Discussion in 'DAW' started by kindleman, Mar 17, 2021.

  1. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I think you know really. You're just being tetchy.
    If you had sent the comment with no mistakes, I wouldn't have asked what you meant.
    "More haste, less speed".
    As I said, it is not.
    It is laid out as the traditional sequencers were. I hope you understand now.
    I will be pedantic when I hear bs.
    Something else you should learn what it means, unless you do actually think your comment made proper sense and I make no sense?
    Because the point was that you said they were laid out for "traditional live recording". What??
    They weren't. There was no audio, only MIDI.
    They were laid out for MIDI scoring, as I said.
    Audio was added later.
    If you now have a headache, I may be getting somewhere with you...
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
  2. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    jesus h... :crazy:. you really have a hard time dealing with common parlance. shouldn't you be pulling that crap in some 'which daw sounds better' threads? :)

    non sequitur.... as in, what the fukk does what you were on about have anything to do with what I was taking about. My fukkin' definition, lol

    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
  3. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    That's right. That's how it feels to read something that has been posted too hastily and contains mistakes to dechipher, and then I have to ask what you mean as a result.
    I totally blame you for this! :bleh:
    On the contrary; I am not the one misusing the language. I proof-mark English exams after the teachers have made a hash of it, mate!
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
  4. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Alright. That was fun. Bygones. :cheers:
  5. saram

    saram Ultrasonic

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Hey brother do you have that M4L?
  6. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Hey there, bro!
    Why bait yourself up?
    Best to ask that question via Inbox.
  7. saram

    saram Ultrasonic

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Hey bro, how are you ? Beyond that it may sound that I am asking him for the M4L, I wanted to know how he was using it personally

    I don't know if this is part of the M4L or refers to to all Ableton natives because the video doesn't show much in detail.
  8. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Nothing is in regards any 3rd party creation.
    Max For Live is a paid for thing, and all the devices are too.
    No, that wasn't part of Max For Live.
    What, you mean this:
    Yes, totally ! hehe.
    Otherwise better to ask if he has it and if so how does it work!
    Perhaps you should have made this clear, and asked it.
  9. saram

    saram Ultrasonic

    Sep 21, 2020
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    I looked at the video and couldn't find a use for that device
    Beyond that it tells you what note you are playing with the EQ8 and I wanted to know if he combines it with another m4l to make some modulation
  10. Mahapurush

    Mahapurush Member

    Dec 3, 2016
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    What a coincidence. I was searching this topic yesterday. I am going to link a youtube video below. I am aware that there are many DAW battles videos on youtube but this one is really good.

    Cons: I like Ableton a lot for several reasons, but I also dislike it a lot because of its GUI colors (someone mentioned it above like an Excel Sheet haha) and small fonts. Logic Pro indisputably wins when it comes to pitch correcting your vocals with their Flex function. So, ableton really needs to work on this area and develop something like Melodyne or FL Studio's NewTone. Comping is no longer an issue since Live 11 has it now as well. Also, both Logic Pro and Ableton lose when it comes to drum programming because as of yet nothing can beat FL Studio's Beat Sequencer.

    Pros: Ableton's ability to use Audio Effects without opening a bunch of separate windows is beyond awesome to manipulate your audio and sound design purposes. Plus, Ableton has the best dedicated hardware controller aka Push 2 and I imagine that Push 3 is only going to be better. Max4Live is such an expansive feature that developers still haven't extracted enough juices out of it. That "german engineering is good" is not just a meme. I use products from Native Instruments as well and they too are a german company so they always make sure that Ableton gets the smooth integration with their softwares, especially if you add Komplete Keyboards to your hadware arsenal. Start your musical ideas without even looking at your desktop/laptop screen.

    If Ableton manages to include a software like Melodyne and a built-in Beat Sequencer like FL Studio with their next release aka Live 12 and a few other improvements, in my humble opinion, Ableton becomes the best DAW that is close to perfection.
  11. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Talking rubbish. Anything can beat anything in the right hands.
    :deep_facepalm: Contextual to it NEEDING an external controller really! hehe
    You've essentially just said "Potatoes have the best potential to make french-fries!"
    Why would we need Push for Logic? Yeah, exactly. Your point is contextual.
    Right. Yeah. I'm seeing that this is totally objective and based on the needs of a person with the paid profession of engineer or writer.
    Hey kid, Emagic wrote Logic and Apple bought it from them!
    Carry on slagging off Logic, a German product...
    Unhumbled to have made some of the statements you have.
    Lets hope Ableton can sort out some proper PDC for Live first...

