Mac Pro 2012 or IMAC 2012 PLS HELP !!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by koschke, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    hmm ok how about the experience with audio interfaces like apogee duet 2 and external drivers like usb 3.0 can you have a fluent work flaw without clipping or processor issues
    did any of you have experinces with that.

    And thank you again guys I really appreciate your advises :mates:
  2. iswingwood

    iswingwood Producer

    Jun 7, 2012
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    any interface will work fine when your using plugin instruments. for best practices its good to keep your sound libraries on a separate from. Let the system drive run the OS and apps, not large sample libraries. This improves performance.

    If you need to record vocals or external instruments, the best bang for buck are: Apogee Duet 2, Focusrite Forte, Motu Track16

    IF doing only music production, you get a better bang for buck with: Motu MicroBook, Presonus AudioBox USB
  3. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    I think people are in denial or something. Where the hell have people been ?

    Since the Intel switch when IBM told apple to F OFF ( busy making cpu's for consoles) and Apple like a crying kid said okay we are switching to intel ( yet another switch, and screwing dozens of developers)

    Since that switch Apple had no choice but to go to other markets as if you are running an Intel Mac you are running a PC period end of story , don't even try to make excuses. As apple is very smart in knowing when to pull out of markets, since then they have been slowly pulling away from the Pro video and Audio market ( with the Mac Pro's). The dumbing down of Logic and giving it away preety much and the removal of the Pro features from Final Cut X was the nail in the coffin for the pro market as they knew what was happening and they switched back to high dell or hp workstations as most studios already have anyways christ this happened even at Pixar of all places LOL.

    The Mac reign is over, there was never any reign, it was Apple just keeping a monopoly on the multimedia content creation hosts. From 2002 to 2006 Apple forced everyone in Post to the Mac pro as they bought and then killed Key applicatins for Video and Audio, that were available for Windows/ linux and Mac , then they killed the Windows and Linux versions and in the end even dumped the Mac versions. Apple are nothing be retarded idiots, who make money on your stupidity and kill products that people invested time and mone, for them it's like drinking a glass of water.

    That reign is over, GET OVER YOURSELVES, Apple will dump the Mac Pro's, there is no doubt about it, and only keep the laptops and Ipads, and of course their bread and butter the Iphone.

    The mac pro's are going to be dumped so expect some massive price drops.. oops already happening at some stores.

    Anyways I built a Hackintosh and it shames any Mac Pro from Apple for more than half the cost. What is with people a Mac Pro is just a locked down PC!!!

    Thank god Apple left the monopoly behind though as look at it now, Daw's from left to right, plugins from left to right, hardware from left to right. Companies who praise the mac are no panicking moving their apps to Windows, aka MOTU hahahahaha hilarious they are so in shit that they have to come to Windows, BOYCOTT motu for the mentality

    Suport both platforms or you end up getting fked in the ass like motu!!!

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    Yep, in order from best to... less best lol

    Mac Pro, best of the best, definitely

    Mac Mini/iMac (Depends Mini specs, don't really know, but as iMacs are not officially really upgradable... Or if you will change your computer in a few years you can go for an iMac, the screen is awesome, even for working with music for hours, that's very comfortable)

    Laptops are not good if you want high performances... (And just out of price) I will get a small Macbook only for travel and gigs, and the big iMac i7 at home

    I wouldn't tell you to take a Hackintosh... I don't think it's really reliable nor stable ! But I never used one so...
  5. teknomix

    teknomix Kapellmeister

    Sep 6, 2012
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    yeah its a joke... the joke are the kids who's use a hackintosh are all time formatting the HDD like in Windows when they have a kernel panic jajajajajaja
    please! :rofl:

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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    Buy your refurb direct from Apple -- seriously -- If you're intent to dropping the kind of change (money) that you've been eluding too (Apogee Interface, Apple w/ SSD, Thunderbot etc), don't take any chances --- and make sure that you get extended AppleCare (to cover any potential failures after the initial year warranty runs out)

    Regarding the Hackintosh -- thats a whole other ballgame altogether. I (personally) am quite intrigued, as I'd love to get a cheap Intel laptop running MacOS 10.6 (portable audio workstation) ! However, there is clearly more 'work' and 'troubleshooting' involved than the 'average user' (or the 'working user') is willing to deal with. If for whatever reason, a non compliant component, or incompatible software/system update throws the machine into 'kernel panic' at the next startup -- you'll be dealing with that mess, rather than making tracks. That is not to say that Mac's are completely free from hardware/software issues (they are not), but you will likely find solutions to potential issues much faster with a 'supported system'

