LA Scoring Strings 2 ARC buttons don't work. SOLVED

Discussion in 'Software' started by Schming, Sep 2, 2019.

  1. Schming

    Schming Newbie

    Aug 23, 2019
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    Hello all. First time poster and noob. Please be gentle.

    Logic Pro X 10.4.6
    Kontakt 6
    Mac High Sierra 10.13.6

    LA Scoring Strings 2 ARC knobs and buttons do nothing when I alter them using Logic or in stand alone. I can change the sound with the Stage and Color presets but it doesn’t make any difference at all when I turn any of the knobs. Turning the knobs on all the other ARC pages makes no difference. EQ, Real Legato knobs do nothing. The Key Switch and Setup pages work fine. Their manuals don’t help and their videos only cover the basics and there’s very little on Youtube etc.
    If anyone can help or direct me to somewhere I’d really appreciate it. Thanks.

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  3. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Did you activate the corresponding channel numbers on the top of the GUI and click the blue Transmit button?
    Did you try from scratch with an empty ARC Starter multi patch? Maybe first try just loading with one instrument patch in it. And better in standalone mode first.
    Has it ever worked in Kontakt 5 for you before?
    Also bear in mind that if you got the ARC 2.51 multi patch (script) from somewhere, it may not work correctly with the instrument patches from version 2.0, specifically Stage and Color stays ineffective.
  4. Schming

    Schming Newbie

    Aug 23, 2019
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    Hi. Thanks for the quick reply. With both ARC 2.51 and ARC 1.06, Kontakt 5.6 and 6, in stand alone and within Logic I can change the presets and the sound changes but I can’t adjust the sound after in any way because the knobs and buttons have no effect.
    ARC 2.51 came with LASS Full 2 and ARC 1.06 came with LASS Full 16 bit. In either version there’s no ARC 2 that I can see. I believe the ARC is updated separately.
    Also, do you have any idea why there’s 3 identical preset dropdown menus? One each for stage, colour and the main preset. When I do the main one and then do the colour one it seems to double the effect and then again I can’t adjust anything. I can just use the patches dry and control my own reverb.

    Thanks for your help!
  5. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    I think there was "ARC Starter 1.2.nkm" for LASS 2.0

    About the presets:
    Stage presets are about the position of each instrument.
    Color presets are about different amount of sound coloration
    The presets on the top right are saved combinations of stage position and the three knobs on the bottom.

    There is something you should try. When ever you want to change those knobs, first you have to select either one instrument or all.
    One instrument you can select by simply clicking on the circle of that instrument on the stage field. Or on the top right of the GUI there is a drop-down menu just under that Presets menu. The same way you can choose "All". Then you can modify the knobs' value.
    I should have suggested it in the first reply, I'm quite sure that this will be the solution.
  6. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Another thing:
    The built-in coloration and reverb does not sound convincing enough, you had better combine it with a good convolution reverb, especially with True Stereo feature, like HOFA or Altiverb.
    Also the Stage effect is quite limited, not wide enough. You should pan each instrument patch as desired, either in Kontakt or for more precise result: using Parallax's Virtual Sound Stage 2 plugin. (that latter suggestion is a bit time-consuming, at least at first setup, perhaps not that valuable for certain compositions, so you can just use any stereo widener plugin instead.
  7. Schming

    Schming Newbie

    Aug 23, 2019
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    Hi Jazzzz. Thanks again for your time. Everything you've suggested I’ve already done. Maybe something in the download was missing. I re-downloaded and reinstalled a couple of times to no effect. It’s not that big a deal. It would’ve been nice to have all the features to check out but the sounds are there and I have enough control over them. You’ve been very kind. Thanks for your suggestions. (o:
  8. Schming

    Schming Newbie

    Aug 23, 2019
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    I sort of figured something out but a problem is still there. I can make changes to reverb, colour etc. and press transmit and everything will change. I can't turn the reverb knob and hear a change until I press transmmit. In the Audiobro Introduction to Stage and Colour video he turns colour on and off and panning without transmitting and you hear the difference in realtime. I adjust the settings and there's no change until I transmit. The panning buttons/sliders do nothing at all no matter what I do. I find the manual tells you what you 'can' do but not how to do it. It's just not enough detail for my pea-brain to understand. In the Audiobro videos he says things like " This is just a short video with the basics but we'll have a more indepth video in the future" but they never made any indepth videos. I see others online that were just as confused as me and some just gave up. I really like the sound of the instrument so I'm hanging in a little longer. And again, thanks for your help. (o:
  9. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Best Answer
    You have to click the Always button next to the Transmit. So it automatically transmits every changes. Mind you that this way it processes every added patches each time which can slow down your pc if it's not powerful enough.
    The whole concept of ARC was a bit cumbersome, prone to errors, causing musicians a lot of headache, the learning curve was long and confusing, therefore Audiobro created a quicker and easier option in v2.5 where you can modify Color and some other parameters directly on each instrument patch GUI without needing to load the multi (if I recall correctly).
  10. Schming

    Schming Newbie

    Aug 23, 2019
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    Yes. I'm an idiot. It was the always button. I figured that out today. What a noob. Embarrassing. This isn't the first and certainly not the last of my 'duh' moments. Thanks for your help and patience. (o: