KLU (Kontakt Library Utility)

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Fred Bloggs, Dec 19, 2022.

  1. Leo245

    Leo245 Newbie

    Aug 26, 2023
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    I just started making music and wanting to try Kontakt 7. However, I am having a problem with KLU. In detail, I did every steps that you mentioned in the pdf file until the app said "This library appeared to be installed" and would freeze like that unless I press "SNPID Utils". Hence, I opened my Kontakt but the new installed library is unavailable to be used through .nki file (it would appear in DEMO and sometimes won't load the library too). (Im on M1)
  2. Julian Ventura

    Julian Ventura Newbie

    Aug 27, 2023
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    Can anyone tell me how to relaunch KLU (Sorry, very new at this)
  3. sisasmypai

    sisasmypai Newbie

    Aug 17, 2023
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    Hi, I have an old library, NI Synthetic Drums 2, I used to be able to work with it in the old versions of Kontakt, but now that I have the 7 it doesn't shows, doesn't allow me to open the .nki files. I tried to make it work with your app KLU, it's says is added, has created a new serial and NICNT... still Kontakt says the file is corrupt. Any idea how to fix it? Or if you want send me a message so I can upload the library to a host and you can check it out. Thnx
  4. Eulenspiegel

    Eulenspiegel Newbie

    Sep 19, 2023
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    Hello everyone, i´m new here!
    I´m running Kontakt (HCiSO) 7.6.0 /Type Full on Mac m1 OS 13.5.1
    I add some Libraries . They´re working.

    Adding Kontakt Factory Library 2 - visible in Kontakt app- but when im dragging a instrument to open it, it says:
    This instrument belongs to a library that is not installed currently.

    Do i have to install Native Accsess too?

    Any help is appreciate!
  5. alpackski

    alpackski Newbie

    Sep 21, 2023
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    everytime i open KLU im getting the out of bonds error, ive tried a few of the different versions and it still happens everytime i open the app
  6. Faithless

    Faithless Newbie

    Sep 23, 2023
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    Hey guys,

    2015 machine with Ventura 13.5

    I've unfortunately upgraded from Monterey, which ran fine, and with Ventura I can't seem to be able to add any new libraries either with Kitty or KLU.

    There's a common screen (screenshot attached) I get when I select the library to add.

    Basically it has no explanation other than "the library does not seem to be installed.."

    What could be the issue here, @Fred Bloggs ?

    I want to explore my options before turning to the last resort, OS change.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2023

    Attached Files:

  7. Gedalge

    Gedalge Newbie

    Nov 23, 2022
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    Maybe @Fred Bloggs, @belalugosi, @bobdule, or someone else can help on this...
    KLU is Amazing and thank god @Fred Bloggs for this incredible achievement ! It's working fine on my side.
    But lately I've been having issues regarding Libraries Tab order (on the Mac side only, PC side is working fine).
    I've done nothing specific and Kontakt still remembers my specific Libraries Tab order when I change it in standalone mode, but when I shutdown and restart my Mac some random libraries (every time different ones) move randomly down or up in the library tab order. I tried to lock the user plist files (containing user list index information) both via finder and via terminal before restarting my mac and it kinds of do it less than before but instead of messing up with 20 or more libraries it messes now with 1 or 2 libraries (but the problem is they are different each time I restart my computer). Other than that all my Libs official and custom mades are still showing up in Kontakt 6 and 7 and working perfectly. It's just the Library Tab order that I can't seem to be able to keep being the same on app restart or computer restart...It's been a week that this PITA Issue has started, I have searched all the forums I could think of and didn't found a working solution yet...Is there any way I can fix this ? Thank you guys !
  8. Gedalge

    Gedalge Newbie

    Nov 23, 2022
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    OK I tried a couple of stuff including resetting the library tab order via toggling on and off the AZ button.

    I also checked all my user plist files and searched for corrupted ones. I found an empty one that always stayed empty. Kontakt never wrote anything to it and it was an old library that I don't use anymore so I removed it.

    Anyway right now the problem seems to be fixed...for now let's hope it never comes back...what a nightmare...

    But I'm still not understanding how Kontakt 6 and 7 are handling Library tab order nowadays. It use to be pretty simple until Kontakt 5.

    Clearly now it's way more complex and I can't figure it out...

