Kraftwerk spacelab cover

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by emu32, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. emu32

    emu32 Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    this is my cover / tribute to Kraftwerk Spacelab
    let me know what you think about it?

    Kraftwerk Spacelab cover

    reason 5.0
    video time line
    0:00 the door fx sound is a sample
    0:02 start synth fx sound is thor with the osc set to the
    Step Sequencer and som Automation to the Sequencer rate
    0:32 sweep1 sound is a thor
    0:32 lead1 is a subtractor
    0:44 bassline sound is a subtractor
    0:44 noise click sound is thor
    0:52 drum samples is nn-xt sampler
    0:52 high string is a thor
    1:31 sweep2 is a subtractor
    1:31 lead2 is a thor
    Cubase 5.0
    0:44 reso bassline is a xils-lab Oxium
    1:46 my voice with the virsyn MATRIX Vocoder fx
  3. maximoman

    maximoman Noisemaker

    Apr 5, 2015
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    That is so awesome! You're really serious about your sound design - I've listened to this album A LOT and your sounds are spot on! The intro arpeggio speedup thing is so close it's scary. Well done.

    Not that you need any constructive criticism, but if I was to point out something it would be the slow attack/backward type chords at 1:01, they feel like they could use some type of reverb tail. They're in a bathroom type space now that sounds a little like ordinary synth release tail, so they basically sound like they're dry. But that's very minor when you look at the big picture. Great work!
  4. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    Scary good. You're not Ralf Hütter by the way?
    Maybe the original has a bit more punch, but Soundcloud quality has a part in that as well.
    What's next? Autobahn?
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