KXStudio Carla - how to automatically load up profiles?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Denothir, Jun 25, 2024 at 11:16 AM.

  1. Denothir

    Denothir Newbie

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    Hi there!

    I have been fiddling with Carla for live processing my microphone audio in order to achieve better sound quality for my livestreams or voice chats.

    I have been using my Hyperx Cloud III headset, plugged into a DAC Soundblaster GC7, going through Voicemeeter Banana. I've then created a profile in Carla using different Reaper's plugins.

    I only have one problem: the program doesn't automatically load my saved profiles and, everytime when I boot Windows, I must manually load them - is there a way to achieve this on Windows? Thank you.
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