    Go with your gut -- but don't break the bank, save some change to upgrade the RAM, etc -- Also keep in mind -- that a few months from now, the system will likely be obsolete -- and new machines with more efficient OS enhancements, better peripheral support, Faster CPU, More RAM, Etc -- are bound to surface (and cost the same or less that what you will end up paying now)
  7. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    mercurysoto is right.Know a couple of guys who bought imacs and sold them to get mac pros bcoz they needed more power.If you are doing heavy work meaning using lots of plugins and running video with multiple audio tracks etc ,then macpro is for you.Upgradable too.Been there!!!Anyway its your choice bro!!!hope you get the best choice
  8. London007

    London007 Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Get the Mac Pro with SSD, that's what I've got and love it using Logic 9. You can upgrade it at your leisure, anytime, in any possible way that you want. The iMac is terrible to upgrade. Hackintosh are junk that cause infinite problems you will never be able to solve. AVOID THEM. Seriously, they are not much better than having some Frankenstein PC. Get the Mac Pro 3.2 Quad (2010 w/16GB RAM).
  9. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    But is the imac 27" I7 not faster than the mac pro quad core 3,2. :unsure:
  10. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    @ koschke,
    I'm in a similar stage but I've made my mind, I'm gonna go for a Hackintosh...for 3D , heavy renders and buffers there is no exit on the imacs/ powebooks side!
    The day you notice that your system can't cope with a few thousand points you start hating all the marketing around.
    With macs for all what you pay It's hard not to feel resentful against the apple's policy of bundling their components.
    For the average models it's a little choice, little customization if you like, forcing ppl to buy what they want to sell or even worse forcing ppl save up for the perfect machine for years ( so pay even more)

    Plus sometimes it takes ages before Apple introduces improvements in their models that have been running for a while on the PC side.
    Regarding to thunder bolt, the patent is open so I imagine it would be another connectivity standard for both platforms.

    So the partition would be for audio...accepting all the hassle

    @iSwingWood I would like to have this stomach !
    @ dan I don't know any VFX or Game Studio using Macs ...too expensive! and yep I've noticed that Apple seems to give a shit on releasing Logic 10 not too mention the discontinuation of Shake (the former apple's / pro compositing package)
  11. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Honestly, if your current system is doing everything fine but it seems stale to you because you have been using it for so long i have a suggestion!

    I really don't see the point in spending all that money just to switch platforms to do the same thing.
    You already have a recording system that works!
    Use it and don't worry about having the latest flashy technology.

    Take the money you were going to spend and do some travel!
    Go to a foreign country, take in the sights and sounds and culture.
    When you return you will be refreshed and full of new ideas and still have a perfectly decent recording system to put it all into!

    This goes double if you are still young, say under 35.
    Travel and experience the world while you can, don't cheat yourself out of that experience just to have the latest flashy technology that will be replaced and/or alot cheaper next year or the year after.
    You will get a lot more value from that than a brand new apple computer, trust me!
  12. London007

    London007 Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Lord Gaga and GangamStyle (errr, wrong spelling dude) are both absolutely right!! You really wanna spend 3 months just learning Logic Pro? Concentrate on the art of the music you're making, not changing platforms and apps. Having an extra 1 GHz CPU power and 4 GB more RAM definitely won't help your tracks sound better...
  13. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Why I am choosing right now apple is not that I like their policy (and guys I HATE them, actually I would never go for apple or even a Hacintosh PC AND WINDOWS rules so easy for me. Just for an example I was today in an Apple store and they had the old IMACS so far not a really surprise but then I looked for the prices OMFG.And in less than 24 hours they will bring out the new IMAC for even the same price :snuffy: )
    But anyways that’s not the point for me I had produce so many thinks and after so many times I had a chance for an major Deal ok not really a major DEAL it was something like that
    and at the appointment they ask me with which daw I produce and I said Cubase and then they said CUBAS NEVER EVER that’s not Professional if you want to be professional you have to work with apple and logic and so on. And on that fucking day I asked myself why I am doing this shit :( .And I started to buy Legal stuff I bought from NI Maschine and cross grad the Ultimate Bundle (was a Deal breaker) at that time when I ordered the East west Complete Composer Edition MAC.
    And now I need a mac.Guys I don’t know what to do it’s like I want to stop music but I cant I love it too much and I invest so many hours for it.
    SO what now.
    But even that’s not the point why I am changing to apple.
    What I am trying to do is that with a Ipad can produce in garage band some beats and I can exported them in logics so in my time that I am not at home I can produce.
    And I think the best thing to do that is with APPLE. They have the best music apps on the market and apple is more for music as windows 8.
    So that’s the point.
    And by the way what do you think about this offer in eBay

