Lenny Belardo follows the advice of the community

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Lenny Belardo, Sep 25, 2020.

  1. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Jimi Hendrix hated his voice. Some people have no artistic taste.
  2. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    And Prince hated his own voice. Initially thought it sounded too low.
    The irony.
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  3. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Epic instrumentation and as always I like your mix. At some points it is just your voice and piano and still sounds full and complete.

    Maybe singing with a Brittish accent could help some words sound better musically, but maybe not. And my apologies if you're Brittish...
  4. Colin

    Colin Producer

    Jan 17, 2017
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    what interests me more is why you would think you don't have a "good" voice? If you look at it through the opera-tinted lenses of someone who habitates that world, then NONE of us can sing worth a damn! The mainstream nowadays is populated with nameless, faceless, identikit voices or people trying to sound ............. (insert word) ...... and frankly emulating some bland stereotype they are not. As a guitarist it saddens me to see people still wearing the UNIFORM of the 1980s, long hair, t-shirt, jeans, tattoos and trying to sound like whoever was popular then. ..... Original ...NOT! That's why I said, just be yourself.
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  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    And Metallica's James Hetfield too.
    Well, I love Metallica but in this case he was right :rofl:
  6. eldarktufa

    eldarktufa Guest

    That's a beautiful song Lenny. Authentic and moving - a mirror reflection of how many of us feel just like your song and yet so few will admit to. That vulnerability is a hard one and frequently self-judgement slides in tries to shut it down. That vulnerability is also that in us which needs to grow wings and who knows how wide those wings can be.

    The first time I started to write poetry I thought "This is crap - why am I doing this?" Trusting myself and the creativity locked in by a lifetime of dancing to someone else's drum is no small thing. Doubt must be kept on a leash or it will sabotage every new move your authentic self takes the risk of stepping out of the familiar.

    Hang in there Lenny. We all have an organic life cycle that will end sometime. Let yourself enjoy the process of moving past the stuff that keeps most of us clamped down and walking in an endless circle. You, and your song, are beautiful just as they/you are.
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  7. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    the artists dualistic, sisyphustic cycle. induction -- compulsion; production -- repulsion. are we to ask the clouds to fall from the sky? lucky are the few who escape its earthly clutches -- be it by ignorance or excellence.
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  8. Krusk

    Krusk Kapellmeister

    Sep 6, 2020
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    I don't know, I may be right, I feel that you think a lot about death:


    Of course, right now people have the right to think about anything they like, and that is a kind of freedom. But I think there are better things to think about. Isn't it a pity that you spend your great body and mind on thinking about very complex things that human beings haven't yet found suitable solutions to overcome?

    Free yourself from these thoughts. These thoughts aren't worth thinking about. Of course, if you were a biologist and you were paid for your research, then why not? You could sell your research and make money, but for other people whose jobs aren't death, I think it's a waste of time. Free yourself from these thoughts and think about the things you can do. I think this is much more logical.

    You are free again. You can think like this and bother yourself.:guru:
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  9. I am confused by your interpretation and just as confused as to why any analysis of our existence should be avoided. It has after all been the most profound subject of study of the philosophers for thousands of years and if it's good enough for Plato, Aristotle, up to Jung, Hume and Kieerkegaard, then surely it is not off limits to songwriters. So no, I don't find it a "pity" that I spend my time thinking about "very complex things"
    You then say these thoughts are best left to biologists. And even then only good for their commercial value. Existentialism is not the work of biologists and the work of biologists is not the study of death.

    Theses words represent a relationship in which the narrator is confused by the status of the feelings of the object of his affection. If he feels like he is dying, it is a metaphorical death of the soul, knowing it is merely a "phantom romance"

    I'm watching the sky
    I’m waiting for rain
    I’m weighing my options
    thinking of you again
    don't turn towards me
    but don't turn away
    my heart is uneasy
    I've nothing to say

    I'm spinning slowly
    what am I to do?
    half in control of myself
    half in a whirl over you
    I'm dying slowly
    there’s nothing to do
    not in control of myself
    but still in a whirl over you

    should I throw out the ashes?
    Am I in with a chance
    is the game drifting my way
    It's a phantom romance
    still watching the sky
    I’m still praying for rain
    I’m all out of options
    Never thinking of you again
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2020
  10. My next track for Krusk

    My little pony
    I call her Sparkly Pink
    And when I ride her
    I don't have to think
    I don't think of Covid
    I don't think of war
    In fact when I ride her
    I find thinking a bore

    The End.
    I give myself an A++
  11. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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    I don´t know why your voice remind me of John Greaves, a very underrated musician. Not an excellent voice but he managed to sing one of my favorite songs of all times
    I recommend you look for a record of him called Songs. And don´t be so hard on yourself.
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  12. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Last edited: Sep 27, 2020
  13. Wow! I have never heard of him. Sounds a lot like early Genesis/Jethro Tull. Will do some research. Thanks!
  14. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    "use death as your advisor". the practical advantages of a cognitive awareness of death should be abundantly clear to any entity that is 'alive', such as these "human beings" you mention.

    since you seem to be a fan of logical analysis: a black box model may be something like |born|<delta time= x <units>>|die|. although seemingly a binary, it is -- for the subject of said process -- an inextricable monad from which all experience is derived. one could argue that the change in time variable can be adversely affected without acute acknowledgement of the antithetical reciprocal. conversely, a theologian (or pope belardo) may argue it is irrelevant or inconsequential, but that is a whole other story; for the purposes of this discussion we will call it null.

    more to the point, in the context of this thread. picassos reductionist [perhaps just flippant] exposition on the great themes of artistic expression: sex and death. while seemingly blunt and overly simplistic, a multitude of derivations can be articulated from these basic elements. creation -- destruction, elation -- depression, etc. death is often a metaphor for transformation, the unconscious/subconscious (mythic underworld), introversion, etc. it also speaks to finality (boundaries). the absence of death thematically can severely limit the depth of expression that one may choose to address as it relates to a concrete commonality of all things that are 'alive'. the purpose, artistically speaking, is to root communication in a somewhat mundane, but universally existential condition in order to avoid meaninglessness or redundancy.

    i may propose -- there is no embracing life without accepting death -- though there are also pitfalls to being consumed by it, which i think you are alluding to.

    conscious acceptance and understanding can be freedoms unto themselves, and arguably more productive than ignorance and truncation or reduction [an unexamined life?]. i am not saying you advocate these, but reads a little that way.
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  15. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Hendrix' voice sucked, as did his vocal and facial mannerisms, in which enlightened blacks denigrated him as a "psychedelic Uncle Tom".
    I always thought Robin Trower's use of a real vocalist help him beat Hendrix at his own game.
    That and better lyrics and I always preferred Trower's guitar style.
    He never had to stick his tongue out and boogle his eyes like Hendrix did.
    Or thrust his hips. His guitar did that.
  16. I finally have something for my headstone.
    |born|<delta time= x <units>>|die|
  17. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    the concept that some [maybe just one or none] people are enlightened because of some arbitrary pop cultural affectation is pretty dumb.

    this is an audio forum. you may have more success over at facialmannerisms <dot> com, seeing you obviously have trouble hearing.
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  18. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    So sorrowful yet in a way beautifully hopeful.
    While it makes me sad I'm happy we have @Lenny Belardo
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  19. Thanks Pinkman! I'm on a desperate last gasp rush to get as much done before my skills, technique and intellectual skills abandon me and I am left wandering the streets, talking to pigeons about polyrhythmic interplay, dressed only in a woollen robe and slippers.
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  20. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    That's my concept of fashion which I've enforced my whole life. You'll be just fine.
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