Kontakt 7 Portable - Changing PluginID does not work

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by bigguy1, Feb 18, 2023.

  1. bigguy1

    bigguy1 Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    I am a Reason user and am currently on Windows 10 and Reason 12.5.

    I have used Kontakt 6 Portable in many of my songs and also saved a lot of presets in my Reason Browser for specific configurations of Konatkt 6 Portable.

    Now I want to upgrade form Kontakt 6 Portable to Kontakt 7 Portable without loosing my songs and presets. After installing K7P and running reason I have K6P and K7P both as instruments in the Reason browser. I can use them in parallel. But thats not what I want. I do not want to use them in parallel but use K7P as my only Kontakt and the old songs and all my presets should load K7P.

    So I tried changing the PluginID of K7P in the Settings.ini to the value of K6P and of course remove K6P. But this does not work. No matter what I write as PluginID it has no effect. Does anybody know how to that so that K7P has the same ID than K6P in my Reason?

    Thx so much in advance!

  3. bigguy1

    bigguy1 Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    Seems that nobody knows. I will keep K6P then till I find another solution. Maybe the next K7P allows to change the PluginID...