Logic 5 Error "Initializing External Sample Editor communication"

Discussion in 'Software' started by Roject, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    And The Best Answer goes to............... me :hillbilly:
    Fuck poverty! :dj: :disco:

    I don't know what exactly helps me. Only show You all the steps I've done :wink:
    Probably You don't have to replace Xskey.dll or turn off some autostart programs etc. but it can helps.

  2. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    and now your licks have already improved, :rofl:
    so well worth the trouble. :yes:
    Congrats - nice to hear it's working.

    I'm guessing that switching off anything that was competing for audio drivers was the issue.

    about the Logic.prf file (for future ref - and might never be relevant)
    The functional version of the logic.prf file is located in the root Windows folder.
    Maybe make a backup copy of that file when you're happy with how your set up works.
    You can delete the existing copy at anytime and Logic will build a new one when it launches.
    IF you have any future issues, simply deleting that Logic.prf might work
    but replacing it with an old good copy might be a better option.
  3. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Interesting. I doesn't had this file before ("Logic 5.prf"). This file was created in "C:\Windows" after Logic properly start or created after Logic start when I set Audio Hardware inside the software. Because if I open this file in Notepad there are some hieroglyphs and in the center is the name of my Sound Card Driver which I set in Logic.
  4. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Logic creates (or updates) that logic.prf file at the time when you close the logic program.
    (sorry I said above 'when it launches' but technically it's when it closes)

    One of the stored preferences is definitely the Audio Driver settings, including if you have 'no Audio Driver' selected at all.
    So, if you just deleted the logic.prf file you would be back to having no Audio Driver selected.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
  5. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    @Ad Heesive Do You know what type of plugins (vst, vsti, dxi etc.) are supported and where is default location for plugins? Where can I set this? When I'm open "PlgEnabler2a.exe" there are some cakewalk, sonitus, magix, vegas plugins from different locations :woot:
  6. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Firstly, remember that Logic 5 is very old and might look a bit unusual.
    Also at first it looks insanely restrictive but then you discover that it's actually very flexible.

    Look inside the folder emagic\Logic 5
    I assume for you this is at C:\Program Files (x86)\emagic\Logic 5

    There is a subfolder named 'VstPlugins' (C:\Program Files (x86)\emagic\Logic 5\VstPlugins)
    This is the only place that Logic looks to find VST plugins. (and obviously that is NOT what you want)
    But Logic makes very good use of Windows shortcuts.

    [1] Rename the old subfolder emagic\Logic 5\VstPlugins to something else e.g., VstPluginsOld (just to get it out of the way)
    I also assume it's currently empty but if it does have any dlls, then you'll relocate them to somewhere else (as below)
    (actually you could even delete this folder - I only keep it as a reminder)

    Let's assume that you like to put your plugins in a folder like C:\VstPlugins but this could be anything;
    I prefer to use one called C:\VstPlugins-for-Logic5 (for reasons described below)
    then I make copies of a carefully chosen subset of my VST dlls and put those copies in C:\VstPlugins-for-Logic5
    [2] Create your preferred VST folder e.g., C:\VstPlugins-for-Logic5

    [3] Make a Windows shortcut to your preferred VST folder

    [4] Copy your shortcut to emagic\Logic 5

    [5] Rename the new shortcut to VstPlugins

    Now when Logic is looking for VSTs it will find a shortcut at emagic\Logic 5\VstPlugins instead of a folder
    and that shortcut will be pointing to wherever you put the VSTs that you want Logic to use.

    The actual VSTs that will work with Logic 5 are only old(ish) 32-bit VST plugins
    and there are millions of great examples (VST VSTi) that will work just just fine.
    Can discuss this more if and when you find some old VSTs that ought to work but don't.
    But this is why I prefer a dedicated folder like C:\VstPlugins-for-Logic5
    You don't want to have old Logic5 struggling to read all your really modern plugins that it just can't handle.

    You said...
    > When I'm open "PlgEnabler2a.exe" there are some cakewalk, sonitus, magix, vegas plugins from different locations
    These are ALL DX plugins - not VSTs.
    You are lucky that some of these have not already crashed your Logic launch.
    PlgEnabler is your assistant if/when some DX plugins are not compatible with Logic
    It enables you to selectively disable the DX plugins (just in Logic) that are failing and causing Logic to fail to launch
    Personally, I prefer to disable all of the DX plugins and then explore (re-enable) just the ones that look like they might be interesting. And some do turn out to be interesting. But most also have VST equivalents, so I usually (but not always) prefer use those instead.

    Maybe more to discuss later - with regard to use of shortcuts and EXS24 sampler instruments, etc.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2020