Kontakt portable and the internet - warning

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by fraifikmushi, Dec 11, 2017.

  1. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    @Nick12 well, my firewall informed me that ableton live tries to connect to said ip, and given that that happened after I installed kontakt and given that live crashes being blocked as soon as I try to load kontakt I homed in on the culprit.
  2. suefreeman

    suefreeman Producer

    Mar 8, 2012
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    Before i went to bed yesterday i just realized what it is ...
    Top Menu/Files/Option/ Usage Data ...
    If it is ticked "YES, enable using data tracking", then IT IS sending something to NI.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2018
  3. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    And if it's not ticked it still sends stuff. :(
  4. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I actually dislike what you've posted, fraifikmushi. ;) For the obvious reason - I always tick that thing off. So why is it there?? Damn. :mad:
  5. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Oh, I see. However, I found out that mine Kontakt (5.7.3) is using the same ip as what you had described. So at least don't worry you're the only one. It starts with making a connection to that ip when you load Kontakt. After around 1:30 minute it dissapears. In that time it has sent 128 bytes and has received 470 bytes.

    It could be indeed strange if first your firewall informs you about making a connection and while you block it, it starts to crash. That ip doesn't seems to be very positive according to the internet either. For the ones that are wondering I was using TCPView.

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  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I use the last symlink version 5.7.3 (not the portable one). I use internet but with most stuff blocked (whitelist mode) and no problems so far.
  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I feel you bro... :lmao:
  8. Who Me

    Who Me Producer

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I have this issue also (only seems to have started today)

    Kontakt 5.6.8 Symlink version

    The way I have got round it is by using Zone Alarm.

    With Internet connection disconnected in Windows, I have set Zone Alarm's firewall application control settings/outbound internet for Kontakt and my DAW's to 'ASK'.

    On starting either Kontakt (as standalone) or in the DAW zone alarm asks for permission to go online.

    I select 'ALLOW'...

    *Internet is not connected as i haven't connected it in Windows, so it can't actually go online.

    This then solves the issue... Kontakt works as normal...

    Until a more elegant solution in the form of a future crack is released, I'm guessing this is ok.

    Anybody else know of any other workaround?
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2018
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  9. Konx

    Konx Guest

    I've been having this problem lately, where Kontakt made Reaper crash all the time..

    It came out of nowehere, so it took me a while to figure out,
    but in the process I've tried different versions of Kontakt and they all seem to be affected.

    It's strange because I don't recall seeing this issue in the last 5 years,
    and the only software change I did lately was install this thing called Spybot Anti-Beacon..
    (it's probably unrelated but who knows)

    -So instead of disconnecting Internet,
    What I did is adding the Url/Ip adresses Kontakt calls to the Hosts file: configuration.native-instruments.com

    And it seems to be working..
    When Kontakt calls for the first time, Zone alarm shows it's trying to connect

    Then I untick "Remeber", and push "Allow"..

    So at least we know the first time Kontakt tryes to call, it's indeed going to,

    Now the interesting thing would be to know/audit if/where is Kontakt/Reaper actually connecting afterwards,
    so we can add the new addresses/ip to the Host file too.

    Perhaps it could be done with a more proper Firewall,
    or with tools like Wireshark and so on.. any volunteers?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2018
  10. ernzo

    ernzo Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2018
  11. Konx

    Konx Guest

    I've just realized a couple things:

    -On Windows 7, Using any Kontakt version older than 5.6 (5.7.1+),
    the crashes keep on happening giving a Kernelbase.dll error.

    No matter what you try (internet On/off, Firewall On/off, etc),
    also the firewall's Net Access Request doesn't even appear..

    Versions 5.5/5.6 seem to work fine.

    Strangely enough,
    I've been using 5.7.1+ versions for the last year and they worked Perfectly fine until I began having the crashes the other day..
    possibly after installing Spybot Anti-Beacon; however disabling it makes no difference.

    -On Windows 10 the error only happens when you Disallow Net Access;

    But you can solve it granting it acces and disconnecting the internet,
    or adding the adresses to the Hosts file.

    -So the problem is mainly for Windows 7 users..

