Legit Cubase 10 Pro with VR antitrial

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by ambbe, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    ok, what I tried first was to uninstall elicenser control and reinstall it. Now I can open Cubase Pro legit without problems, but clearly the fake soft-elicenser is compromised. eLicenser Control says that I have to repair Soft-eLicenser and when opening Cubase I have these errors (but after the errors, I can normally use Cubase, so this is not affecting my legit USB dongle, just fake-Soft):
    elic 2.png elic 3.png

    should I try to re-install fake-soft-elicenser (with USB dongle NOT inserted) or repair from elicenser (but I think not this). eventually, how can I remove only licences installed with TEAM VR fake-soft-elicenser? thank you!
  2. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    It seems that you now have two Cubase licenses, one of the on the fake eLic. And it fetches the outdated one on the soft eLicenser.
    I would suggest to get rid of the fake soft eLicenser just by deleting (or moving to another place) of the directory where the licenses reside: C:\program data\elicenser\eLD
    plus the file "SeLicenser.sel" under C:\program data\Syncrosoft\

    Afterwards the soft elicenser should be gone.
    If Cubase works again you can try to install fake soft elicenser again (of course without USB key inserted)
  3. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    [QUOTE="C:\program data\elicenser\eLD
    plus the file "SeLicenser.sel" under C:\program data\Syncrosoft\


    With b13,b14,b15 Antitrial installed all of us are sharing same sel. file SofteLicencer, which is not a smartest thing to do .
    You can delete eLD, but softelicencer would not work without any missing file because eLD is constantly updated in some way idk how.
    For example, you have a clean sel. file then you download a demo licence of Cubase Elements and store on that eLicencer, immediately will be created a new eLD file, which is how am i thinking, is attached back to sel file.
    And from that moment sel files takes that latest eLD and without that will not work and will have not info about licences stored on .
    So i guess altering eLD files or sel files will cause elicencer error, because there is a mismatch in something, idk what, but it gives an error.
    In order to get back sel file to be activated again and working you have to run maintenance, update eLD database via Control center which will download backups of all missing eLD with all information about licences stored on that SEL file from the very first licence and create a new eLD file where you will have written all actions taken on elicencer during the lifetime .

    It is hard to understand but that protection is not weak, so you should not mess with new Antitrial beginning from b12 and so on, because that method is so lame and dangerous that i can not even explain.
    Obviously V.R. owns all licences on that SEL file , especially that one that have a FULL licence key stored on, or maybe is some kind of a trick, but he should change this stupid method to share one elicencer with eLD database, because that method can hurt a legit users in maybe unrecoverable way....
    eLD is a attached to a system, you can use SEL file on any other PC once you run repair method but on old one that SEL file will be deactivated on maintenance, but what is more important than SEL files is eLD which can not be altered in no way to get properly working elicencer .

    AND YES i agree with you, you should unnistal Antitrial, delete softelicencer, delete all eLD. Even reinstall Elicencer Control center, reboot pc, PLUG IN legit USB, let the Control center makes all things back to default state and you should be ok and get back a valid Cubase licence and all elD files from that dongle back on a system drive.

    This screenshot shows what we get with all Antitrial thing. My is antitrial b11
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020

    Attached Files:

  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    There is a good description of the functionality of the USB eLicenser and soft eLicenser on Steinbergs site.

    One has to destinguish between "Soft eLicenser" and "USB eLicenser" respectively.
    @JudoLudo has a problem with his legit license on "USB eLicenser". So his first goal will be to repair his legit license.
    There is no need for any files on the system disk for the USB licenser to function properly. To get rid of fake "Soft eLicenser" I deleted the said files, repaired with eLCC and "USB eLicenser" was back on duty as before. It's that easy.

    If syncing a pirated version of "Soft eLicenser" with Steinbergs server is a good idea? I don't think so!
    When you have a legit license on a "USB eLicenser" Steinberg definitely knows about your identity, and I would not like them to know that I used "fake" (pirated) licenses as this is a criminal offense in some jurisdictions (mine).

    And BTW: a backup is always a good idea before changing a valuable system.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2020
  5. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    ok guys, here's what I did:

    put off USB dongle, uninstalled eLicenser Control, moved those 2 folders from program data out somewhere. rebooted pc, installed new eLicenser Control, inserted USB dongle, opened Cubase: no license found.

    moved back those 2 folder in program data, elicenser control said I had cubase pro license but corrupted soft-elicenser licenses, opened cubase: no license found.

    rebooted pc, now I have legit license ok and no fake licenses. i.e.: everything came back to the beginning before installing vr fake. so ok for me

    if I will need to reinstall vr fake soft-elicenser, should I follow the steps from this post?

  6. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    First of: glad your Cubase license is back again.

    There are residues of the first installation of the fake that possibly caused you problems. So I would try it this way:
    -plug out the USB eLicenser
    - move the two directories away
    - repair and maintenance with eLCC
    - install the fake
    - plugin the USB eLicenser.

    and check if everything works. In this case I won't copy the two directories back to your HDD (this is why you don't need to deinstall and reinstall eLCC again: you did the cleaning by hand already)
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2020
  7. evolasme

    evolasme Platinum Record

    May 11, 2013
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    somewhere different almost every night
    i have legit Cubase 10.0.5 & Vr soft license running fine on my machine but then again my daw never goes on the internet ;)
  8. AgentData

    AgentData Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2020
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    Could somebody plz send me a download link via pn where to download this anti trail thingy ?
    Thanks in advance.
  9. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Prolly best to install the v17 antitrial (sister site) from the Absolute4 collection thing. Obviously, you just need the licenser ~12MB. It works slightly differently to the early antitrials, does the licenses more automatically, less hassle. Remember to backup the SeLicenser.sel file before you do anything! (Very handy to have a "fresh" sel anyway)
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