Legit Library with Unlocked Kontakt 5.5

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by captain internet, May 11, 2018.

  1. captain internet

    captain internet Newbie

    May 11, 2018
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    Hey guys, I know this has been somewhat covered, but I'm not sure how many steps removed from a solution I am.

    I have an unlocked Kontakt that I've used for over a year with no problems. I've been slowly purchasing legitimate software and replacing my cracked versions as I go, and will eventually replace Kotakt this way as well (two planned purchases from now.) Point being, that I have around 10 legitimate samplers in there already.

    I just purchased Spitfire Percussion (not even a new library), but cannot seem to get it working.The emailed instructions tell me to register it (and provided a code), but I don't know a way to do that without downloading Native Access (a program I've never used/downloaded, but I've heard horror stories.) I tried creating an NICNT file instead using mini-NICNT, but I get an error message saying "Cannot write registry." I also tried simply pasting one from a different folder and replacing all the relevant info (using Notepad++) but no luck there either. I can get Spitfire Percussion to pop up in my libraries, but any time I load an instrument, it says "Error: could not read encrypted sample (library not registered?)"

    What should my next move be? Is my Kontakt 5.5 simply too old? Do I need to download Native Access after all? Maybe my NICNT files are just messed up? Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm currently staring at a $300, 27gb paper weight.
  3. captain internet

    captain internet Newbie

    May 11, 2018
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    SOLVED: The ONLY thing I hadn't tried--that I never thought would work in 1,000 years--worked, because of course it did. I simply moved the NICNT into a different folder, specifically the Documentation folder (which I'm sure doesn't matter, but just in case.)