MacOS Catalina - UPDATED - More Brands Are Issuing Warnings About Not Upgrading. What will you do?

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by chefcoco, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. iDjay

    iDjay Member

    Nov 7, 2019
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    Everything’s working fine with Catalina. Just make sure you have the latest version of every plugin etc.
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  2. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    no it isn't at all, and that's a real irresponsible thing to post.
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  3. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Fxpansion :"....we would like to apologize for any inconvenience. ..'


    It is apple WHO should apologize. ..not the companies/devs !

    Apple fans can praise/adore/defend/worship/love/accept/etc apple as much as they can, but the truth is, apple don't give a fuk about their customers.

    Apple switches a button, and suddenly, users no longer can visit 50% of their flash-based bookmarks/websites, because, according to apple, flash created some performance issues... but the reality was, apple didn't want to support a standard...that they didn't create.

    They remove the jack connectors. .. and suddenly, dozens of millions of users have to buy a 100-$400 bluetooth headphones... and fans, of course, applaud and say it is the best idea ever.

    How much % the audio industry represents, in $, each year ? 1% of total cash made ? 0.5% ? 0.2% ?

    Tomorrow, all musicians working with apple products stop using it, and move to Windows or Linux, apple won't give 2 fuks about it. Worse, it would be a major relief , for them, to no longer have to support a few dozens thousands of users, with special updates, patches, etc etc.

    Apple no longer care about the pro video and pro audio market. It costs a lot,and it doesn't make enough cash.

    While a user who buys an 600-1500$ ipad or iphone will replace it, within the next 9-15 months, won't cost a dime , repair-wise, will spend a ton of cash, in small accessories, cables, adapters, AND APPS, a guy who buys a mac, to work on video or audio, will probably keep it 4..5...6...7 years.... won't spend a dime on accessories, nothing, and worse, that person will probably have several hardware issues, in the first 2-3 years, and that might even cost from several hundreds to over a thousand bucks, in several reparations, hardware replacements, etc etc.

    APPLE definitely DON'T NEED that audio market, who keep the same hardware for many many has years, without bringing 1 single dollar to apple !

    10+ years ago, that market was quite good, as apple could sell their computers for much more money, there was like a trend 'ohh, it is expensive, because it is good'... but slowly, people started realizing and asking why, a windows component would cost 300 bucks, and apple would sell the exact same component, for 600 or 700 bucks !
    Today, they no longer can charge 4500 bucks for some computer parts that cost 1'800...
    So, the margins for these apple computers must be much smaller than 10-20 years ago...
    Of course, there are all these people who work with premiere... photos, etc, and have a ton of apple devices....and apple can't just ignore them, as they also buy tablets, iphones, etc etc.
    But seriously, are apple counting on selling 1'000 $9'999 mac pro units ? 10'000 units ? 20'000 ?
    Damn, even if they sell 20'000 units at 9'999 each, that's just 200 millions !
    But with all the manufacture costs... adverzising... packaging... repairing.... those 20'000 units might cost apple 50 to 100 millions.
    ALL THAT EFFORT, to make 100 miserable millions ? Shit, they can make 100 millions, with just a few iphones , ipads and a few songs/albums... !

    That's why i say, apple DOESN'T NEED musicians or video editors. Just too much work, effort and money spent, for so little $$$

    The crazy thing is, no matter what apple does, apple users will ALWAYS defend them. Even now, with this catalina thing, fans will flood the forums with 'ohhh, it's ok... it's a good thing. .. who needs 32bits anyway...ohhh, it's a great move from apple, now, instead of using warezed plug-ins, i will be able to spend 40'000 dollars on legit licenses. feels so good inside, to go legit !...'

    If this was happening on microsift Windows, there would be such a wave of protest, it would generate so much wind, even the poles would shift another 15 degrees.

    But because it is apple, everything is fine, users will once again adapt, and do THE WAY apple wants it to be done.

    I just wish plugin devs could speak the truth: i am sure most companies use between 60 and 80% of their time and resources on the mac plug-ins, only for those mac sales to account for 15 or 20% of the global sales !
    in other words, not only coding plug-ins for Mac cost them a lot, but the extra time, resources and money the mac requires means they won't be able to release many new stuff, and make more money, as they must have a ton of resources perpetually allocated to apple.

    ok, you can ignore me, can tell me to fuk off, can even press 50 times on 'nasty' or any other downvote.
    but your love for apple won't distort the truth.

