Kontakt 6: Symlink, Portable, no Install?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Giggity, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. Daz

    Daz Guest

    Put this NICNT and wallpaper in the Ilya Efimov TC Electric Guitar lib folder, then add the library with library manager. :winker:

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  2. Giggity

    Giggity Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2018
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    Thanks! It's fixed now. :wink:

  3. Giggity

    Giggity Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2018
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    Okay, now when I click on the instrument, Kontakt crashes :( why lifes gotta be so hard.

    Any ideas mate? I'd really appreciate your help.

    Update: Fixed!
  4. Charles Fart

    Charles Fart Newbie

    Feb 3, 2019
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    FOR THE FUTURE: Just make your own ninct files and you should be fine. It's just a matter of having a template and downloading notepad ++ (plus plus). Copy one of the working ninct files that you already have, save it somewhere else and name it "Template". Then check out one of the youtube videos on how easy it is. Open it in notepad ++ and change two lines... save it you're and done! If you have an ninct file that came with your download, and Kontakt Portable says "No Library found" it is probably due to a bad ninct. I know, because I downloaded some bad ones from someone on here before.
  5. Giggity

    Giggity Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2018
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    I find your tip useful as two of my Big Fish Audio Libraries are missing the NICT file.

    Do you think you can provide links to the suggested vids?

  6. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    There is no such thing as non-legit.
    There is only cracked Kontakt, and shared libraries.
    If u buy legit Kontakt, u get serial #'s for libs.
    If u install cracked Kontakt, all shared libs from sister site will work, no serials needed, obviously.
  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Many companies don't pay the license to NI for their lib to show up in the Lib tab. Forget about it.
    FOR THE FUTURE, lol, just don't bother making your own .nicnt files and u should be fine!
    Add from the Files tab, and then load from Quick Load.
  8. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    @Charles Fart

    Which probably had conflicting SNPID #'s.
    This is why it is bad practice to make and swap .nicnt files.
    What doesn't conflict on one person's system, may be conflicting on another person's system, due to exactly this pastime of creating .nicnt files when there is no need.
    Why make life complicated, just to see a non-official pretty picture in your Lib Tab???
  9. Niruvana

    Niruvana Kapellmeister

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Hi, I am interested in what you said about Portable. Could you give me the details via message? I also have been tired installing apps and plugins, so I also have been working on it. But making vst plugins portable is not easy. I have tried using Symlink installers, but some of them won't work. I still don't understand Symlink installers fully, so there must be a way to install them properly.

    What I found so far is that they work properly when I install Symlink installer on drive C, but my c drive has limited room (SSD 128GB), so I mostly install them on d drive instead. Some of them work fine with only d drive, but not many of them. So, are you talking about Symlink installers as portable versions? Or are you really have portable versions like Kontakt portable?
    Thanks in advance.
  10. PrettyPurdie

    PrettyPurdie Guest

    got all libs on my d-drive, but you must know theres 3 versions of cracked kontakt - R2R - Symlink AND Portable. When kontakt was at about version 5.8 R2R started going to war with symlink, and that was messed up and kind of split the kontakt-community, but then Portable released and things got way better, i even think R2R stopped with theyr "Simlink so others dont make money with our plugins so please use our symlink" war
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2019
  11. Niruvana

    Niruvana Kapellmeister

    Mar 26, 2018
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    What does libson mean? I am aware of the 3 types of cracked plug ins. Symlink is good, but many plug ins work only if you install them on c drive. The portable plug in what I have ever used is only Kontakt. I have never seen any portable version of plug ins. It is pretty good and that's what I have wanted. However, the Kontakt portable is not recognizable on Studio One.
  12. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I think it is a typo as in LIBS ON, The poster forgot the space.

    I remember using Kontakt 5 Portable in Studio One without problems. Now i use the regular K 6.0.4 which works great.
  13. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I have K6 Portable 6.0.3 (P2P | 30 Dec 2018 | 411 MB) working fine on Studio One (Studio.One.4.Pro.v4.1.3-R2R-2019.02.09).
    I am doing a fresh Win10 install on another SSD right now and do not have any DAW software on there yet, so I can not confirm K6 Port 6.0.4 is working just the same, but I expect it will.

    I use Link Shell Extension (LSE) to create Symbolic Links for many large folders and/or shared folders.
    With Kontakt portable, for example, I moved my personally organized Quickload directory from where Kontakt 5 (normal) has it in ["C:\Users\xxUSERNAMExx\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5\QuickLoad"] into the K6 Portable folder [on my computer it is: "E:\sa Daw\Kontakt6.Port\UserData\Kontakt\QuickLoad"], and then make a Symbolic Link that points Kontakt 5 there.
    Link Shell Extension has a handy "Pick Link Source" & and "Drop Link as..." in the Windows context menu.
    I always have dropped the link as a "Symbolic link" and Windows just follows the link.
    LSE also has the option to easily add or remove it from the context menu is in the normal LSE options to keep the context menu cleaner when not using it, as ALL PROGRAMS SHOULD!