    Ableton is still considered a joke by a lot of colleagues I work with. Just saying.
    But I reckon all daws are great, and people should get over it and stop slagging off one over another.
    And you wanted to bring the battle to AS. Right.
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The Step Sequencer and Drum Machine Designer can cover all the fast workflow stuff I used to use FL for. The Logic 10.5 free update was really nice. Some developers would probably have thought about slapping a new version number on it.
  13. TheRiddler303

    TheRiddler303 Kapellmeister

    Jul 24, 2020
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    i'am a logic user since it was still done by emagic and available on a PC. switched to mac, just a few years after apple made it exsclusive to mac. used cubase in between. i use live as a rewire tool only and probably wouldn't switch so fast. here are the reasons.

    not much. for me its more focused on working with audio. the midi editing has still a too complicated workflow in my eyes. i dont like to use a simpler or sampler for every single audio drum hit. in logic i just insert my clap and copy it over the arragement window where its needed. no good workflow for this method in live, i think.
    the max tools are a definitive benefit though, but its easy to rewire stuff into your host logic.

    its not. i dont like that every audio file is forced into warp mode, even its on the correct bpm of your song. shifting/warping an audio file always leads to a loss of quality! you can easily loose a bit of the attack of transients in live, which reduces a bit rawness of your song. some might like this or just dont recognize. also might depends on genres. but compared to the logic algo, i dont think that it sounds better.

    what i like about the live engine is that when you look for (drum)loops in preview mode, its stretched to the host bpm. so what i do is, i open live as a rewire slave of logic, play my logic song in a loop and then go through my samples with the preview mode in live to hear which loop might fit to my song. but i always import the original wav into logic and use logics time mode to sync it, if needed.

    for editing vocals to a songs bpm, i think live does an amazing job. even with bigger tempo jumps. but with drumloops and stuff, i dont like the overall sound, compared to logics engine. if you only knew the live algo, it surely sounds good ;) also must be said, that mostly the bpm difference of a loop and my song is only 1-3 bpm. so the warp engine does not affect the file sooo much.

    as said before. its a nice syncing tool. i can still use live plugs over rewire in logic while keeping my sounds and workflow of logic.

    in the end. get a demo of live, work with it for a couple of days or weeks and give it a shot, if you can get the same results in workflow and soundwise, as you had them in logic. if it feels sounds better, switch! if not. stick to logic and may consider a rewire method to get best of both worlds :)
  14. I compose and record songs. I don't make beats and I don't perform. I grew up in studios with large consoles and Studer 24 tracks. I could patch a compressor into an auxiliary bus for backing vocals just as I could direct the drums into a bus and apply parallel compression. When I use Logic I feel like I'm in a studio environment and I can translate ideas into sound with a minimum of effort.
    But that doesn't mean it's for everyone. Much of its power is under the hood and takes time for a new user. Luckily I've been able to absorb new functions since V1.
    I have tried to use Live and it is the wrong tool for the job I do. It doesn't mean it can't do things better than Logic, it just means it doesn't work the way I want to work.
  15. fredboudin

    fredboudin Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2018
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    2 different beats. Logic is better to compose in the studio, mix and master, better plugins.
    Live is better at performing gigs.
    It's like if you compare a 4X4 and a sport car, not used for the same goal.
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The biggest gripe I have with Logic is that when you have the File Import window open, you cannot do anything inside Logic until it is closed.
    The BPM is all that would really matter. It goes to what TheRiddler303 was pointing out about warping. I actually prefer to adjust the project BPM to the BPM of any sample I am loading into the Arrangement area, and then changing the BPM back so you can visually see; and then chop any silence. Then time stretching it if needed. But with Drums, in a lot of cases you can just adjust the BPM of the file manually by altering nothing but the silence within the loop/sample. Any errors in the sample start/end points not being microscope edited correctly
    give your DAW a chance to show off it's timestretching algorithm/sound and do great math with wrong numbers.
  17. kindleman

    kindleman Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    if you have any tips for time ant pitch machine please shar them with us... im very interested !!! thx
  18. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Other than to learn how to use it, there are no tips and tricks.
    Although the biggest newb error is probably not noticing a change in the bpm next time you go in to it after an edit, so maybe that is a tip of sorts. Or equally, the bpm changing when all you wanted to do was to change the pitch.
    Just involves looking at the numbers though, which should be standard!
  19. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    But it's been a one-time payment ever since Logic 10...Apple run that game in the other way by creating new macOS iterations every 5 minutes!
    Exactly. Which was also the same as saying that Live has "the best dedicated hardware controller".
    To which I said this:
    @Mahapurush You have given a heavy negative Nasty rating on my comment which says things contrary to what you said!
    Why, please?
    Do we all have to agree with you if you are talking untruth and illogically? Are we not allowed to speak up against anything you say?
    Are we not allowed to have a different point of view to you ???
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
  20. kindleman

    kindleman Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    while here....sincethere seem to be alot of hard cord logic users... im holding on bfore upgrading to 10.6 as im still a bit worried some plugins wont work with catalina.... what am i missing ? anything worth it ? or not really ? thx