    Am i a Windows fan ? No. I don't give a fuk about microsoft. I just want a product that allows me to do, edit, make, create, play, listen, watch, copy, etc etc, without breaking the bank, or without having to worship someone/something, or even be paet of a cult.

    apple fans are happy with their apple devices? Great ! Power to them.
    but just like a windows user, don't ever believe apple cares about you, your opinion, your taste, your passions, your bank account, your security, etc etc.

    If apple, microsoft, google, etc etc, truly cared about your/our security, the moment Snowden told the planet the nsa/fbi/etc etc were spying on every single American, or non american, and they were even able to use the samsung tvs, to listen and record audio/video and send it to their servers, even if thetv was on stand by...

    ...if they truly cared about your security and mine, the first thing they would have done, was creating an app/feature that would log ALL the activity of both cameras and mic, so users could open a log and see if some unauthorized /unknown app had had acces to the camera or mic, had enabled it, had recorded a file, of x size, on x path, at x timestamp.
    even the native photo/video or audio recording app would be logged as well. ..
    such app could be coded in 5 minutes. ..
    if i was a dev, i would code such app, and make billions., apple, etc, didn't want such app to exist. ..!

    have they done that ? Is there such feature, on an iphone, ipad, or Google tablet/phone , that allows such log ?

    If the answer is, of COURSE, "NO",
    You can be sure they are doing it on purpose, so governments and security agencies can easily record and send to a server whatever data they need, video, audio, etc, from OVER 2-3 BILLION smartphones and tablets.

    with the transcription tools that work in real time, today, they can simply press a button, and live listen to 100 million smartphones from a particular country, turn the audio into text, and search for some keywords.

    ohh, ohhh... but...wait..wait... this is starting looking like a conspiracy theory...when, at the beginning, it was just a post about apple.

    now, press that nasty/disagree button ;)
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  4. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    As a lifelong Mac user it's difficult not to partially agree with the bulk of your post. Like, say, a Trump supporter, most of us choose to turn a blind eye to the fact that our beloved benefactor really doesn't give a shit about us. But then, what corporation does? We certainly enjoy the benefits of their R&D but complain when the results of that R&D through upgrades affects the way we used to work.
    Could they do better by their users? Absolutely.
    Do any of us truly expect them too?

    ...sadly not.
  5. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    K. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ( I like your avatar, though )
  6. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    the thing is : people always tend to see thing from a customer standpoint, but what if they were Apple ?
    my thoughts are : I think Apple will want monopoly on everything, and nobody knows what they are developing " in the shadows "

    how many of you knew about the iphone before they announced it ?

    why are they launching TV+ when they barely have content compared to other platforms ? : because they can buy some.

    and because they already have the customer-base

    they didn't initiate Logic pro, they bought it, and after that they developed it.
    my guess is they want Logic to be the new pro-tools, but that just me speculating that they will buy Avid.

    however, they want to be everywhere, and everything : your bank, your phone, your car, what you listen and watch.

    just like facebook, amazon, google : they don't want to control you ( or maybe not yet )
    they want to anticipate your desires and sell them to you.

    so, yes : of course they care about us.

    it's just that human nature became instant gratification since survival stopped to be an issue anymore in developed countries.
  7. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Um, I'm uncertain as to your point.

    You mean, they "care" about us insofar as without a customer base they fail to exist?

    It's an interpretation of the word "care", I suppose.
  8. DrumHead

    DrumHead Producer

    Dec 2, 2018
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    Just out of curiosity....Has anyone seen any marked improvement using Logic (or any daw) in terms of CPU usage in Catalina?
    I.E. - can u load a project that was overloading in previous OS, but on Catalina have half the CPU load?
    Some people boasted this during beta. But I ain't buying it.
    And if there is no improvement why bother upgrading?
  9. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    if I was to be cynical - which I certainly am - yes.

    it's chosing to be victimized that to assume employees or executives of a corporation are only lead by greed, interest, or the survival
    of the business they participate in, denying them the possibility of inconsistent behaviors and complex thoughts by thinking they can
    anticipate the outcome of every decision they will take.

