Kontakt 7 Portable won't let me add libraries stored on external HDD - Please help!

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by foneki1418, Dec 19, 2023.

  1. foneki1418

    foneki1418 Newbie

    Dec 19, 2023
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    I have seen a bunch of threads similar to this, but none addressing this particular issue.

    Basically, my Kontakt 7 Portable works flawlessly. And when I use the built-in library manager to add libraries that are stored locally, that works fine too. But today, I tried adding a library that is stored on an external HDD, and that gave me the "could not update settings.cfg" error.

    Any idea how to fix this? Settings.cfg is not read-only, nor are any of its parent folders. And again, when I import them to a local directory, it works fine. But I need this to work with an external HDD, because my laptop has only 1 TB of storage space onboard, and my Kontakt libraries are massive.

    Sidenote, is it a good idea to use Kontakt this way? By keeping the libraries stored on a standard external HDD? I can't afford an SSD, otherwise I would've done it.
  3. DonCaballero

    DonCaballero Producer

    Feb 6, 2016
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    You could try loading the standalone version or your DAW in administrator mode.
    I haven't had the issue you mention, but in the past admin mode was the only way for Kontakt to see network mapped drives.

    There's also more than one portable version. I've always preferred vkDanilov, but if the issue is with that maybe try the other one (bobdule I think.)
  4. aghori

    aghori Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2020
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    Hey, I have an issue with adding libraries too, the thing is, it works normally with the VST2 version, but the VST3 version stays empty after I add my libraries through the manager, any ideas why?
  5. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    Quit using portables and versions without the properly integrated factory library managers. Those external kludged "lib manglers" I have always avoided like the plague and as a result never have any issues managing libraries... Pushing the "add library" button on the interface should bring up the original NI Kontakt lib manager - if it pulls up anything else or errors out (like many of them do due to file path problems or just plain not even there) then move on to one that operates like the original.
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