Look At This Picture!

Discussion in 'humor' started by hoodhendrix, May 13, 2013.

  1. hoodhendrix

    hoodhendrix Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Long Beach, Ca
    there was a question asked in a thread finding out who in the community does any other genre besides EDM and it got inflated into a bullshit balloon. look at this picture regardless of what type of music you make we are all under this speculation by anyone who dosnt know the process of music production period. let every man be your teacher instead of an enemy!! :mates:
  3. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Round 2​


  4. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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  5. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    That's what comes in my mind everytime i see products like "xxWobbleXX" or "yyDrop that bass woop woopYYY" VST
  6. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    don't press that red button!!!!!


    my home recording studio


    pure analog!!!
  7. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
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    dark side of the moon
    in college i got the music making bug (I went to art school, but music was always a huge part of my life)-so i started making my own music using a sony disc recorder with a radio shack crap mic and a thrift shop casio keyboard, ans various percusiion like pots and pans, spoons on old rusty metal grates, kids toys, and vacuums, all recorded live into the mic, if i messed up i had to start over. four track would have been a dream come true lol

    so i say thank god/allah/vishnu/jahweh/great spaghetti monster for computers, they do indeed make it easier for us to make our music.. but they are just another tool, like a guitar or a chainsaw...

    (oh shit now i want a chainsaw-guitar hybrid!!!!!)

    still im always learning, and its cool sharing what ive learned with others
  8. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    :wink: Totally agree!
  9. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    is it really that important how something is made and wether it was easy or hard?
    isn't it way more important wether people enjoy the end product?
    let those narrow minded people be, i don't understand how you can devote a whole thread to this.
    every thread i read about this is somewhat the same, you always have some purist and some people who just don't care and just like (making) music.

