Kontakt Wallpaper Request & Comments

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Dec 29, 2014.


    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    I've said this a few times in the past. Designing custom wallpapers for this forum is purely voluntary. Those who decide to get involved with this pastime, should be doing it because they find it a fun thing to do. The end result for those members who find a particular wallpaper useful is why this thread was started in the first place. There are and have been dozens of 'designers' who have have frequented these pages over the years. Some have been good, while others, not so much. Regardless, all have taken their time to provide this community with a 'free' service and deserve whatever accolades others decide to offer up. In the end, any completed wallpaper is open for "subjective" reviews. It's all in the eye of the beholder. I've also said that if I create a wallpaper that falls short of the beholder's eye, they're always welcome NOT to use it and move on to something that strikes their fancy. Either way, I lose no sleep. Once again, I've been here for this period of time, purely because I get a kick out of it. Nothing more. Nothing less. Personally, I've never hit the "dislike" option. If I'm not impressed with a particular work, I indicate nothing. To me, that's the more appropriate tact to take. But, to each his/her own. Everyone? Enjoy. Because, life is far too short to do otherwise.
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Perhaps these forums should do away with negative options such as "dislike". Causes far too many petty flareups among its members. Members can always comment on why they dislike something by using the "reply" option to a post. But of course, that would require folks to actually have to give an explanation as to what they find objectionable, eh?
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  4. Dave_Music

    Dave_Music Platinum Record

    Dec 2, 2017
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    Yes, I fully agree with you. I have always thought that on here and the sister site, if people dislike something then they should have to say Why. It might stop people both disliking things for Petty reasons and also if there is a genuine reason for the dislike (like it doesn't work) then it will Inform People Of The Problem.
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Hi Dave: I've noticed that a few popular websites (Youtube comes to mind) have removed their "dislike" feature (although a user can still see the count of dislikes). The infamous "thumbs down" button was mostly being used by Internet trolls and troublemakers looking to throw mud just for the sheer hell of it. (They never had to explain the reason(s) for their disdain). In today's world, we are already facing mountains of negativity in our very short lives. We damn sure don't need more.
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    I do not, nor have I ever, referred to what I do as "art". I call it "graphics makeover". Even though in my real world I am an "artist"; mainly painting portraits & landscapes. What I do here is strictly for "fun". That's it. BTW, my adeptness at re-creating these wallpaper graphics have evolved exponentially over the years. I look at many of my earlier efforts and (quite frankly) am embarrassed. But hey, any practitioner of any creative undertaking should ALWAYS seek to get better as time goes by. What I look for in any person doing wallpapers is their ability to improve over time. Very few people start off as "perfectionists". And yes, each wallpaper I do is ultimately a "learning experience". That's the "fun" of it. The term "master" was given to me by others, not my own invention.
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  7. Pasi

    Pasi Audiosexual

    Mar 18, 2017
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    8Dio Acoustic Guitar Strummer
    8Dio Acoustic Guitar Solo
    8Dio Ukulele Strummer
    8Dio Ukulele Solo
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  8. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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    That is hardly relevant. If the person in question ONLY posts wallpapers and never any discussion (like Croxon for instance), they will easily get a higher percentage of likes.
    Someone like Griff who often discusses things without necessarily having a wallpaper in the post, will get a very different percentage of likes.
    The only relevant comparison would be number of likes / number of posts WITH WALLPAPERS.
    So let's forget this whole thing, it's just ridiculous.
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  9. celtic3342

    celtic3342 Audiosexual

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Absolutely agree. Simply ridiculous. But if people doesn´t respect me, I will do the same. And from a member with 58 messages, he can make his own rate. It remembers me to TinTin or Phloopy, but these were fights from the past.
    Just curious that @Barbarossa marked with "Agree" the post from Griffin talking about "dislikes" when he has the finger ready to do it with me. I really don´t mind, can do thousand times if he wants. He has 1.596 opportunities to do it.
    Curious too the rates included by him. I think Griffin and me don´t use to read rest of topics on forum. Both of us are here for the last eight years, and in my case was for my Kontakt curiosity. I have 10.000 or more Kontakt libraries? It´s my business, only concerns to me. There was a long time in which only Griffin created wallpapers, with some pretty exceptions like Rainman, a guy who really learnt this art and probably today will be working as professional graphics designer. This is the key: the learning process. Griffin is a master in this business and adds an extra value: imagination and creativity. Not seen in the rest, maybe because there is a moment in which people think is already a master. No need no want to learn more.
    BTW, in that rate there is a little detail not present: the number of Private Messages. In my case, asking for help with Kontakt. So some people should be watching TV and eating pop corns.
    End of the external ridiculous for me.
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  10. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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  11. Barbarossa