    MAC PRO 3, 2 Quad Core 2012 16 gab RAM and 1TB HD.
    With Apple CARE Till 2015

  14. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Wow dude, i wouldn't bother my ass with whoever was going to give you that "deal" , wtf does it matter to them what you make the music on, the deal is for the finished product right?
    As for them wanting you on the same system as them, anyone who actually has the skills to do decent remixes can work from stems anyway, so it still would'nt matter what system you wrote on.
    Sounds dodgy, but it's your call obviously!
  15. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    The ebay refurb is good to me, it's far better than the last imac's. Macpro rocks, if you can afford go for it.

    Just add an extra SSD drive to replace the system drive and use the 1TO for the data. ( a wonderfull promo on a 485g SSD at 315$ till the end of the week end )

    For the hackintosh part, like i told before a properly built one is as stable as a real mac.

    But if you build a PC to match the MacPRO setup the price will be the SAME.

    MacPro are not consumer PC's, they have ECC memory, server motherboard, CPU etc..

    Those who claim that they can build "the same" PC for half the price are missing some points and are actually wrong.

    Check by yourself :,1985-2.html
  16. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    So i did not get the mac pro from ebay :( somebody else beat me off. :snuffy: .
    So what now. :(
    Any good Advise :dunno:

    Mac Pro 4.1, 8x 2,26 GHz Nehalem for 1500€
    RAM 6GB
    Festplatte 640GB
    NVidia GeForce GT120 (DVI & Display-Port)

    What dou you think guys :excl:
  17. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Lord Gaga,

    Then i guess you only saw what you wanna saw .... ( t'as lu entre les lignes quoi ! )
    I never talked design Wise but component Wise, the article did the same !
    Build a PC with the same components and the price will be the SAME or even more !

    Read the article not the bullshits....

    Do it yourself, take all the macpro components to build a PC and then perhaps you ll understand that Apple overpricing is a Myth.
  18. koschke

    koschke Noisemaker

    May 25, 2012
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    Which users are Producing with IMAC :dunno:
  19. tomazzzi

    tomazzzi Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    A lot.

    IMac is a good computer, powerfull enough to cover the needs of most producers.

    The only downside to me is that it's not expandable or upgradable.

    If it fits your needs go for it, but make sure you won't need any upgrade in the future...

    Else get a macpro.
  20. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    I think the Hackintosh is a no-no. GHz and GB of RAM are not the only things on the line. The link above is pretty funny on this matter.
    Tell us more on this deal thingie. I don't see how the software you work with is a deal-breaker. It won't make you work better.

    Plus :
    - I know a lot of professionals doing professionnal work (recording, mixing, preproduction, production), for big $$$ on outdated Cubase. Regardless of windows or mac.
    - I know even more doing this with ProTools, any version (I never saw Protools HD yet).

    These are the softs I see usually. Personally I use Ableton Live and I love it.

    _ONE_ of my friends use Logic.
    I don't like the general feel of Logic. (plus the time I saw it running, it crashed a few times)

    It's not about the DAW, but how you can use it, and how much time it takes to achieve any goal with it. Mixing , having a real workflow, I'm able to do this only with Live, I learned every single shortcut... I can't find my way in any other software.
    I'm not telling you to use Live, I'm telling to use what you know best. Seriously.

    If you want to switch to Mac, do it, if you can afford a second hand mac pro, do it (but I would check it hands-on before). If you have time to learn another software, do it. Any of the above has a cost (in time and money).

    "Do you have an idea how many people are using a Hackintosh?"

    In music, close to 0. afaik.

    "By the way! i have like 760 Plug-ins running fine in Logic! no problem at all!"

    760 plug-ins? At the same time? Seriously? On the box you described? Hard to believe. Even some trivial noise generator/osc or filters won't.
    Over how many tracks?

    "900$ Hackintosh."

    I got my MBP13 two years ago with roughly the same specs. I got it for just a few more bucks.
    MacPro don't come with consumer i5 or 7 CPU. Same go for the motherboard and stuffs.
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