    i think the latter have the advantage and will likely have a way more joyful musical adventure. the others will just keep complaining and never adopt to new times.
  10. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Today is all about instant pleasure, instant stars, usig only loops and call "this is may music".
    I am old, 8 Long training before university and long 8 years at university studing only music. Of course erudit music is limited, like any style. I just no studied integral serial music but worked with a lot musicians and heard, search everything that I can in rock, jasz, dance and experimental. This is what make me as musician with a strong personality... learning everytime, only music, just music.
    A great problem is that somo hobbyist call themselfs as musician, they only learn about the style they like and it make poor music. Listeners are poor educated, so, if you do not learn diferent music in school you probably will think that soup opera have the best music.
    Instant pleasure request no learning from the past, so the present becames poorer because is imitates itself and future, well, it doesnt really exist in a solid way because, generally, the future of the poor ear do nothing more that something that the pass had done, so the future is not really new isnt?
    Every music that I do no like I will heard untill I can understand why it is so bad. A professional thinks like that because art is subjective by itself. So the worst of the music is a shadow, and Jung sad that shadows will haunt if you do not make effort to know the past.
    I heard in this forum some days ago:
    Complextro is the most complex music ever created.
    Well, it is really poor (like my english vocabulary :rofl: )
    So, it will have any damage that people who intend do serius music, study all kind of music? In my studio musicians ussually talk bad thing about wother stayles of music without really understand. I always said to them that no matter of style good or bad music can be done.
    By the way, the most beutifull gift that music can provide is improvisation (all good composers do) and the build of personal music identidy, that will never be stable until we accept that the richness is the difference.
    I remind that poor music is not the difference because is just imitation.
    The culture (ear culture) limits ourselves, but professionals can be so limited right?
    Thumbs up for anyone that can be critic (always with fundament) first with yourself and secound (with much love as we can) with other :mates:
  11. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Funny thing is, that this is actually a great way to record click/transient! Highpass it and combine it with a "regular kick drum mic" and a sub-kick mic (all EQ'd and in aligned to be in phase) and you got a truly awesome kick drum.
  12. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Or.. just use a KICKASS...Loop.. :rofl:
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Thanks HoodHendrix for that because I think we really have some elitist stuck-up musicians on these forums and it's so pathetic it makes me sick. Not because they feel that way inside which is their own business but because they spread their animosity towards everyone else. It's really just overcompensation for how small they feel because if you're creating your art the way you see fit then you shouldn't really care what anyone else is doing with theirs. I'd rather spend that time making music than complaining about the only constant in life...change. The way they act it's as if someone is telling them that they can't play drums, guitar or piano anymore. I certainly think that learning how to play an instrument can be an invaluable tool but to say that someone isn't a musician because they can't play an acoustic instrument is a bunch of garbage particularly in this day and age. It also presupposes that every electronic artist doesn't play an instrument which is a misguided and ignorant assumption. Maybe some people don't play instruments in the classical sense but why is an MPC or a pad not an instrument? It has velocity sensitivity just like drums or a piano. It plays notes or samples or whatever just like drums or a piano. Playing an MPC or pad live takes a lot of dexterity so people really need to stop acting like it's so easy. And if you really do think it's so easy I would LOVE to see your new video where you're playing one like a boss. Oh and when you're preparing your new track for that video make sure you synthesize some really impressive timbres using different methods of synthesis because that's what good electronic musicians do. Snobby musicians also forget that when they play they are playing 1 melodic line or drums. An electronic musician has to compose for all different kinds of forces from drums, percussion, bass and effects to orchestral instruments, pads, strings, textures. etc. If you want to properly emulate guitar you have to study guitar. If you want to pull off a realistic drum performance, you have to study a live drummer. Shit you even have to tune your kicks, snares and toms just like a real drummer, the only difference is they use an FFT and a tune knob rather than tuning it by hand. Looking to incorporate orchestral elements and give your music depth?...you better know a thing or two about music theory and you should certainly watch an orchestra in action. Nobody is picking up a sample library and pulling off any kind of realistic performance off the bat, that takes time, study and dedication. Then people complain about the rigid quantized feel of electronic music. It's created like that out of choice not necessity because it echoes the natural reverberations of nature's pulses such as our heartbeat. It's also meant to be danced to and that's why there is a need for a steady beat. Plus honestly I don't think it's that a lot of people don't like electronic music, I think that they just haven't been exposed to any GOOD electronic musicians. It's easy to hear Avicii or Skrillex and assume that everyone is making crap like that. Really those musicians that subscribe to close-minded thinking are comparing apples to oranges because it's not that contemporary musicians don't have skills it's just that the skills are different...and we all know how much people hate different. Coincidentally that's why the world is teetering over an abyss at the moment. A lot of musicians still study arrangement, composition, music theory, synthesis, mixing, mastering, proper use of effects and a million other disciplines. These complainers are like those dinosaurs that refuse to not only adapt to a changing musical landscape but to make others feel bad for doing so. Particularly those musicians that have devoted their lives in pursuit of their passion and in order to find self-expression and catharsis. Brian Eno uses loops and computers and yet has somehow still managed to make a huge impact on the art form. Yes he does know how to play an instrument yet still sometimes he chooses not to use one or rather he uses a contemporary one or maybe even dare I say it...a loop. And you know what he'll still be remembered when your favorite cookie-cutter bands are dust in the annals of history. Nobody said we have to turn our back on the lessons, culture and music of the past as that is how we got to where we are and not to mention when you study music theory you are studying functional harmony from classical times. I am a proponent of the idea that every piece of music whether you like it or not is absolutely brimming with lessons, ideas and inspiration. I can understand making a statement that electronic music needs revolution or challenging musicians to learn an instrument but people just go off the deep end with their rants. The kind of snobbery that I hear from musicians honestly is just sickening and pathetic. I really feel sorry for anyone that gets their kicks from putting down other TALENTED people as that is what children do. Time better spent making music. Congratulations elitist musicians of AudioSex, you have managed to take something as beautiful and unifying as music and make it just another instrument of oppression. And you know what music would be stale and boring if all we ever had were classical instruments for the whole duration of our human experience on this planet. I celebrate all musicians and all forms of music.
  14. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    Whenever a genre of music is dominating then it becomes a target; Always have, always been. When you looking at these so called "purist" threads, you'd think EDM started last year, lol!!! You'd think that House music was never played and produced since the 80's. It's like, oh sh*t, the 4x4 pattern been there that long? Yeah! that long. However, since these 4x4 music making dudes are enjoying capital status in the last couple of years then the fuckers aka haters aka "no, I'm just saying" aka never-made-it-musicians feel they have to complain to be heard.
    Truth is though, the people whom consider themselves REAL musicians and understand what the music industry is about, simply keep making music. Best of all, they collaborate with the 4x4 music making dudes. After all, these REAL musicians don't have the time to feel like the never-made-it-musicians since these never-made-it-musicians ain't doing shit beside a regular 9 to 5 to fall on, if any.

    Just not long ago, the never-made-it-musicians target was? Hip-Hop, yea for a cool 10 years or so, Hip-Hop dominated the charts and if you go back through forums archives, you'd see the never-made-it-musicians was fuming, slicing their wrist and couldn't understand how RZA, DJ Premier, Dre, etc... could called the MPC an instrument. OMG!!! that's absurd!! How could they be so rich by making music with samples of REAL musicians. HAHAHAHAHA!!! And what happened, Hip-Hop kept being Hip-Hop, the producers kept getting richer. A few of the never-made-it-musicians simply aged, some died of various causes, some still alive and still complaining, but live goes on and Hip-Hop is still around. Same scenario will happen with the never-made-it-musicians complaining about EDM or anything they feel complaining about: LIFE WILL GO ON!!

