Kontakt 8 - relink librarys without Native Access.

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by willi dilli, Dec 8, 2024.

  1. willi dilli

    willi dilli Newbie

    Dec 8, 2024
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    Hello there,

    I'm on cracked Kontakt 8, my libraries were located on an external hard drive for ages (and worked). Now I want to move them onto my internal SSD, so I need to relink them. In the past, when I updated my Kontakt (installed a new cracked K version), I opened my trusted standalone version of Kontakt 5, which allowed me to reconnect the libraries. When I then launched Kontakt as a vst, the libraries were connected again.

    But now this won't work. I linked the libraries with Kontakt 5 to the new location but when I open Kontakt 8 it still shows the libraries, but when i try to load a patch it says "File not found"). When i reconnect the external SSD it starts working again, so the old path works.

    Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks so much!
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  3. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Kontkt 8 is a FOOKIN POS. I also have this problem but my MAIN problem is 80 % of my library thumbnails are blank.

    Ive tried all the usual 'fixes' available online, Ive also COMPLETELY removed every trace, folder, file linked to Kontakt, and after that literally EVERY thing by Native Instruments and all related files, folders, and reg. entiries and reinstalled clean, from svcratch only to have the exact... same.. problem.

    if ANYone can solve this for me i would be eternally grateful, specially considering I have over 200 libraries collected over 15 years and feel in this condition that the plugin is unusable!

    TIA !!
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  4. ijah Tafari

    ijah Tafari Ultrasonic

    Aug 24, 2024
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    The path of the libraries is stored in the json files.you can find them in c users public documents native instruments installed products.
    open json file with notepad and manualy adjust them.
    or just delete them and re add the libraries again.
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  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I'm not on K8 yet, waiting for a 8.1.1 version just for stability. but I've heard of this problem @ijah Tafari describes as well as the fix.
    I'm guessing you need to use the Kontakt 8 "add library" tool.
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  6. ijah Tafari

    ijah Tafari Ultrasonic

    Aug 24, 2024
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    I use the newest Kontakt 8 by BobDule.
    if you have all the libraries stored in 1 root folder you can use the add library button and point it to the root folder.that way it will find all the libraries stored therein. Make sure you have deleted all the json files first before you do this.
  7. ijah Tafari

    ijah Tafari Ultrasonic

    Aug 24, 2024
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    ii m using v 8.1.0...on my system it is stable as can be.
    i think most people suffer from problems because system gets fucked up somehow.
    using c ked warez thats something one should keep in mind before attempting to mek adjustments.
  8. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I get you. Probably v8.1.0 is stable enough.
    I try to stay in the same version for as long as I can. Until some lib I really want gets released.
  9. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Ive tried ALL the usual suspects, The add library tools, instaklled both r2r and Bobdule multiple times, deleted very single possible file and directory as explained above, still;..no joy, adding libs isnt the problem, THUMBNAILS showing up in Kontakt Library page.. is.

    What is irritating is, some of them.. do show up.. about 25 out of 200.. with no real visible link in common with those ones.
  10. ijah Tafari

    ijah Tafari Ultrasonic

    Aug 24, 2024
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    i get your point..if it works,dont brake it
    actualy i can say i never ever really had serious problems with BD kontakt or R2R kontakt,just sometimes a minor thing,but that was more because of my ignorance rather than because of the program.Sometimes people start to mess around to try solve things,without knowing what they are doing..now thats the way to fuck up your system.
    My number 1 rule is...dont do things you dont know about.it ll give ya a headache.
  11. ijah Tafari

    ijah Tafari Ultrasonic

    Aug 24, 2024
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    i dont know for sure,but have you tried classic view instead of default view?
    the new K8 has some problems with showing thumbnails for certain libs in default mode.i m talking about the non official libraries now.
    Fot the non official libraries you should have the png file stored in the lib folder.
    For example '' Nordwave.png'' in the Nordwave lib folder.
    But you should rename it to wallpaper.png...that way kontakt will see the thumbnail
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
  12. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Yeah, I use classic view, as I agree with everyone regarding how NI has screwed the pooch with V7 and V8, and I don't like their new default view of marketplace Francisco Tech bros f'ing with everything, let alone what they have done with library/folder management with the database etc... not being able to save snapshots in quick load, and everything else...

