Looking for a specific older drum breaks addon for Ableton

Discussion in 'Software' started by liquid23, Mar 29, 2023.

  1. liquid23

    liquid23 Ultrasonic

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Hi folks,

    I remember a project file, or *.alp file which was custom made and collected all kinds of classic drum breaks for use in Hip Hop or Drum & Bass genres. I´m pretty sure there was also a Youtube video about the release.

    Grabbed it some years ago. Not sure about the contributer nor if it was a commercial or a free thing.

    Searched all over the internet and didn`t found it.

    On top I asked myself if there isn´t a place somewhere, where I can find custom made Ableton addons in one place, like for Max4Live devices?

    Any hints are welcome.

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