Komplete Krack?

Discussion in 'Software' started by anmlXtc, Mar 29, 2017.

  1. anmlXtc

    anmlXtc Newbie

    Mar 19, 2017
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    Is anyone aware of a working crack for a full version of Komplete? I know we have access to cracks of specific plugins (mainly Massive and FM8 due to their popularity) but has anyone made a crack of the complete package?

    Just wondering! I may just purchase the whole thing but I wanted to check first. I couldn't find any info by searching so I thought it might be a worthwhile discussion.
  3. Raffz

    Raffz Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Afaik, every single thing in the package, be it the normal or ultimate, is already cracked/avaiable, so yes, you can grab whatever you want from that, which is better than a single giant file (or not but I doubt anyone will bother packaging all the thing in a torrent or something)
  4. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Someone could probably make an installer, but Komplete is essentially all the separates bundled up into a single installer. They still install and enter into registry etc as if they were individual components, though I believe you will also have an entry for Komplete. Therefore, as the components do not have synchronised update cycles, the R2R releases etc are all released for the individual components as they are updated. It's the only way to do it sensibly without something getting outdated all the time, e.g. if Replika XT 1.4.0 has a bug so they released a hotfix for 1.4.1 after a week someone would need to reompile the whole installer.

    Considering it's free, I have no issues with installing and updating each individual component and actually prefer it so I can manage and control updates better, e.g. lots of people having issues with latest Kontakt 5.6.5 and 5.6.6 so prefer to stay on earlier versions.