    I absolutely still need Kontakt, and it's still powerful and haven't been able to find a replacement for how I have been using it since V1.. but it's a navigational/workflow nightmare...
  13. jx

    jx Newbie

    Dec 8, 2024
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    Used this Two days ago .
    Removed everything & added it back w/
    Add Library for macOS v4

    in terminal

    sudo rm -rf /Applications/Native\ Instruments

    sudo rm -rf /Users/Shared/Native\ Instruments

    sudo rm -rf /Users/USERNAME/Documents/Native\ Instruments/Kontakt\ 8

    sudo rm -rf /Users/USERNAME/Library/Preferences/com.native-instruments.*

    sudo rm -rf /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application\ Support/Native\ Instruments

    sudo rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/Native\ Instruments

    sudo rm -rf /Library/Preferences/com.native-instruments.*

    sudo rm -rf /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Kontakt\ 8.component

    sudo rm -rf /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/Kontakt\ 8.vst3

    sudo rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/Kontakt\ 8.aaxplugin

    sudo rm -rf /Applications/Native\ Access.app

    sudo rm -rf /Users/Shared/NI\ Resources

    sudo rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.native-instruments.*
  14. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Yes, of course and in Classic View ALL of the Thumbs are perfectly fine.. Its only in The 'main' view that the problem persists.

    Its also not that I dont 'Have' the thumb images, as just a week ago EVERY thumb was showing.

    I was using version 8.0 portable. It was only when i went to 8.1 installed version that this happened.

    However, Ive since removed EVERYthing and weent back to V 8.0 portable but now they dont show there either.

    NOTHING I do, makes any diff. Its driving me fucking INSANE!!

    does anyone know for certain, which directory Kontakt library view draws its 'different than Classic' thumbnail images.?

  15. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    C:\Users\Public\Documents\NI Resources\image\[name of the lib]
    the same being:
    %PUBLIC%\Documents\NI Resources\image\[name of the lib]
  16. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Figured you would say that.. but heres the thing...

    1. I have libraries showing their proper thumbnails, that are NOT in that folder

    2. I have taken a library with a blank folder and placed its proper image IN that folder, reloaded Ableton and Kontakt and Yet still no library image.

    3. Ive also found Kontakt library image folders in other locations, such AS,

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\40s Very Own - Drums\PAResources\image\40s Very Own - Drums

    along with several other Kontakt Library's in the same folder that the above mentioned 40s Very Own - Drums folder was. That folder being - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments

    All of this tells me that the thumbnail images cannot be taken from a single images folder and that apparently different libraries install their thumbnails in different locations

    If anyone wants to refute this, or make sense of it, please feel free.
  17. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    also, even after moving my entire libraries folder, the 'add library' tool is still able to find and add all of them from the registry even tho I have not specified where I have moved them all to.

    Anyone know where in Registry Kontakt it stores all my libraries even after I have moved them.

    Perhaps if I remove the old reg entries, well perhaps, maybe, who knows but it is one thing i haven't tried.,
  18. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    I have exactly this issue.

    Deleted EVERYTHING and reinstalled. Totally random thumbnail and previews. Really weird.

    Mac Studio/Sonoma.
  19. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    The fact that the same thing exists also on mac makes it even more frustrating AND that it seems to only affect a few random folks it appears!

    Also wondering if has something to do with Kontrol OR Maschne as I installed both of these within the time it went from working, to not working.

    ... and as far as I know they both use the same thumbnail images....which coincidentally are also missing thumbnails.

    note sure tho if they were missing the same thumbnails as I already deleted both apps.
  20. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Well, unfortunately that is the kinda thing we deal with in regards to these "unlimited time demos" and libraries we are using.

    It was pretty well documented that Kontakt 8 had some under the surface changes in regards to how NI is currently handling it, and that a lot of the preexisting tools we use, whether it be for macOS or windows, Fred Blog's KLU2 or Add Library or Bob Dule's stuff, and all these excellent tools that we have come to rely on thanks to their work, ... well.. it wasn't going to be smooth sailing at first, and they said that upon looking at Kontakt 8, and just for example, Fred Blog's said it was gonna take him some time to parse together the changes to make these utilities work properly... and given different Maschine implementation of their libraries etc in the ecosystem and other things...

    and the general advice given was to hold off on Kontakt 8 if you use it in that manner and your Kontakt 7 was working fine, and you rely on it, and are working with it, as there were likely going to be problems... (not to mention the ones NI introduced themselves...)...

    I personally felt no need for Kontakt 8 as my 7 was working great as good be, and have stayed there, as I don't need what they are offering now with it in their little crap libraries and gimmicky little sound packs or tools for the most part, and I'm sure I will need it at some point forthcoming, as things go...

    But this shouldn't be a surprise honestly, and I would just roll back to Kontakt 7 if you can, and have had your stuff properly backed up so it's not a huge hassle... but the combination of things that are going on here and what could go wrong were foreseen and told and warned about..
  21. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Summed it up nicely there mate.

    Honestly i just do not 'not being able to figure it out' very well

    Additionally, like i said earlier, not being able to 'properly' use 2oo freaking libs that took over 15 years to whittle down just drives me bonkers.

    At this point, im certainly not sure that even a valid install of Kontakt 8 on MY maschine would solve this issue.

    BTW, located the reg entries for all my libs, deleted and gonna see if that helped.
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