Keyscape Unable to access plugin folder at /Users/mansourduffani/Library/Application Support/Spectra

Discussion in 'Software' started by Mansduffani, Oct 5, 2022.

  1. Mansduffani

    Mansduffani Newbie

    Oct 5, 2022
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    Hello Everyone, I downloaded a keyscape cracked version on MacOs (72GB), I followed all the steps very carefully, you will find the steps below :

    The problem is after I installed the software update, I didn't find the Spectrasonics folder in the application support, Even the Steam folder,



    1. Spectrasonics
    Place the «Keyscape» folder to «Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Spectrasonics/STEAM»

    2. Software Updates
    Install the Software update

    3. VST Plug-In
    Place the pre-patched VST plug-in file to «Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST», and replace existing file that got installed with the software update

    4. AU Plug-In
    Place the pre-patched AU plug-in file to «Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components», and replace existing file that got installed with the software update

    5. KeyGen
    Use the KeyGen to generate the Response code


    Moving the STEAM directory after installation (Mac)

    1. Drag or copy the STEAM folder from your installation drive (For Example: Macintosh HD/Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Spectrasonics) to the hard drive location of your choice. This can be another drive partition, a secondary internal drive or an external hard drive.

    Due to the streaming requirements, a Solid State Drive is recommended

    2. Next, hold Command and Option on the keyboard, click and drag the STEAM folder to the desktop to create an alias of the folder named STEAM

    3. Next, move the STEAM alias from the desktop to Macintosh HD/Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Spectrasonics
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