    Barbarossa Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2021
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    "Just curious that @Barbarossa marked with "Agree" the post from Griffin talking about "dislikes" when he has the finger ready to do it with me." Celtic3342

    My "Agree" mark on the GRIFFIN entry was for your previous "Dislike" mark made by CROXON. As usual, you didn't justify it. In the past, it was a topic for a while when you had fun with Pasi, regularly marked "Interesting." (Anyone who is interested can look it up) He didn't like it, and you didn't justify it. I’m putting it high on your big ego, and maybe you could take it back from your big face, for example, to give more respect to those who selflessly share their wallpaper here. I have achieved my goal with this, because this way you will not unreasonably mark others negatively. If so, you justify me.
  12. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I decided to read what I had posted and who I replied to considering you chose to reply to me directly instead of the person I replied to.
    I certainly have called you masterful at recreating variants of wallpapers, no argument, I believe you have mastered a consistency of re-creation. After decades in my craft which is not painting, sculpting, nor art in the form of brushes or carving, I know in my field, beyond doubt, that every person who has been called a master is still on a journey. If we do not seek to get better then it is time for a break and regain perspective.
    As for Art or and Artist - this is a grey area. If a person is not creating something of their own is it art or mimicking even if they inject some of their own creativity? There are also schools of thought being is if you are copying someone else, that only shows skills not true Art or Artistry. I do not completely agree with that philosophy though there is merit in that perspective.
    Honestly, that old saying / cliche says it best which is "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" :) It's a journey no matter how far along we get which I have indicated more than once.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2022
  13. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I hear what you are saying which is partially at the core of why I chose to make the comment of appreciation and I attempt to show it regularly.
    I have seen many people offer up their re-creations of KONTAKT wallpapers. This means they spent some time attempting to create something they like that they hope others may like too. This is worthy of respect I agree but it is more than that.
    There are some fine contributors here - Croxon, Pasi, Mynock, GRIFF and many others. I appreciate all they do.

    My sentiments are because it does not matter how professional anyone's attempts are or how amateurish they are. It is simply from my perspective - gratitude. They put their time and creativity to give to the community.

    It hurts nobody to say "Thanks for your contribution". Additionally, expecting everyone to like something is unrealistic but a little gratitude goes a long way. It really does not matter who likes it when there is a community who shares their creations. I see no point in comparisons either because what one person likes, another may not. Last, the hardest thing we humans have to ascertain when we create anything and put it out there, is knowing beyond doubt whether the person is being constructive or just being a dick. The most difficult thing is realizing that when we dislike something, it is for that exact reason and not because someone else decided to dislike what we do or say. Have I failed there? Sometimes definitely. But I am aware of my shortcomings and like all of us, we can only try. You have good intent I see that and it's a great thing. The negative aspects we all possess can kill that. That is my take on it, take it or leave it.

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    It's been quite the lively discussion folks. But, I think it's time to move on from the "WALLPAPER WARS OF 2022". Time to get back to the business of creating "custom' wallpapers. Personally, I'll NOT be commenting on that topic going forward. Stay well everyone.
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    BaSs: Your comments are well-taken. You've said it better than most. On that note, hopefully we'll put this discussion in our collective rear-view mirrors. Stay healthy and well.
  16. Pasi

    Pasi Audiosexual

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Totally agree.
  17. rgpals

    rgpals Guest

    Me too !
  18. fishnose

    fishnose Producer

    Oct 9, 2021
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    Me three!

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Big Fish Audio Gravity Drums
    gravity drums.png
    Big Fish Audio Body Language
    body language.png
    Vienna Symphonic Library Percussion Drums
    percussion drums.png
    Last edited: May 23, 2022
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  20. Pasi

    Pasi Audiosexual

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Muze Enigma
