Live 9.1.5 (or higher) is compatible with Apple OS Yosemite

Discussion in 'Live' started by Soul Runna, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Soul Runna

    Soul Runna Guest

    Take care if you are using an earlier version of Ableton ( < 9.1) and want to upgrade to Apple OS Yosemite. According to an official Ableton's post:

    More info here:
  3. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    That's what happen when Apple try to use the same OS upgrade path than their iDevices : free (since Mavericks) and a new version (almost) each year. Like iOS.

    But there is a BIG trouble for us, professionals and power users : third party devs will NOT follow this path.
    And that's a a big part why Apple is leaving all their pro softwares years after years.
    Too much cost to solve bugs related to new OS version each year.
    Apple let pro Mac softwares dev to third party, and concentrate on hardware/OS/content triptych.

    Aperture is the last victim. And the next one is going to be Logic or Finalcut. It depends on sales/investment. Finalcut probably, loosing market since X version.

    Why ?
    I will write an article here, about Apple changes in the last 10 years and why it is a bad thing for Apple pro softwares :wink:
  4. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    I love updates, and soon as i noticed yosemite was available i downloaded it.

    because of my love of having the latest update nothing i use becomes affected.

    just stop living in the past.
  5. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    that would be great rick, but lots of the software we use and third party hardware/interfaces is NOT happy with said updates. I was talking to a big name producer last night who is even having major problems with mavericks and Protools… and he is not running ANY cracks or anything. Sometimes it's not so simple, and best to be prudent. Rather live in a past that works, then a future that is problem laden for the immediate future….
  6. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    but it doesn't force you to update.
    and apple do allow dev previews nearly 6 months early.

    so it's up to the user to take that risk.

    it's like someone using xp and complaining live 9 does't work properly.
    i know some people that still use lion and some that still use leopard.

    you do not have to updaste.
  7. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I know I don't have to update, and I don't! :)…. (and I don't think i would use lion with audio….ML is way better, Lion messed up a lot of audio stuff)….

    And of course apple gives the devs previews months in advance, but they also switch stuff a lot (talking to coders at different larger companies),,, and a lot of devs have taken shortcuts in the past, forcing them sometimes to almost rebuild from ground up, so there is often a delay in release of their product after the os is out… if sometimes at all… as a "user", I certainly don't want to take that risk when what I have is working fine on my studio machine, and I can't think of anything Yosemite will give me that I need for it (I do NOT need more notifications etc..), but I may be wrong (usually am), and if someone here can tell me what yosemite will give me to help my music workflow, please chime in… and I'm not being snarky on that, I really just want to know!…


  8. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    We use softwares, not OS underneath directly.
    Most "innovations" from Apple on OSX are iOS/Apple Store/cloud related.

    That's why a lot of ppl still use Leopard with Logic 9 and don't care about those "features".
    But now, they are obliged to move on, like XP users.

    Most of them will probably switch to Mavericks, and get unsolved bugs. But Yosemite is coming, so devs will have even more unsolved bugs.
    Read my previous post to understand my point of view on the subject.

    Apple is running for general public users now, the pro era is gone for good. Apple don't care if Steinberg, Avid, Ableton...can't follow their every year OS update. Apple are already killing their own "pro" softwares, like Aperture, to make them "average user/iOS/Cloud" ready.

    PS : did you seen how Logic X looks like Garageband...and so Garageband 10 looks like Logic X ? Next candidate for Apple shrinking, after Aperture/iPhoto.