    I was casually trying Windows 10 the other day, and was relieved to see the problem got solved.
    But after a week of use I switched back to Windows 7 (for obvious reasons), and I cannot manage to make it work..

    There's just no way!
    Any version older than 5.7.1 will crash giving the Kernelbase.dll error,
    and for some reason the firewall's Net Access Request doesn't even appear either in Standalone, or VST version.

    Any ideas?
  12. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    For some reason I've never had any problems with any version of Kontakt on XP and W7x64, so far. Knocking on wood...

    But there are obviously some people who do. Look, my OSes are kept clean of any AVs and antimalware, and kept away from the Internet. Haven't touched Windows Firewall, or often I just disable it [services]. I disable many services on all of my OSes according to BlackViper's info. Some do have to connect to the Internet occasionally, to download legit software, but that's all. It's probably just something that people do with their systems, and I don't... again, knocking on wood. :wink:

    On my personal computers I use last Kontakt 4 on XP, and Kontakt 5.5.2 with W7x64. And I have 5.6.6 portable on that one. My installbase uses Kontakts up to v5.7.3 and I'm waiting for 5.8.2 release. Hopefully all will go well. :)
  13. M.V.P.

    M.V.P. Member

    Oct 29, 2019
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    FL Studio 11 user here on Win 7 x64.. With No Firewall block of DAW / Kontakt or anything whatsoever
    Uses all kinds of cracks, torrents with No VPN/ proxy nothing
    Also often participates in sending my PC data to Microsoft for improving their services
    Also updates all cracked plugins from inside FL Studio ( Altho some require to purchase full setup instead of only update so i leave them as is )
  14. Arnak

    Arnak Newbie

    Apr 11, 2020
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    I´m a PC user, on FL 20. My kontakt 6.2.2 also wants connection to the internet and does not work when i block it. Is there any solution to this which will work without internet?
    Do you use any newer version which works without this connection?
    As i search about legal Kontakt it says that it works without any internet connection after you activate it so this is my concern with this cracked version.
    Sorry for my english btw :bleh:
  15. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    never blocked kontakt with firewall or hosts file.
    using native access.
    have legit ni products and have non legit ni products.
    account more then 10 years old.
    no problems, never was blocked or disabled, no product has been removed from my account.
    the one thing I did - disabled data tracking in kontakt preferences.

    if you don't use fake serials for registration (with keygen) or stolen serials - you have nothing to fear.
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  16. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    This very thing was discussed here at least a couple of years ago. My studio is always offline so didn't pay much attention too it. I seem to remember that the conclusion was that it was nothing to worry about.
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  17. Arnak

    Arnak Newbie

    Apr 11, 2020
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    So you always need internet connection to use it? Did you tried to update your cracked softwares by native acces? Will it work btw?
    Thanks for the replies btw!
  18. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    to use what? kontakrt? no... I need internet for all other things. my mbp offline only when I sleep or when I'm outside home. I always downloading/uploading software/libraries/samples or searching website for something new/interesting/updated or watching movies/youtube and listen music, also I prefer online talking (because I'm sociophobe and sociopath). and also my mbp with 128 gb ssd:dunno: I need stable connection for cloud services where I store my software/samples/backups etc.

    the one cracked ni software that I use at this time is kontakt. few effects are legit or ni gives them as freeware.
    if I already have a cracked files to replace original after update - yes, I can update it by native access. if I don't have crack for update - why I must try to update cracked software with official update? I'm not an idiot...
    if you meant libraries (called them software too) for kontakt - yes, I can update them using native access (if this option available) and this working even if the library is marked as a demo in native access.
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  19. vstoto

    vstoto Newbie

    Jan 10, 2013
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    This topic really solved the problem that I has been trying for one week. Great help.
  20. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    It was already discussed some time ago, if you block it at all, it won't work.

    Instead, create a rule like this:
    1. allow loopback (
    2. (optionally) allow subnet (192.168.X.0)
    3. block any other

    If it's inside a DAW, then the same rule must be applied to the DAW itself, if not will crash.

    EDIT: Don't rely too much on the hosts file, beside it' a pain, it does not comply with rule.3.