Kontakt Multi out in Sonar X1..?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by babybrown, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. babybrown

    babybrown Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I have just set up Cakewalk X1 with all the updates and the new 'Assign' version of Kontakt because they are the best candidates (64bit DAW with 64bit Sampler) for creating a PC based movie-music making template on - which I can keep expanding as I upgrade my PC.I have spent literally a year collecting all the important libraries but, for the love of God, I can't find out from anyone how to route in multi-out instances of Kontakt - It seems there is almost no one willing to give up the information! I have created a template in Ableton 8.2 and it works like a baby! Please, please help! :dunno:
  3. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I'm currently working on my Sonar Template as well, go figure. There are several parts of the process where you could be selecting the wrong option and throwing things out of whack (not of your own fault but because Sonar is waaay more complex than it needs to be in this respect).

    Forgive me if I mention a few steps you already know. Again, still in the middle of my template so this is a quick write up, but I hope it helps. I am going to assume you know a few sonar basic functions.

    1. Insert ---> Soft Synth ----> Choose the output number you need (Kontakt 4 = 32 out, Kontakt 16 out and Kontakt 8 out are self explanatory)

    2. In the dialog box that comes up, check off MIDI Source and First Synth Audio Output. Also check Synth Property page to have Kontakt pop up right off, and Synth Track Folder if it suits you. Note that you can't have folders within folders in Sonar, which is a bummer for templates. :(

    3. Bring up the outputs menu of Kontakt 4. Ensure that you have the appropriate amount of stereo outs (16 st. outs if you chose the 32 out Kontakt, etc.) If you don't, click add channels, assigning the proper outputs (st 1 is 1/2, st 3 is 5/6, etc.) Don't freak out if your outputs say "unassigned", as that will be fixed in step 4. Just be sure that you are going in the right order sequentially.

    4. Important: you must "reinstantiate" (A native instruments term, not mine) Kontakt 4 before the next step!!! This is likely where things went wrong. The most foolproof method is to save your new output configuration as the preset for the vst you want (Presets / Batch Configuration ----> Save current output section state as default for -----> The vst you need ex: Kontakt 4 8 out), close Sonar, reopen Sonar, then follow steps 1 and 2 again (being sure to load the version of Kontakt that you saved the preset for).

    5. Again, this won't work if something goes wrong during step 4. Now add your instruments into kontakt (obviously you'll want at least two so you can verify it worked). Above your midi channel there is the output option- for the point of demonstration, assign the first instrument to st. 1, and the second to st. 2. While you're at it, ensure that the first instrument is on midi channel 1, and the second on midi channel 2.

    6. Back in Sonar, Clone both the Midi track and the Synth Audio output (the ones with the midi and keyboard icons respectively). You can name them in whatever way you want. Assign both midi channels to their respective instrument (one of them to 1, the other to channel 2).

    7. Finally, reassign the input of the first Synth Audio outputs track. Input ----> Kontakt xxx -----> Kt st.1 / kt st. 1 R (Stereo). It is likely already on this setting. Now, do the same with the second Synth audio output, but choose Kt st.2 / kt st.2 R (Stereo), and that should do it.

    Your naming conventions might be slightly different overall, but that should give you idea of where to "go". Let me know if it helps. You should only ever have to do step 3 once, so once you get a feel for how it works, it doesn't take as long to set up as it sounds... although the process could certainly be sped up.
  4. babybrown

    babybrown Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2011
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  5. babybrown

    babybrown Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Thank you so Freaking much. I started implementing your suggestions (up to five trax so far) and it's working like butter.

    You put a lot of effort into being a non-hater and I thank you so very much!.

    I'll update with my progress when I get back home and can hopefully fulfill the full track count!

    Thanks Bruvs,

    You're the best!

  6. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Yeah welcome to Sonar bro, that's why I switched to Ableton lol, nothing but crazy issues like this and pulling my hair out. For me, it just wasn't worth it
  7. allshallfade

    allshallfade Newbie

    Jun 15, 2011
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    No prob, glad I could help... this had me stumped for a good 3-4 days so I'm happy to save someone else the time.

    @Lamp: I definitely know how you feel, I was on the verge of switching to Cubase 6, but I'm one of those poor saps who actually buys DAWS, so I've been trying to make the most out of my purchase haha. Other than the very track management issue BBP brought up here I've had some good experiences with Sonar though... if nothing else it's awesome being able to make full use out of multiple monitors, and saving screensets is great (although C6 might have that screensets too).
  8. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Yeah I think X1 is actually probably the best they've ever done though

    One thing I like about Sonar is the ability to choose which vst to preview midi files with. I hate that Ableton doesn't do that, like previewing drum tracks in their browser is a joke, the midi notes get routed through some cheesy synth...
  9. babybrown

    babybrown Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2011
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  10. babybrown

    babybrown Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2011
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    yeah, it sounds like poo. ACtually I'm an Ableton ADDICT! I just need the 64bit properties of Sonar. In the meantime I'm praying for a 64bit Versh of LiVE!!
  11. The_Dr

    The_Dr Newbie

    Jan 8, 2012
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    Wow...this is great! I made the most progress ever today with that bit...but still suck on 2 things if you guys have ideas. Specifically:

    Kontakt set to different outputs per track, but play track 1 in Sonar and it shows up on all tracks (note all meters showing). To make audio Go away I bring down either: Just Midi for that track (Sonar track 2) or Audio for ALL tracks: (Sonar tracks 1, 3, 5):


    Other issue: I can't get audio from Track 2 (or any track higher than 1) to be heard even if I select send to master. Only way I get it to work is to send all outputs from Kontakt to 1/2 like the 1st one (but of course then they are no longer separate):

    Any thoughts/help is greatly appreciated!!!