    Symlink installers use the same method to organize, but installing them is different, and folders are created in various places.
    Portable Programs are different because they do not mess with registry and usually have everything in one main folder.

    With my new install, even though i do not have any DAW software "installed", i can run portable Kontakt, and Portable FL Studio.

    I also never look at the "Libraries" tab except to access the Portable "Manage Libraries" button.
    Using the Quickload method avoids so much fiddling and you can organize and reorganize / rename folders how you like.
    You can actually do that in Windows explorer, but I do all that within the Kontakt interface because that is how I will see it when using it. I mostly just abbreviate folder to make the menus narrower.
    Here is how mine looks (I loaded Exosphere because it uses a wider interface and extends the Kontakt UI, so I loaded it just to show more of the Quickload menu. Normal width makes the first column shift lift out of sight when "drilling down" into subfolders) :
    K6 Port QL 01.jpg
  14. Niruvana

    Niruvana Kapellmeister

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Wow, thanks for the details! I found your setting is pretty similar to mine. I also created a folder for only plugins; Drive D:01-Composing.
    The problem is Kontakt 6 portable no longer on my Studio One 4.1.3. It worked fine when I installed 5.8 and 6.0.2, but it stopped working when I updated 6.0.3. After that, I tried to roll back and re-install, but Studio One never allow to use it anymore. Updating plugins, resetting blacklist, or any other method doesn't work. But I think it's not only the problem of Kontakt. I had similar issues with Studio One. Reaper doesn't have the issue, but I remember that Cubase also had similar issues. I am still figuring out.

    Btw, what is the last one? I always wanted to zoom in the Kontakt as the interface letters are too tiny to read. Your one looks nicer!
    So, the only portable plugin is Kontakt. Isn't it?
  15. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I am not sure what you mean by: "the "last one?"
    If you mean the last folder listed in the "Files" window pane, ("zz.Tools-Kontakt Lib") that is just a folder where I keep library tools (KLM by DoubleY & Kontakt Library Organizer by codefn42).
    Both of those are "stand-alone" or "portable" programs. They just run from their own folder. I used KLM a few times when I used Kontakt 5.x but have not used them for a long time. My Kontakt Library folder was just a convenient place to put them since they do not need to be "installed'.

    Many VSTs are "portable" in the sense that they just can go into a folder to be scanned.

    There are other many other programs that are portable and I use "PortApps" & "LiberKey". Those are nice because you can keep the "apps" updated and copy the "LiberKey" and/or "PortApps" folder(s) to a flash drive to use on other computers, too.
    PortApps & Liberkey store all program settings inside their folder so they don't make registry changes on the computer, and keep their settings wherever you use them. So nice to not have to search for a setting or reconfigure settings to run the programs the way you like.
    I have another folder I call "SA Progs" for some portable programs not available in LiberKey or PortApps.
    It is nice to have those ready for use, without installing anything.
    Kontakt Portable has a folder for placing libraries to make them portable WITH the portable Kontakt.
    In the folder called "Libraries" is a readme.txt that says,"Place your KONTAKT libraries here to make them portable too."
    I realize I probably could have just made a symlink in that folder (called "Libraries") pointing to my Kontakt library folder on another drive and not even had to set my library location when i first ran it.
    Well, if running it all from a fast external drive I suppose it would work, but large SSDs are still a bit expensive!
  16. Niruvana

    Niruvana Kapellmeister

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Thanks for another detail. What I meant the "last one" was the screenshot what you uploaded.
    I also have used PortApps for many apps for many years. It is really convenient. I haven't heard about LiberKey and just had a quick look. It looks exactly the same as PortApps. Are there any differences between the two apps? The list of apps also looks the same.

    My big question is how to make the VST plugins portable. I have been tested many of them and almost 1/5 were successful. Some symlink installers didn't work properly, so I installed them in a normal way. Unlike other software (includes games), installing VST plugins is a big hassle.
  17. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    LiberKey is similar but there are some progs each has that the other does not, or different versions.
    Not sure which I like better. I do not often run the Liberkey or PortApps programs themselves except to update the portable progs.

    I don't know how to make programs portable, but there is a utility in one of them (maybe both) to make programs portable (but i never tried anything). Some interesting website about portable stuff:
  18. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I think there's barely nothing new to be said, but I'd stress the thing about creating nicnt files (or borrowing them here for instance).
    It's not a new problem of the no install/portable versions, it's an old one. There's a couple of tools that generate nicnt easily, one was developed by tracer, it's the one I use, but there's more I think. You can create them manually too.
  19. Daz

    Daz Guest

    Yeah I use to create them manually until I found out about Tracer's nicnt generator, awesome tool.
  20. PrettyPurdie

    PrettyPurdie Guest

    oh i didnt know that, wel.....that sucks....and if the only working version for studio one is 5.8.x then its useless because newer libraries dont work with them ...i see