Kontakt Libraries

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Icepun, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Icepun

    Icepun Newbie

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Hello, I bought Komplete 9 because I use NI synths all the time and I'm working as a sound designer on several projects. The point is that I installed the Kontakt 5.1 and goes very well with the factory library but when I want to add that I had downloaded before, as session string pro, it detected that is not activated, it did not previously hacked with kontakt R2R, how I can enable these libraries? Is there a trick that I can apply? Or install kontakt hacked again? I do not want to pay more money and I think I've paid enough. I use a MacBookPro 10.7.5, thank you very much.
  3. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Dude did you owned the full komplete 9 Full or the 'basic' one ?

    If you owned the basic, most of lib ( which need an activation) aren't activate 'cause they need their serial & sometimes activation via service center (as NI LiBs)

    But if you want to make cohabiting legit soft with downloads warez libs it doesn't work at all.

  4. Icepun

    Icepun Newbie

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Hey, thanks for answering. I bought the Komplete 9, not Ultimate, and yes, i want to make cohabiting legit soft with downloads warez libs, any ideas? I bought it to feel better and certain guarantees of support, but if I can not use libraries downloaded, I think it would be better hack Kontakt and ready. I need to trick the service center or hack the libraries but not how to do it, thanks.

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    I got Komplete 8, I will buy 9 in a few days or weeks, but I know I'll have to use a cracked Kontakt... That's frustrating to pay things for finally use a cracked version but I don't think any solution exists... (I searched for months) :dunno:

    But we should feel lucky and happy that cracked Kontakt exists so we can use every libraries... :mates:

    And there's things that are not cracked yet, so yes, that sucks for Kontakt but there's cool stuff you wouldn't be able to use otherwise :wink:
  6. Icepun

    Icepun Newbie

    Mar 30, 2013
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    Hey, thanks! u right, we are fortunate to be able to use it, although we have paid. Finally, i replaced files with this kontakt cracks and all libraries works fine! http://audioz.info/audio-software/mac/51292-download_native-instruments-kontakt-51-vst-au-rtas-3264bit-macosx.html

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    Good for you ! :mates:

    Since how many times you are on 10.7 ? You were using 10.6 with cracked stuff before ?

    Because I have to upgrade from 10.6 to 10.7 in order to use Komplete 9, but I'm kinda worried to face a problem...

    Thanks :wink:
  8. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Your worries are warrantable. I recommend you to skip 10.7 and upgrade to 10.8. instead, if you can.
    I had Lion installed. It caused generally too many problems for me. After one year i decided to change to ML.
    I regret, that i didn't make that upgrade earlier. I never saw the coloured beachball that often as with Lion.
    I had to face even Kernel panics. I neither had that difficulties before with 10.6 nor afterwards with 10.8.
    Console Logs were permanently full of error messages..... I had to browse Apple Support Communities a few times, to look for help.
    Version 10.7.4 solved some of the problems, but not everything.

    Several plugins didn't work, but they work now again with Mountain Lion.
    ML runs smoother and is definitely the better system. No problems at all so far. Ni stuff runs well with ML. :wink:

    If you have enough space left on your HD, create a second partition with disk utility, install 10.8 there and try it out.

    I myself have currently two partitions with 10.6. and 10.8 installed, but i didn't use 10.6 for months. I don't need it anymore.
    It is just there for security (and nostalgic :rofl: ) reasons.

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    Ok, ok, thank you very much !

    I don't think I can think enough space to make a clone but I have a Time Machine HD.

    So every cracked stuff works fine in ML ? Waves, Plugin Alliance, FXpansion, iZotope, U-He, Fabfilter etc... ? (The main stuff I use) You didn't faced any problem ?

    Oh yes you're right, I can't make a clone but I can install it somewhere ! I bought Lion, so I'll have to put 20e on the table one more time... :snuffy:

    Thank you very much :mates:
  10. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    You don't need to make a clone, if you have a Time Machine HD running - this is a clone already.

    As an alternative to a fresh installation of a new system by deleting the old one,
    you can additionally install 10.7 or 10.8 on your Mac and keep your 10.6.
    That means, you have two systems on different partitions on the same computer installed.
    You can further on use your old system and try out the new one.

    In case you don't know how to do that, you can easily find descriptions in the internet.
    If you don't want to do that by yourself and there is nobody in your surrounding who can help you with it
    - i can help and will tell you step by step. It's easy. :wink:
    You just need enough empty space on your internal HD....let's say 7GB for the new system
    and some more for the system to run and for the installation of your Komplete 9 and other plugs.

    How big is your internal HD? How much empty space do you have? How much RAM do you have?
    The newer systems need more ressources - about 1GB more than 10.6. needs.

    Yes: Waves, FXpansion, iZotope and u-he function well.
    Plugin Alliance and Fabfilter: i don't know. I don't use them.

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    Yeah I wanted to install ML on my external HD (One with an old SL clone, which I keep with huge Kontakt libraries)

    I'm not sure how to create a new partition on this HD without deleting anything. (It's possible, right ?)

    Or another idea would be to upgrade the SL clone... (Which would be a good idea because there's a Logic installed with most of the plugins I use)

    But to answer your questions : My internal HD is 2To, 1,22To of free space, 8Gb of RAM.

    As I got the external HD I was talking about, maybe it would be safer to not use the internal one ! What do you think ?

    Thank you very much :mates:
  12. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    O.K, i misunderstood you.

    Wow, lots of empty space! You have a Big Mac! So why not create a second partition on the internal drive?
    I don't know, which connector you have, in any case i wouldn't dare to run a system with running audio stuff externally via USB.
    But i am on iMac and have USB 2.0 only. Maybe you have on your Big Mac USB 3.0 or a Thunderbolt connector.

    I am not sure, if i get your last question right, why it is safer not to use the internal one. Safer in relation to what?
    Normally internal is faster and safer.

    Yes it's possible, you can create a new partition on the external drive without deleting anything. That's how it works:
    In disk utility you choose your external and click on partition.
    If you now choose "two partitions" in the partition layout tab, it won't work without deleting everything, because two new partitions will be created !!
    But if you mark your one partition by clicking on it in the partition layout window and afterwards on the little "+" in the inferior left corner,
    it will work, because only one new partition will be created and the one you have already, will survive.

    In any case, whatever you decide to do, good luck!