Looking for sample info(help!!!)

Discussion in 'samples' started by L2song, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. L2song

    L2song Newbie

    Feb 23, 2024
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    Hi, I made a track last year using sample found on the web. Last year we completed a recording and this track has been on hold for a mixing to getting its released date.
    Finally its release date is fixed recently and meanwhile I had a hard drive issue blowing some database including this sample. To search this sample data, I have cut the intro part from my recorded track.
    Does anyone know the information of this sample such as a name of sample pack?

    The artist who used this track is waiting for us to restore this track for release. It would be so grateful if someone could saving my ass out...

    Please check the attached mp3 file that I extracted from my song

    Attached Files:

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