Looking for PC notebook with low DPC latency

Discussion in 'PC' started by trz303, Nov 4, 2022.

  1. trz303

    trz303 Producer

    Jun 29, 2011
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    I'm looking for a new PC notebook with low DPC latency for realtime audio.

    A few month ago I bougt an MSI Raider GE76 (12th gen i7) but this thing is too high on DPC latency, audio crackling everywhere even when tuning down CPU power to avoid CPU throttle.

    A real nightmare.

    Do you have a recent notebook PC with LOW DPC latency, enabling realtime audio without any problem ?

    I'd like to find a 17 inches screen with 2500x1440 res, 12th gen i7, 32go ram, 1to SSD.
    It's not for gaming so GPU is not a priority here.

    Any brand I can look for ?

    You can test your DPC Latency with Latencymon, a free tool is available here : https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon
    (it has to run at least for 5-10 minutes to give real results)

    Thanks for any input !
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2022
  3. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Apart from the basics you can do (disable the power management and set the highest performance mode in windows), what driver is actually causing the DPC spikes?

    It's usually networking (disable that for testing) or graphics (update drivers of course). Also if you have a lot of USB gear hooked up try removing those to see if one might be the culprit.

    My laptop knowledge is a few years out of date here, but I've a had no issues with Lenovos or HPs. Dells on the other hand have always been flaky.

    If you can't get the information from here, or Google (which is down to pure luck) then reddit's r/laptops is a decent place to ask as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/laptops/
  4. trz303

    trz303 Producer

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Seems that most 12th gen intel with gaming GPU are way too problematic with thermal issues to avoid DPC latency.

    Even when setting very low values to PL1 / PL2 in bios or XTU/ThrottleStop doesnt help that much ... audio clicks are less frequent but still there.

    And 12th gen intel without gaming GPU are hard to find.

    Even companies who are selling pro-audio orientated laptops didnt know about DPC latency problems ...
  5. Fritz Karlsson Flimmer

    Fritz Karlsson Flimmer Newbie

    Dec 16, 2021
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