Logic Pro9 sample browser&player

Discussion in 'Logic' started by learner, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. learner

    learner Newbie

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Is there a fast way to browse a whole sample library very quickly then simply drag it and start recording with a very low cpu demand like in fl studio or studio one 2. I'm quiet boring of exs or kontakt... for only opening them for only one snare, kick.. each time. Even if i know that in kontakt we can open it one time, drag multiple files and then assign them to different outputs but it takes time.
  3. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    this is truly one thing i missed, workflow wise when switching from fl studio to logic. hope they integrate something like this in logic x. :snuffy:
  4. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Learner,

    About Kontakt :

    You have the possibility to either make your 'own' Scripts (can be seen as 'Templates'), or to save your 'own' FX Chains (Insert & Send), as well as, Groups, Bus Groups,... configurations, especially within recent versions. :wink:

    If you plan to solely use 'single' sample elements (snares, kicks,... ), I can only suggest you to create one (or several) folder(s) where you put all these 'single' elements. This way, you have access to it (them) very quickly for a 'quick preview'. Then, when you find your happiness, you just have to import it (place it) along your Project(s).
    When you can get some free time, just browse, load and listen to your desired Kontakt Instruments (or Multis), then when you find the sample(s) that please you, simply export it (them) and you'll have it (them) either in .WAV or .AIFF formats depending of the format source.
  5. xsze

    xsze Guest

    I use Ultrabeat for that tasks, have my own kit's, kicks,snares,hats etc...just browse and preview them one by one...Or if you know what samples you wanna use, just make multiple outputs and you are done, everything with one instance of Ultrabeat ;)

    Really love Ultrabeat, open drag&drop kit, browse for some potential samples, drop them in Ultrabeat, save kit or just preview everything in context with the project ;)
  6. exs1

    exs1 Newbie

    Dec 8, 2011
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    My preproduction starts with finder. Start at the top of kick, snares whatever, hit the spacebar and start scrolling through audio with the down arrow. I also use AudioFinder to batch convert to Exs24 and to browse a whole sample library very quickly.