Looking for tool to easily edit MIDI files

Discussion in 'Software' started by Omnislash7777, Mar 10, 2024.

  1. Omnislash7777

    Omnislash7777 Noisemaker

    Mar 30, 2019
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    Hello friends :)

    My DAW is Studio One 6 Pro, and apparantly when exporting events as MIDI,
    pieces of information like Channel don't get written into the final midi file.

    So I am looking for a tool which can easily change the channel of notes in a MIDI file by using conditions.
    - set channel 2 for all notes whose velocity is 128
    - set channel 3 for all notes whose range is above octave 5 (C6 till end)

    I have PSR MixMaster, where you can do MIDI editing, but this program is pretty
    laggy and not that user-friendly in my opinion.

    Perhaps the fastest and easiest way might be a(n) HEX editor where I can just define
    some RegEx and say "replace XX 00 YY ZZ by XX 01 YY ZZ".
    Hex editor neo free edition is pretty limited, I don't think it will work with the free version.

    Any recommandations?
    What I also would love is some MIDI to text, but here I can actually use PSR MIX master.

    Thanks for any advice and best regards
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  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    in Logic, the type of operations you are referring to are called Midi Transforms, because it isn't really "editing". It's rule based changes, and you just configure the rule you want to apply to all the data you have selected. Maybe this will give you a different search term to use trying to find a utility that does these things. It's more of a batch process, than a traditional "edit".

  4. run2thesun

    run2thesun Newbie

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Midi Kit is ideal for this

    2024-03-10 9.09.41 pm.png
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