Lunar Pole Cinematic Drums For Omnisphere 2 [Free Download]

Discussion in 'Presets, Patches' started by Lunarpole, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. Lunarpole

    Lunarpole Platinum Record

    May 5, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Lunar Pole Cinematic Drums For Omnisphere 2. Another free patch library for omnisphere 2. Now even Bigger!!! This library containing Drum Patches & Sound sources ready to be injected in your movie, documentary, video game and multimedia projects. Also there are Bonus Voices Patches are added to this library that will help you create excitement in your mix.
    Please Subscribe my Youtube Channel For more Free Omnisphere 2 patch Libraries.It will only take a few seconds.Your support will encourage me to produce more Libraries for Omnisphere 2.

    Preset & Sound Sources Info----
    LPCD LONG Multi 100 BPM 1
    LPCD LONG Multi 100 BPM 2
    LPCD LONG Multi 100 BPM 3
    LPCD LONG Multi 100 BPM 4
    LPCD LONG Multi 100 BPM 5
    LPCD LONG Multi 100 BPM 6
    LPCD LONG Multi 140 BPM 1 Panned
    LPCD LONG Multi 140 BPM 2 Panned
    LPCD LONG Multi 140 BPM 3 Panned
    LPCD LONG Multi 140 BPM 4 Panned
    LPCD LONG Multi 140 BPM 1
    LPCD LONG Multi 140 BPM 2
    LPCD LONG Rhythmic 140 BPM 1
    LPCD LONG Rhythmic 140 BPM 2
    LPCD 1 100 BPM
    LPCD 2 100 BPM
    LPCD 3 100 BPM
    LPCD 4 100 BPM
    LPCD 5 100 BPM
    LPCD 6 100 BPM

    Bonus Voices Patches

    LPCD Voice 1
    LPCD Voice 2
    LPCD Voice 3
    LPCD Voice 4
    LPCD Voice 5

    • Requirements: Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 2.2.0g or higher.

    Download Link and Demo
  3. DeeeZZZ

    DeeeZZZ Guest

    Hi, one question : why all files invisible after install? how fix it ? Only total commander see it
  4. transmit³

    transmit³ Kapellmeister

    Sep 27, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Hello Lunarpole,
    Where exactly is the download link for your Omnisphere 2 Patches?
    Would like to use the free patch library
    Thank you
  5. transmit³

    transmit³ Kapellmeister

    Sep 27, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Thank you, I've found her:mates: