Komplete Kontrol and Arturia

Discussion in 'Software' started by ohnovaris, Nov 14, 2022.

  1. ohnovaris

    ohnovaris Newbie

    Nov 14, 2022
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    Hello guys,

    I'm new to the forum so don't chop my head off.

    I've bought KK S61 mk2 a while ago getting it cheap second hand and I only used it with ableton integration but today i said hmm i should use the screens on it with KK.

    Long story short I've got legit and cracked vsts and my only problem is that when i try to add Arturia plugins(cracked but with nks integration) it says could not be loaded.

    I've tried every fix on the forum with native access and uninstalling it, I even went further and got cracked KK thinking I could get it to work but I've got no positive results.

    If anyone can help me I would be forevor grateful because I use arturia collection the most in my production and I'm still a brokie to buy it.
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  3. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Hello! (and welcome here :bow:)

    I'm Komplete Kontrol S61 MK2 user too (since one year).

    They're a knwon bug between Arturia plugins (instruments and audio effects) and Komplete Kontrol software/plugin. For example, as soon as you select a preset from the Arturia preset browser, selecting another NKS from Komplete Kontrol does anything. In other words, as long as you don't use the preset browser (from any Arturia instrument), you can switch between NKS.

    This bug was reported many years ago, on Arturia forum (N.I. isn't the culprit).

    It seems the lastest (november 2022) Arturia instruments are fixed (except Augmented GRAND PIANO and Pigments, because they're not updated at the moment). I don't have tested them, however.

    I'm using all legit Native Instruments softwares (licenses are provided with my S61 MK2), plus "Analog Dream" soundbank (bought separately by using coupon). I use demo/trial Arturia (not cracked) just for testing purposes (Synclavier and Prophet-5, in particular), downloaded from Arturia website.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
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  4. Psyevil

    Psyevil Ultrasonic

    Nov 25, 2019
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    You need to have the vst2 plugins in the default vst folder for it to work properly in komplete kontrol
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