    That whole argument is a waste and it stinks. I can only laugh out loud in the face of any of these never-made-it-musicians. That's all I could do. However, I'll hold my deep respect for REAL musicians, artists and bands who simply keep making music and keep enriching their genre whether it is on top or not. REAL musicians who bump shoulders with everybody in the industry and understand that music is ART FORM which can be delivered in any shape and form.
    Like someone noted, these never-made-it-musicians are simply "closed-minded". Honestly, if they have made research or really know about music beyond a guitar, a drum set and a keyboard, they'd realize that there are countries in the world where music are made without the use of a computer, but more importantly, without the use of a guitar, a keyboard nor a drum set; Simply because instruments are in the hundreds. So, I guess, for these never-made-it-musicians, none of these type of music from various part of the world would be considered real or pure or whatever garbage word they wanna use.
  15. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    I suppose that in some extent part of the thing comes from who gets paid and why.
    This tends to raise lots of ‘considerations’ ...the first consideration might consider something about the position.
    To be in position of being considered and starting to consider how to preserve a position

    The rest sounds like some horse puritanism complaining about
    why the horse force is being substituted by mechanical force.
    And why mechanical force relies on executive decision
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Rolma that was fucking brilliant. :wink:
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You're like a cat that got in the cream and can't stop licking himself. Who the ____ cares? What are you 10? :rofl:
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It was a joke. Relax. :mates:
    I just wish people could just see beyond such petty limitations as genre, instruments and musical prowess to simply respect the passion that people have for their art and for music itself. It is one of the few commonalities that we have as human beings. Why taint that too? I appreciated your song and I'm not even that big into metal though I used to be more into it when I was younger. I didn't say well that guy is using a guitar and that is so boring and he has no talent, etc. Maybe I could even learn a thing or two from your work. Imagine that.
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Honestly it's because I have gotten into four similar arguments in the past few weeks (including one last night). That's not your fault though and I apologize if I got too defensive. I am a human being too and sometimes I don't handle things in the best way. It just wears on you after a while because it's a commonly encountered argument founded on nothing but prejudice and it really doesn't have to be. *no*
  20. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    Food for thought

    Imagine yourself in front of a talented person with a instrument
    ie piano, violin, acoustic guitar, clarinet, hurdy gurdy, just any cool instrument.

    Not only do you appreciate the music but it also gives you a sense of awe... really can pull out some emotions.
    The ambition and dedication to learn a craft such as this should never be downplayed or ridiculed.

    Now to the computer,
    It is a art composing and putting samples together.. I respect it and yes sometime I will use samples to a certain degree.

    check out this awesome video and where the samples come from.

    Cool eh? But now a question..
    Now to the guy composing it.. Does he incense any emotion to you putting this together or hitting the play button. Is the music and video his in some respect? he created it right? Isn't this what a remix is to some extent?

    Do I want to be just like that guy or a talented musician that plays real instruments? Is it the same thing?
    The answer to me is no but you are allowed to have your opinion :)

    One more point.. Have you ever heard the expression oh that shit is old.. or hell what is that country?????
    To me being a musician is having an open mind. There is not genres or age but it's either GOOD music or bad.
    Admit it, There is music from all genres that you enjoy if not you are lying to yourself.

    Most of today's pop music strikes me as being bad, There are exceptions sure but it sickens me that record company's basically embrace
    the copy and paste feature.. playing the same vocal phrase 300 times in a song.

    Then on top of that you see the person on tv or in concert lip syncing on stage completely lying to themselves and there audiences.

    Rock music is dead because they keep trying to shove five finger death punch bands down your throat. What ever happened to letting creativity flourish instead of brainwashing people into liking the same shit with a different name?

    Music is a joke these days. sorry about the ramble, maybe Im getting old


    noun (Concise Encyclopedia)

    Art concerned with combining vocal or instrumental sounds for beauty of form or emotional expression, usually according to cultural standards of rhythm, melody, and, in most Western music, harmony. Music most often implies sounds with distinct pitches that are arranged into melodies and organized into patterns of rhythm and metre. The melody will usually be in a certain key or mode, and in Western music it will often suggest harmony that may be made explicit as accompanying chords or counterpoint. Music is an art that, in one guise or another, permeates every human society. It is used for such varied social purposes as ritual, worship, coordination of movement, communication, and entertainment.

  21. tater01

    tater01 Banned

    Apr 27, 2013
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    So I guess this is the post where we can say why we don't like a type of music and not get bitched at?