    without a customer base, who or what fails to exist ? : the business, not the people running it.

    the meeting point of a business strategy - in order to accomplish a vision - and multiple individuals needs in a complex environment,
    inevitably leads to change, and change takes its root in duality.
  10. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    I can only answer about upgrading : I've upgraded from Mavericks to Sierra because I've had no choice, my web browsers wouldn't work if I hadn't done it.

    that was the only reason along with a few softs & plugins that needed this upgrade.

    but if your system runs ok as it is, no need to upgrade. Logic is a very few amongst many variables in the context of this upgrade, as far as I know.
  11. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    What i will do... I will never buy an Apple product, nor Mac, nor i-devices... While developers are trying to solve Catalina support problems, there another OS-shit will appear, which will trigger another problems. More and more disadvantages about MacOS.

    Some people say about Apple stability etc. But open your eyes guys - developers can't solve problems in these "stable" OSes. More and more this becomes "closer to bullshit" expensive devices , with OSes released each 1-2 years, and pity comments a la mac-please, doesn't-work-on-mac, iusemacbecauseskrillexdoes....
    Pay more and overpay for this shit. Support the fruit company. Don't cry about "arrgh, again for Windows, Mac please!"... I will answer "sorry, R2R has no time to crak this software for Mac, also, this will not work in your Catalina".

    I am not a Mac or Apple hater... Just Apple company are the haters of Apple-users.

    Come on guys, MORE NEGATIVE RATINGS HERE, I like to see when people can't believe in truth.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2019
  12. Delay

    Delay Guest

    short version:
    going to win 10 and asus and for 1000$ saved money buy licences for my R2R & HEXWARS demos

    long version:
    Sorry for bad english. I think "good mac" is over I have lot legal soft its not just problem vst/au i managed to run all but lot plugins other software use OpenGL and guess what, high cpu spikes on every app if not used metal (new apple api).
    OpenGL getting old but no reason to kill app and lot dev works, we have new Vulcan api for replacement.

    And this is big nonsense, current apple arch is all on intel x64 so no problem to run 32bit process in parallel. wtf?
    It's called x86-64 for reason. maybe for future arch but current all apple use same as windows/linux machine.

    Last thing or sh.. is with notarization will ruin other artists too.

    I really tried hard to stay on mac but no way, every update I have lot of problems with stability and losing my older hardware
    because no support for changes.

    Logic pro is not pro anymore (still use one core and cheating people how they have multicore support).
    Lot efx can't use on 4k because of lot legacy (even apple can't keep sync with apple's changes)

    Mac book pro is not pro anymore its like cheep toy form china with chromium os

    AU is great but, lot devs prefer VST standard, and VST on apple is buggy as hell you are forced to use AU.Today AU is made for iOS not for macOS

    To sum up, I know windows have own issues but CEO listen users and don't break old apps with new update
    DLL hell days are gone, they have linux support inside and new media api is rock solid.

    * * *

    what audio devs said:

    One question guys. Do you have more bug reports on Windows or macOS?

    "For me, most of bugs comes from macOS, and they are a really weird ones, like suddenly plugin GUI doesn't shows on older OSs after switching to XCode 10, no matter if I use an older SDK, and target older OS."

    "Approximately 3 times more bug reports per user (average) on macOS than on Windows for us. Given our plugins share the same codebase, such ratio reflects a quite poor interoperability of various software components on macOS."
    ~ Aleksey Vaneev (Voxengo)

    "The OpenGL deprecation is one of the reasons why i did not move to the VST3 SDK so far. It really scares me that all my plugins could stop working with the next OSX update.
    I am currently using the Cocoa API which should be safe for the next years.

    It is really a shame how Apple treats the developers and customers. It seems that their strategy of deprecating technology quickly has only one reason: To sell new hardware and software and make even more money.

    My old Windows programs which are over 15 years old still work without problems. So it IS possible from the technical side but obviously there is no interest from Apple's side for the given reason of profit.
    ~ Markus Krause (Tone2 Audiosoftware )
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2019
  13. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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  14. giancarlo

    giancarlo Producer

    Dec 27, 2015
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    This is the best post to date