Lost Data western digital hd drive - HELP!

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Rolma, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    btw, Hitachi is no longer... They are called hgst now and owned by wd - the 3,5" drives are manufactured by toshiba. So there goes that option :snuffy:
  2. Goat Head

    Goat Head Guest

    Sounds like maybe the folder you moved had the same name one that already existed, or it tried to perform the same operation twice and replaced its good self with its not-fully-copied self. The more you do after the problem occurs, the harder it is to fix it.

    I had a problem about a year ago. I made the mistake of creating two partitions on my hard drive when i first got the computer with the the smaller partition above the larger. A couple years later i deleted the smaller partition and tried using iPartition move the free space below so I could create a Bootcamp partition on it. To make a long story short, iPartition ruined the entire drive, all my unmixed songs over 2 years, everything was lost. DiskWarrior and other tools I tried couldn't recover anything. The only data i could save was what was on my old computer before i got this one in 2011. Overconfidence got the best of me. NOW, I am a huge believer in Time Machine. 3 TB usb3 hard drives are not that expensive. Of course my mac was one of the last models to not have usb3. If yours has usb3, then this is probably irrelevant. So I got a CalDigit Thunderbolt station. One of the best investments I've ever made. Not only does it give me usb3, I get an extra HDMI port, ethernet, sound ports, oh, and the microphone jack is powered, unlike the standard mac microphones. So you can use any microphone with it. no more usb mics. I have a 3 TB usb3 drive doing all my time machine back ups. And a 2 TB usb3 drive for my sound libraries. If all you lose from this are tutorials, consider yourself lucky. While it may be hard, most of that can be replaced. Your master recordings can't. It sounds like you are getting help with trying to recover your data. Good luck with that. I might have gotten more of mine if I had tried a few other things. I was really late getting into the game on BootCamp and TimeMachine. I think I should have tried TimeMachine first. Oh well. Lesson learned.... painfully.
  3. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    I use timemachine all the time as well, from another experience in which I trashed 5 GB of my work, not music work, professional -paid work. I recovered partial bits of it, but given that the thing had a strong bound with interconnected files, the recover was poor and dreadful. It was a miserable time, I had to stop working for 2 weeks just redoing the project! Since then as well Im into time machine, I also find these backups useful for when some Vsts call home -( I always I get a reference point!)

    Although this particular drive is just for installers and data (learning materials). It is used across a Mac and Windows.On the Mac I have installed parangon, so I can use this generic usb 3 drives as much as I want. But those drives don't seem to like so much the cross platform intake. They are reluctant once you switch them back to the other system.

    I think Ill get over the recovery, and Image has been done...Ill see what brings, I hadnt yet the time to look at it !

    Do you use Thunderbolt storage, I think is very expensive ?

  4. KingSchlongXVII

    KingSchlongXVII Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    Hey Rolma!!

    I just saw this post and the story of the problems you've been having... I'm really sorry to hear that! Once upon a time the very same thing happened to me, I'm fairly sure it was iPartition that was at fault (it's usually something traumatic like that, in terms of "potentially dangerous" software being involved), to cause such grief. In fact contrary to your good Lacie experiences mine were a disaster! And Western Digital have been my longest running HD's, surpassing my previous favourite brand Seagate.

    Anyway, how's it looking for you now, I'm curious to know the latest in the ongoing battle of Rolma vs HD - "el classico"!! :mates:
  5. Goat Head

    Goat Head Guest


    I was close to getting Thunderbolt storage. Only having the usb 2 ports, I really wanted faster access to my sound libraries and time machine. A thunderbolt raid tower was my dream... 4 x 3T hard drives, a striped in pairs, one striped pair mirroring the other. And that would just be for the music libraries, lol. But yes, relying only on thunderbolt for backup and storage is very expensive. At the time I was looking they didn't offer any empty enclosures for Thunderbolt. I see they have some now, but they seem to cost at least as much as the CalDigit dock. I love this dock. I'm using every usb 3 port on it now, plus the microphone jack. When I run out of space (probably soon) I can just get bigger usb3 drives. They seem to be fast enough for the time being. Just waiting for the larger SSD's to get cheaper. Then this mac mini will be maxed out. Thunderbolt is taking too long to become affordable for me.
  6. Goat Head

    Goat Head Guest

    iPartition seriously did my internal HD in. Just trying to move all the data into the free space at the beginning of the drive so I could move the free space to the end for Bootcamp. I used iPartition recently to reclaim the free space on a MBR partitioned drive. GParted wouldn't even let me do that. So I've found one thing that iPartition is good for. I wouldn't trust it for anything else. If anything, it will teach you the importance backing stuff up.
  7. Rolma

    Rolma Guest


    ALL ALL ALL ( It took me a while, I have been on and off on the thing but yeah I CAN STUDY AGAIN MUSIC PRODUCTION AND THEORY! )

    best tool r-studio!
  8. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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  9. Goat Head

    Goat Head Guest

    R-Studio looks interesting. I wish i had known about this a year ago when I had my problems. Congrats on getting your data back :)
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