Kontakt custom libraries

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by ElecTribe, Mar 5, 2022.

  1. ElecTribe

    ElecTribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Hi folks...

    I'm currently trying to find a good working method for creating custom libraries that will work in Kontakt 6. (on windows 10)

    I'm using KLC to create the libraries, which works fine for adding them to kontakt 5.

    [by the way, there are a few tutorials online which say you only need to add the lib's to kontakt 5 and they automatically show up in kontakt 6... not true in my case, not sure if this only works on mac]

    I have R2R Library manager which normally does a good job of adding libraries to Kontakt 6, but there are apparently 3 tags missing from the NICNT files created by KLC which stop the libraries it creates from being added: UPID, HU and JDX

    All three appear to be randomly generated alpha-numeric strings, so I'm assigning my own dummy ones by adding the tags to the NICNT files manually via notepad, then adding that NICNT to kontakt 6 via the R2R manager.

    My first attempt was successful, and the library i created with KLC got added and showed up in Kontakt 6.

    Subsequent attempts also appear to be successful (i.e. R2R manager says successfully registered and gives me a SNPID), but the libraries don't show in the browser in kontakt 6.

    I'm at a complete loss to explain why the first one worked but others don't.

    The first set of dummy tags i used were all 0's, i.e:

    next set were the same but with last digit changed to 1, i.e:

    My intention was to keep adding numbers sequentially for each library.

    Can anyone suggest what might be going wrong?
  3. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    You don't need those codes (UPID, HU and JDX) to add a library that doesn't have a .nicnt file, namely, one that doesn't have a Kontakt license. Just use bob dule's tools to create NICNT files and to add libraries. You can then further edit the .nicnt files with total commander and inNKX plugin to embed wallpapers and edit whatever you need. You'd only use R2R library manager to add the keys to the registry files I assume, but this can be done with bob dule's tools too.
  4. ElecTribe

    ElecTribe Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2022
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    Cheers.. I will check out those tools :)
  5. certifiedbeatz

    certifiedbeatz Newbie

    May 8, 2017
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    I used klc to add my libraries about 230 out of 1500 are showing duplicate sniping id's with Bob's tool how can I do a batch change if possible?
  6. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    By ID I assume you mean SNPID. In your case I think you may have to change the duplicated custom libraries one by one, while checking every ID is unique. Bob dule has a batch script that extracts all SNPIDs on your PC and puts them in a .txt file so you can easily check duplicates, but I don't know if there's something for what you're looking for (batch replacement/change).
  7. certifiedbeatz

    certifiedbeatz Newbie

    May 8, 2017
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    Thank you I will try it out not bad I can do a couple a day thank you..