Komplete Kontrol not linking to Kontakt properly

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by bdbr, Mar 17, 2024.

  1. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Literally at the end of finishing an album and I went to open up two tracks from a while ago to make some minor changes, and in both of them Komplete Kontrol is opening up empty. They should be opening up with Kontakt playing Discovery Series instruments but they're coming up blank. Tried troubleshooting and I haven't been able to get them working correctly (instead of just opening up in the project blank). Kontakt works fine and even some tracks in this project use Kontakt and they are loading correctly.

    Bit desperate here as I'm so low on time, any help greatly appreciated!!
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Confirm Komplete Kontrol is working correctly in a blank project, or other projects with Kontakt already in them. Confirm Kontakt is loading any specific libraries correctly. Duplicate the Kontakt channel in your project, that way you can mess around with it safely until you figure it out.
  4. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Yeah unfortunately I've tested that, Kontakt works fine by itself, same with a new instance of Komplete Kontrol. It's purely these older projects with Komplete Kontrol not loading the saved state correctly. I've seen some forum posts about it online people have had similar issues but I haven't found a solution in any of those posts
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    If you have examples, then you should link them. starting from scratch is not going to be helpful. If it is an already known bug, you will have to come up with a workround. You should also include version info, DAW, OS, etc. Have you done any updates of Kontakt, Komplete Kontrol, or the libraries since you last had the problem projects open?

    Sometimes I call this "nested work" because it's what they call functions like this in Excel. Where it is something made in something, inside something else, inside something else. ie saved work inside a plugin, inside a wrapper, inside a daw like a Matryoshka doll. I avoid it entirely whenever I can. It's even worse when the components are from different developers, because they can just blame someone else.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2024
  6. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Managed to get Komplete control loading kontakt properly (but kontakt is blank), now the only remaining issues is getting kontakt to load the instrument correctly

    Edit: Just saw your comment. I'll have to get back to you with those details when I'm at my computer. I only just updated KK which seems to have fixed loading kontakt. I do have both kontakt 6.61 and kontakt 7 installed, and I think the projects may originally have used 6.61 but can't remember off the top of my head.

    I'm also using Ableton 12.01, windows 11. and yeah I'll never use Komplete control again. Native instruments seem to have very frustrating workflows with their software and stuff like this is infuriating to fix. Won't be doing nested stuff in the future.
  7. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    You can save your instrument from the 6.6.1 version and open it in newest 7.
    Then you have to replace the 6.6.1 device with 7 in the track in the DAW and save.

    You could try disabling the option to 'Always use latest version of plugins' in Komplete's preferences but this might cause more issues down the road than it being worth it.
  8. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Sorry I'm not sure I fully understand you.

    The problem is Komplete Kontrol is loading empty in an old project. I've managed to get it loading with Kontakt correctly but it's not loading with the instrument linked up correctly. What are you saying I should do exactly?

    So I just took another look, and KK is opening up Kontakt 6.61 VST3. I don't seem to be able to get Komplete Kontrol to open up another version of Kontakt (using this project)
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2024
  9. Londoner

    Londoner Member

    Oct 30, 2021
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    Usually it happened if you were using VST2 version and now you use VST3. However, there is a workaround, by convert your projects from VST2 to VST3:

    • Open your project, and duplicate the tracks with a VST2 version.
    • In the duplicated track, delete the VST2, and load the VST3 version.
    • Load the correct instrument (same you used in the VST2 version).
    • Copy all other settings (Mixer setting, FX etc.), from the original track (in Cubase, is just a simple click) and paste them to the new one, the one with the VST3 version.
    • Delete the original (VST2) track.
    • Save project.
    • Do the same for all your projects who have VST2 versions.
    Finally, install the new version (KK 3.0.3) and you are good for ever (eh, for some years at least). No more VST2, no more troubles. :)
  10. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    There is one issue with that I believe. I had very specific settings within the instrument inside of kontakt - I need to recall it exactly the same as it was setup in that project. Doing your method would be starting again with that instrument right? These are finished tracks and I wouldn't be able to recreate them the same if I started from an initialised virtual instrument :(
  11. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Open the instrument from the old version in the new version and save. Replace the actual VST in the track. Abeton always keeps the modulations I add after. What DAW? Or is this all in Komplete Kontrol?
  12. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    I'm using Ableton, and yeah the issue is happening with Komplete Kontrol.

    The Komplete Kontrol devices loaded blank. I've managed to get them loading with Kontakt inside of them now, but Kontakt (inside of KK) is loading empty. I just don't see how replacing the VST will fix it. If I save that and then re-open the project, it will just re-open the new version? It won't recall the state of the old version? Unless I'm missing something..
  13. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Try going into the Plugin Library section in Prefereneces and unchecking the old version of Kontakt
  14. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    I had a look, it was already unchecked. Tried both ways.
  15. FrankPig

    FrankPig Rock Star

    Jan 31, 2021
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    This is a long shot, but maybe worth a try. Look at the dates of the files you are trying to open to ascertain the last time KK and Kontakt were functioning correctly.

    Uninstall Kontakt and KK, and reinstall the versions that you had at that time. EG if the last time they were working was Sept '21, reinstall Kontakt 6.6.1 and KK 2.6.4 (assuming you updated when the software hits the scene).
  16. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    It seems like a stretch to be honest... Look I may not really need it. I have the bounces already in 16bit, I just wanted to re-export in 24bit for mastering. But I'm probably being a perfectionist and it's probably negligible having 24bit files for the mastering at the end of the day. It's not crazy dynamic music. Maybe I should just give up trying.

    Fuck ever using KK again though..
  17. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I get it. Maybe rescan plugins or just remove the .dll from the VST folder. NI is kinda fucking up their platforms. They should focus on Reaktor, but I'm dreaming
  18. bdbr

    bdbr Noisemaker

    Feb 4, 2019
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    Yeah I tried both of those things already :(

    The NI workflow is pretty infuriating..
  19. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    It can be infuriating. I don't know, man. It might be beacause they're from different suppliers. I have 6 and 7 running on KK and Maschine and all the DAWs see them.
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