Kontakt Library 2nd hand buy

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by tomika, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. tomika

    tomika Newbie

    Feb 23, 2014
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    hey guys, been following this forum for a while now and found some good answers to my questions, until today..

    i have the following issue: i used kontakt 4 cracked for a while, now 'updated' to kontakt 5 standalone without the factory library because i decided to buy some other stuff.. i found a 2nd hand offer of session strings and 60s drummer on the internet, bought it yesterday - but now started wondering if i could ever get it to work with my cracked kontakt 5?

    the thing is.. the seller told me i have to contact NI with some online form and ask them to register the serials he sent me with my account, then i can download the library images through my account page. that sounds simple, but when i contact them with my recent service center email attached, they should notice there is some kontakt 5 'registered' in my service center, via my email account, with some serial that should not exist.. since it's cracked, right?

    so, how does that work? will they refuse to register my bought instruments? will they deactivate my kontakt 5? that wouldn't be such a problem since i am planning to buy this via 2nd hand in a few weeks.. but it would suck if i can't use that till then!

    since i read somewhere around that you can use cracked and legit versions of kontakt side by side on one mac, i thought i could download kontakt 5 player, register that with a new email, then write to NI to make it work with this email and though i have the serials it could probably work to download just the images and then register it for my cracked kontakt 5, or am i wrong?

    would be really nice if someone could help me with this, best if someone had the same issue and fixed it somehow..

    thanks in advance!

    so, tried this: uninstalled everything kontakt 5 related, got kontakt 5 player and texted the NI support to register my bought serials.
    when that is done with my account i re-install the standalone k'ed kontakt 5 and import my new instruments, as well es the k'ed older ones.. that should work, right?

    and when i get to buy the kontakt full in a few weeks i can simply keep my k'ed kontakt 5 and use only the factory library, which comes with the DVDs, i guess that should work, too?

    thanks if someone can give me some tips.. just don't want to mess up my whole setup here, because it was all build up on kontakt 4 and since i deleted everything to get kontakt 5.3 to work, i want to build it up a bit more 'safe' :D

  3. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    You seem confused on what you want to do that you have confused me lol(maybe it's just your paragraph structure or wording??)

    Anyhow just do one at a time, but if you really want to play it safe just install the K'd Kontakt 5 and use any library freely.

    you can use a K'd and a legit Kontakt but what's the point unless you are a advanced user don't give yourself a headache grab a beer instead lol
  4. tomika

    tomika Newbie

    Feb 23, 2014
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    haha - sorry i confused you, the mods seem to simply have added my 'progress' post to my first one.. that makes everything a bit confusing i guess.

    so for the records, i am waiting for the NI support to get back at me and let me download and register my 2nd hand bought libraries.. anyone knows how long those support requests usually take?
    my only (real) question was, if they could see anyhow that there is some k'ed KONTAKT 5 on my hdd.. but like i mentioned above, to be safe i just deleted it and simply reinstall when i have my libraries registered. it seems all a bit difficult :D

    thing is, since i made a bit money with my music i decided to get me a stable software setup step by step, so i don't always have to rely on some cracked stuff i can't properly update and shit ;) and so, these are my first steps now.. getting kontakt 5 and some libraries i need.. i thought it would be cool to get support and stuff (as a REAL customer) but seems like NI isn't that fast when it comes to answering support questions :D
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