    For example if I modify the "UserListIndex" value in the plist files the library doesn't move.

    Also how crazy is that : when I move 2 libraries in Kontalt standalone the 1st one's plist file gets updated but not the second one, but both lib new order are retained...

    So I guess library order is stored somewhere else ?
    Maybe in "kontaktdb2_56" file or is it in the .bom files ? If someone has any clues on this please do tell !

    It could also help @Fred Bloggs if he still plans to include a Library Organizer like the PC One in KLU. Honestly that would be the last missing piece in the puzzle on the mac side. Finger Crossed !
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
  9. Leslie

    Leslie Newbie

    Mar 29, 2021
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    I soved <outofbounds> Problem
    I'll show you how to do it
    1. Instal Kontakt 5.6.6
    2. add any library
    than startup KLU

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  10. sisasmypai

    sisasmypai Newbie

    Aug 17, 2023
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  11. Havakak

    Havakak Ultrasonic

    May 7, 2020
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    I am using a Hackintosh using AMD Processor on Ventura 13.6

    I have downloaded the latest release from the first message. When I try to run the software I am getting this error:
    "An exception of class OutOfBoundsException was not handled. The application must shut down."

    Any suggestions? Thank you.
  12. blackmonkeys

    blackmonkeys Newbie

    Oct 5, 2023
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    Same problem as other people : "An exception of class OutOfBoundsException was not handled. The application must shut down."
    I'm on a MacBook Pro Monterey 12.7.
    At my work I tried on a MacStudio M1 Max on 12.6.6 and it seems to be ok.

    Do you know how to correct this problem on my own Mac ?

    Thank you all !
  13. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    The exception is thrown when an app tries to manipulate data outside valid ranges. For instance if you try to write into an array variable X(y) with an index (y) is higher or lower as the defined bounds.

    In many cases this happens when the developer dimensions a field too small, for example a year y(2023), when then the year 2024 begins. It is really sometimes such a small thing. Or he has defined e.g. the field for libraries to 500 and then there are 501 libs -> OS throws error.

    The problem in your case seems to be that the developer didn't handle the error because he didn't foresee it. So he didn't handle it to come around small problems -> the program just stops.

    If there is a settings file somewhere (in Windos they are often called .ini), then you may be able to set these limits there.
    Or did you install something e.g. a new Lib and the error was raised the first time then?

    P.S.: Fred wasn't seen a long time (May 2023) so he won't hear about your problem. Try to contact Oly, maybe he can give Fred a hint.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023
  14. delysid

    delysid Newbie

    Oct 9, 2023
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    As soon as I launch the application it gives me this error ´´An exception of class OutOfBoundsException was not handled. The application must shut down.´´ help:sad:
  15. belalugosi

    belalugosi Producer

    Jun 6, 2011
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    As soon I register to a new forum looking for a solution, first thing I do is READ.
  16. Havakak

    Havakak Ultrasonic

    May 7, 2020
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    I have reformatted my drive and installed Monterey 12.7 from scratch back again. KLU 1.2.4 works flawlessly. Thank you Fred.
  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Try installing 1 library using Kontakt v5.6 like how we all used to do, and then just close that Kontakt instance and retry launching KLU. It was doing this on my machine running High Sierra.
  18. Tommyshank

    Tommyshank Newbie

    Sep 11, 2021
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    You sir, are a genius!! Many Thanks
  19. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Hi Guys ! I'm so sorry I stopped answering your posts. I stopped receiving notifications and I thought you'd all lost interest ! Fortunately, I see there are a lot of well informed people here, who probably know my software better than I do :rofl:
    I think your problems are mostly sorted out so I won't be dealing with those, but rather announce that I have posted KLU Version 2 in another thread on the site ! It was a long while coming for many personal and work reasons, but hopefully, better late than never. You can find it here :
    Please let me know what you think on this other thread. We'll keep this one for version 1.
    Hope you all like it, but if you hate it, let me know too :yes:
  20. Fred Bloggs

    Fred Bloggs Platinum Record

    Feb 19, 2013
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    Yup… you are dead right… it's bat programming :snuffy:. Most of these out of bounds errors have been due to no libraries at all being installed on a user's computer, and that error not being correctly trapped in my software :excl:. I did actually trap this but in certain condidions, the errors were still getting through. Hopefully, this is a thing of the past in V2 :wink:
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