrument library with Maize Sampler 2?
    Maize Sampler 2 is a single instrument sampler, that means one instance of player can only load and play one mse file at a time. But inside the player, you can unload and load a new instrument in the instrument list. That's why we need a common player instead of having multiple identical player for each instrument. However, there is approach to add multiple instruments in one instrument as groups.

    Each group has a selection method. This defines how this group will become active. An option for sub instrument group is MIDI channel group selection. This selection method allows different groups being triggered by different MIDI channels. Another good one for sub instrument groups can be manual selection by users. In this group selection method, the current group will be selected by users in the player. Furthermore, you can also choose the program # selection method, so the group will be chosen by MIDI program change event.

  4. ulrichburke

    ulrichburke Newbie

    May 20, 2016
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    Dear Beat 16.

    So it's a kinda massive bug in the creation software (or limitation) that doesn't let you have more than one sound going even though there's room for more than one sound going - you'd've thought they'd've fixed THAT one AGES ago - how limiting is THAT!?!

    THAT explains everything! Thanks, I've been wondering about that for ages. If they get rid of that bug so you CAN do proper multitimbral, you'd be able to write something like a Korg M1 VST only with nicer sounds and write selection packs for it. (Korg sounds are GOOD - but I've got Maizeplayer ones which are better (Infinity by Irish Acts, best free sound download ever, just wish it had a larger library or you could buy add-on packs for it. The sounds it DOES have are lovely.))

    Yours respectfully
